Playing killer is pointless

2 mins in 3 gens gone, 1 hook 2 chases, basically GG. Gens are way too fast now. What is the point of playing killer at all now? I play mostly survivor now anyway because killers are insanely weak. Why is this game so survivor sided? Have many people decided to stop playing killer lately?


  • aGoodOldRub
    aGoodOldRub Member Posts: 267

    Or maybe you shouldnt chase someone for 2 mins, watch truetalent he usually wins against top survivors and yes if both teams are good it is supposed to be a really close game.

  • RipleHHH89
    RipleHHH89 Member Posts: 86

    It wasn't a two minute chase. Also the majority of the community aren't pro players like the streamers who spend the majority of their year playing this game. Why does everyone want extremely fast games? Does the queue times really make it worth it for a 4-5 min game? And with how fast gens go especially with the new false perk ruin doing actually nothing and smart survivors will spread out rather than stick together so thats lots of gens done very quickly. Why do we want quick games?

  • aGoodOldRub
    aGoodOldRub Member Posts: 267

    So many people thinking it is the game and not them making mistakes and not learning from them. I play killer and like 90% of my games are 4 kills I don't see the problem. I even kinda get bored of getting 4 kills.

    You will lose and win like every other game.

    I agree some killers are bad so don't play them if you have fun by getting 4 kills play the top 3 killers I personally play whatever killer is fun to play and even when I get 1 kill those games are always so close everybody is on their last hook etc gg afterall

    here is my profile if you wanna check how much of a survivor or killer main I am from my achievements.

  • ZoneDymo
    ZoneDymo Member Posts: 1,946

    depends on what the point is.

    Just had a bad bad doctor game, still had the most BP of everyone soo yeah.

  • DalauanDivine
    DalauanDivine Member Posts: 126

    If you watch his videos the survivors he faces are potatoes I wish I got those survivors

  • ZoneDymo
    ZoneDymo Member Posts: 1,946

    well you could, its completely random, sometimes you get taters, sometimes you get good players.

  • Jukenobi
    Jukenobi Member Posts: 301

    Hard to move along when I have to sift through 4 pages of complaints about the same thing. If you want to discuss it, post on any of the other threads discussing it.

    For the sake of humoring you. Gen speeds are fine, you clearly just don't know how to utilize gen pressure and spend too much time chasing people. If you're still chasing the same survivor for over a minute, you need to re think your strategy. Make it impossible for survivors to do gens so I can have a 4k every game mentalities make me laugh. The game is balanced around a 2k, 2 Escape gameplay. You're not supposed to get a 4k every game.

  • konchok
    konchok Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 1,719

    So the game magically gives him crap survivors while you get the best survivors.

    I've got some advice for you.

    Git Gud

  • RipleHHH89
    RipleHHH89 Member Posts: 86

    I don't care what you are and what you're not. I'm simply venting my frustration that gens get done so fast games are unenjoyable and yes while you may enjoy the game still as it is there are many who are not, so is it not OK to vent? So gen rushing means killer is bad? There's simply not enough time to get any pressure on. Killer used to be fun I used to only play killer, it's unbalanced as hell right now, but survivors are very strong compared to killers. Shouldn't the killer be stronger? Isn't that the point of a horror game to be afraid of the killer and get a bit of a thrill getting chased. It's not anymore playing survivor is a breeze it's way too easy, I still get 4 K's but it's not fun doing it anymore, had some red rank survivors who were fake reds because they lasted 10 seconds per chase in one game. But most games are extremely fast. Why do people want really fast games? And people comment "oh just apply pressure" but you can't apply enough pressure in 2 mins on these big ass maps.

  • DalauanDivine
    DalauanDivine Member Posts: 126
  • DalauanDivine
    DalauanDivine Member Posts: 126

    Your comment doesn't even make sense so I can beat the people tru3talent faces with ease but I need to get good?

  • RipleHHH89
    RipleHHH89 Member Posts: 86

    Lol people saying git gud when they have nothing of value to say. Seriously if you don't like these kind of posts why get involved with them.

  • konchok
    konchok Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 1,719

    My advice is actually quite relevant here. The problem is not the game, the problem is that you've become reliant on one perk and haven't learned how to play the game without it. So start experimenting, Try different perks out that you haven't tried before. My current build doesn't even use any slow down perks. And you know what, My rank has improved. I'm killing more people without having to rely on slow down perks.

    So instead of wasting your time on the forums, GIT GUD

  • aurum_exe
    aurum_exe Member Posts: 182
    edited January 2020

    Dude! gens are going so fast right now that i depip even if i escape untouched. I need to actually going in search for the killer and beg for a chase XD... LMAO

  • Jukenobi
    Jukenobi Member Posts: 301
    edited January 2020

    If you read my response correctly I was talking about the threads all together not yours. It's actually hilarious, I was going to write "incoming "Typical survivor main response" and you actually did it, typical. Everything I said was constructive to your issue. You just chose not to listen to the simple solution to your problem in game, and some advise.

    Post edited by Rizzo on
  • RipleHHH89
    RipleHHH89 Member Posts: 86

    Lol git gud is such a juvenile response. Seriously mate you don't like these threads so go away and let others discuss. Keep your advice for somewhere your welcome. Bye Mr pro expert dbd killer god seriously lol

  • aurum_exe
    aurum_exe Member Posts: 182
    edited January 2020

    I don't care about fast games, really. I like more longer games. But i can't force my teammates to stop doing gens, and they wanna leave. Killer's territory stinks. XD

  • RipleHHH89
    RipleHHH89 Member Posts: 86

    Seriously if your sick of these threads stop discussing them.

  • konchok
    konchok Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 1,719

    I actually did bring something to this discussion. I suggested ways to adapt. You're the one who doesn't add anything to this discussion. So MR NOOB maybe you should get off the forums and boot up DBD so that you too can Get Gud.

  • Nutty_Professor
    Nutty_Professor Member Posts: 621

    Same question could be asked why do killers want a 4k? The survivors are trying to escape, the best way to escape is by playing optimally. Survivors have got a lot more optimal then they have in the past.

    When I play survivor if I'm not being chased I'll work on a generator or cleanse a totem if I come across one.

    It's the same when I play killer, I'll try and kill all four survivors as quickly as possible. For me I'd much rather sacrifice all four survivors before a single gen is done then ranking up.

    I go into the killer games with the mindset that if all the gens are done quickly, then that's my fault for not providing enough map pressure. I find I have a lot more fun as killer with that mindset.

    With killer if you find yourself chasing a good survivor or you find yourself chasing a survivor into a god loop, don't be afraid to abandon the chase. Also slugging is an excellent strategy at providing map pressure. If you have a survivor hooked and one slugged, it forces the other survivors to get off the gens to help their team mates.

    Yes, I often have games where I barely get any hooks in the game, but those games are rare and I just say "good game, well played" move onto my next game.

  • RipleHHH89
    RipleHHH89 Member Posts: 86

    Best way to escape is for the game to be made really easy for survivors. I play survivor 90% of the time and it's ridiculously easy now.

  • aGoodOldRub
    aGoodOldRub Member Posts: 267

    Can you post your profile so we see how much of a new player you are just enable your dbd achievements lol.

  • Nutty_Professor
    Nutty_Professor Member Posts: 621

    I always send "good game well played" after my games, it's like a end of game handshake.

    Well they did their objective better then I did mine.

    I say this to survivors that it isn't the killers job to provide them with a fun game. Likewise, it's not the survivors job to provide you with a fun game, they're job is to escape. The only person that is responsible if you have a fun game is you?

    I even made a post about it:

    If you go into the game with the mindset that you're the one responsible whether you have a fun game or not, you'll find the game more enjoyable. Rather then blaming the survivors for gen rushing, review your own performance what you could have done differently, to get a better result?

    I've played this game for nearly two years, I'm still always looking for a way I could improve as a player.

  • RipleHHH89
    RipleHHH89 Member Posts: 86

    There's no need to do that. I play on all consoles I don't really like pc. I'm not new at the game either I've played it a long time. And seriously if your just another "oh you must be bad at the game" or "git gud" then maybe you too should move on to another thread you actually have something interesting to say for.

  • RipleHHH89
    RipleHHH89 Member Posts: 86

    It's not fun anymore, I only do the challenges for killer now so I will tunnel and camp one or two to complete whichever challenge I'm on and ignore the rest, Ive lost interest in trying to have a good killer game. I'm just gonna farm for the rift from now on. And then just stick to easy survivor mode.

  • aGoodOldRub
    aGoodOldRub Member Posts: 267
    edited January 2020

    Maybe you should get the hint from most people saying that u are playing badly.

    You only came here to see if someone else agrees with you so you can feel better about you losing all the time ? because I know it is what you are looking for, another average joe looking for emotional approval and ignoring everybody and everything else.

  • RipleHHH89
    RipleHHH89 Member Posts: 86

    No I came here to talk to people who want a reasonable discussion and to vent. What's wrong with that? Instead people like you get triggered by these post and feel you have to give you pointless git guds etc. If you don't like this kind of discussion go to a different thread simple as that. If you don't like don't read. Seriously what's wrong with you or do you just like looking for people to have a go at? You're another pro player too right? Lmao stop getting so offended by these post and get a life haha wow this game has been made super easy for survivors that's the truth, i play mostly survivor so I know.

  • aGoodOldRub
    aGoodOldRub Member Posts: 267
    edited January 2020

    Every response to people who actually tried to tell you something was either "LMAO" or this "haha you mad"

    if someone is mad here that would be you with calling people "morons" and just responding with 4 letter "LMAO"

    nobody is triggered here but you since you literally calling you being triggered and whining here as "vent" like it is any different than another person whining and crying.

    also apparently reasonable discussion for you is respond with "LMAO" and just ignoring anything people say that don't agree with you.

  • Dahliasdollie
    Dahliasdollie Member Posts: 46

    Watch him again. After ruin nerf he has been struggling

  • aGoodOldRub
    aGoodOldRub Member Posts: 267
    edited January 2020

    Killers is hard to play against good survivors but you see if you play right you can have long games with a lot of bloodpoints and ranking up even with 2 kills and red rank and purple rank is easier to rank.

  • Nutty_Professor
    Nutty_Professor Member Posts: 621

    I've just been trying to give you advice how you can have a more enjoyable experience as killer.

    If you go into games with the mindset that you're the one responsible for your enjoyment, rather then it's because survivor "is easy mode" you'll enjoy playing killer more.

    Trust me I know how frustrating killer can be, I play as Leatherface at red ranks. Some games aren't fun and the survivors win, but rather then blaming the game, I just focus on what mistakes I made, what I could have done differently to have a better result. Having this mindset, makes playing killer far more enjoyable.

    I'm currently having more fun as killer, then I am as survivor. In the past two seasons I haven't had the same motivation to play survivor.

  • RipleHHH89
    RipleHHH89 Member Posts: 86

    Nah its not fun having gens pop so fast there's nothing you can do. With just two people on a gen it takes no time at all, I don't want fast games. I want games with lots of chases, lots of pallet stuns and loops and back and forth and hit and runs but it goes so fast now that there's fewer chases. Even playing survivor hardly anything happens, gens need to be longer to complete, but I play mostly survivor so I'm not happy with quick games in that respect either. I feel like people are just saying that it's not OK to feel this way about the game and that it doesn't exist. Well that's fine you don't have to agree but you shouldn't also try to force your opinion on others either. That's your opinion, and your experiences, my experiences in the game atm have been vastly different to yours, and also not everyone has 8hours a day to sit on their arse and play this game like tru3talent, he's a pro player at this game so this comparison is irrelevant.

  • RipleHHH89
    RipleHHH89 Member Posts: 86

    So if it takes 30 seconds to find someone and then 2 people are on 2 gen and another person is on another gen by the time you have that 1st one one gen is done and the other almost done, then by the time their hooked the next gen is done and the other two are on another gen together and it may take 30 secs to find them that's another gen basically done within the first 2-3 mins most of the gens are done and it's basically easy from there, how can you look back at mistakes made when there's just nothing you can do to slow the gens down especially as a lot of the maps are big and a lot of the killers don't have a good ability to pressure well. It's your opinion and I have mine. Thanks for participating in a normal discussion at least unlike others lol.

  • BloodyNights
    BloodyNights Member Posts: 526

    I don't want to be another one of those git gud peeps. But uhhh....I'd try to focus on what you can do as a killer to get more optimized. Better patrolling, better chases, better at realizing when to stop a chase and when to continue it. Knowing when to break a pallet and when not to. Probably a bigger one is knowing what gens to protect, and what gens to let the survivors have because they are simply not worth it. You know herding them into a certain section of gens for example. Lots of things add up.

    You do not need the old ruin to win as killer. But it isn't a cake walk, lots of things to juggle. Practice is really all you need.

  • Nutty_Professor
    Nutty_Professor Member Posts: 621

    How I'm I forcing my opinion onto you?

    I gave you advice how you could slow the game down by not being afraid to abandon some chases and to slug when you deem it necessary.

    Then I also suggested that if you go into games with a positive mindset, you'll have more fun as killer.

    It's no longer 2018, good survivors are no longer wasting they're time healing themselves, they're now more optimal. I was watching an old survivor gameplay video by No0b3, I was surprised how much time the survivors were wasting.

  • BloodyNights
    BloodyNights Member Posts: 526

    That's all you gotta say huh? Just insult me for no reason. Nice response to my post. I'm sorry you are bad as killer. Just stick to survivor and get less triggered dood.

  • Dahliasdollie
    Dahliasdollie Member Posts: 46
    edited January 2020

    So you show a video where there were 2 good survivors and a survivor who kept falling for mind games? First off the ranking system doesnt matter. I can get a 4k with plague and still get brutal killer. Second off i want you to play clown in red ranks and then tell me its easy to get bloodpoints and rank up. Not only that but in the video he brings an ultra rare add-on to see what gens are being worked on. You dont get ultra rare add-ons every game and even so, he only got 2 kills with an ULTRA RARE ADD-ON

  • Lucama
    Lucama Member Posts: 461

    The issue in this thread is people talking past each other.

    One side is saying "it's frustrating playing as killer, and the gameplay doesn't feel rewarding".

    The other side is saying "you need to just improve your gameplay".

    The first side, seeing that their complaints are being ignored feels like they're not being taken seriously in the discussion and insults people. Now neither side is really willing to have a reasonable discussion.

    Now, I agree, killer gameplay is frustrating and way too difficult to feel rewarding for what you achieve. On the other hand, I also agree that people can improve their gameplay. I think almost everyone can improve their gameplay, no one is perfect. What does need to be addressed though is the disparity of gameplay experience as survivor vs killer. Because of how the game is right now, with the emphasis on survivors being able to loop around consistently strong tiles and maps so large that gens can be done in the time it takes killers to cross, Killer is not an enjoyable gameplay experience, you're constantly under pressure to do more things at once with the limited time you're given. Conversely survivor is a rather relaxed experience where you can rely on a teammate to loop a killer for at least 30s, which if all three survivors are working on a gen amounts to more than a gen's worth of progression.

  • Feyd
    Feyd Member Posts: 428

    Ok. My two cent then. This patch made me switch from survivor main to killer. Gens have been completed once in two days, every other game has been a 4k. Playing Legion, Wraith, and the mostly Doc.

    Queues are instant and blood points are flowing like a river. Having much more fun than I ever did as survivor. All the power of the game is in my hands. I even 4k'd on Thompson House, though it was a tough game.

  • Feyd
    Feyd Member Posts: 428

    I think I found your problem. Apparently, you are playing games against 6 survivors,since by the time you're chasing one there are two others on two gens and a fifth in a third gen.

    You shouldn't sweat it if you're playing against hackers. Of course you'll lose. Record that game so you can report it to BHVR.

  • helix43
    helix43 Member Posts: 180
    edited January 2020

    I know the feeling. I played dbd today for the first time in like 4 weeks and it's in such a terrible state. When I played killer I was put on coldwind, red forest and auto haven on all my killer matches, which was extremely stressful because survivors would just run straight to god loops and safe pallets. Then I decided to play survivor, which was extremely boring because there wasn't enough time to do anything or earn a good amount of points, since games are over in 5 mins. And for some reason the devs still say they won't touch gen speeds. 🙄