Looks like Doctor is OP now



  • BulletsNonstop
    BulletsNonstop Member Posts: 364

    via looping and pallets? That’s not what survival horror games are about 😂 a survivors ability to survive is comprised mostly of stealth. Killer Abilities don’t need to bring anyone out of hiding. Your job as killer is to LOOK for them. Not light up the map with static that makes everyone scream 😂 lazy. I’m just saying it’s unbalanced. As a survivor that mostly plays with random people (and most people don’t come in as a team of 4) I feel there’s not enough communication and teamwork to really have 5 long noisy generators to complete because 90% of the time they don’t get done as I’ve been seeing in most of these games because killers mow people down so fast. People back out. How is that fun for 4/5 people of the lobby? My buddy even came in with me and noticed the unbalanced parts of the game as well. So, asking for a little nerf here or a buff there is asking them to change the game? Something has to give. Killers don’t need to get anyone absolutely. That has to be an option. Killers should never be made to feel entitled to any kills. Pressure on killers to protect their generators rather than them sitting on a hooked survivor and waiting until he bleeds out is a problem. They obviously feel too relaxed because, 3 people doing 5 generators isn’t really a priority anymore apparently. I think it’s fair to give more repair speed to those doing generators if killers don’t leave hooks as a way of creating pressure.

  • BulletsNonstop
    BulletsNonstop Member Posts: 364

    *calm spirit is nice but there has to be other ways besides a very specific perk to counter a very specific character 😂 sure less noise when in pain is cool but I think I need room for other things. If I’m sitting completely still behind a wall I shouldn’t get detected but somehow the doctor still makes you scream, the crows already have that part covered if you sit there too long. So I’m confused why it would be okay for anything else to reveal anyone’s position that’s trying to hide? I mean, does someone always have to go on a chase with the killer? Maybe if I could stun him more often or just slow the killer the hell down 😂 the maps really aren’t even big enough because I think there needs to be more generators.

    *Lockers are too obvious most of the time and very sporadic. Adding let’s say, maybe hatches to hide in as well might make the killer spend a little more time looking for someone trying to hide.

    *gen rush - 😂 I’m sorry there is no gen rush happening in most of these games. Although it is possible and I’ve seen it happen. But more often than not while playing with random people it doesn’t get done. I’ve gotten to my first gen and people are already dying. Why is he right next to me at the start of a match 😂 put the killer up on a hill or something lol

  • The_Horde
    The_Horde Member Posts: 107
    edited February 2020

    How often have you played as a killer? As a survivor main who plays killer sometimes I can tell you that the game is not killer-sided. Play as a killer and have 2 gens pop before first hook and see how much fun it is. Asking for survivors to be as fast as killers is more than a little buff here or a little nerf there, that changes the entire dynamic of the game. Considering the fact that survivors get a warning well before the killer can even see them, the killer would never be able to catch up.

    Also I disagree when you say that strategically out maneuvering the killer is not what horror games are about. Running away from a killer is a very large part of the horror genre in general, be it video games or movies. How much fun would it be if gens were done even faster, the killer couldn't catch you, and you could just hide the entire match?

    You want to be a final girl, but you don't want to put in the work.

  • BulletsNonstop
    BulletsNonstop Member Posts: 364

    I’ve played killer enough to know that having no heartbeat i.e Michael Myers (also insta killing on 2nd hook is ridiculous too) and invisibility is nonsense. Who cares if two gens pop on first hook, that’s the most ridiculous defense I’ve ever heard. Like I’ve said before killers should never be entitled to hook or kill anyone. That’s not how games should be. It is killer sided up the ass and if you don’t see that it’s because you’re either oblivious to The fact that squads Of 4 all randoms don’t have a chance most of the time. People back out when they go down and instantly other 3 are behind. The reason I say Killers are way too fast is because survivors have to go around obstacles a LOT and killers can easily cut them off. With such little amount of retries due to insta killing on 2nd hook , hook camping , invisibility , no heartbeat, killers Ability to keep up during chases making them hard to shake unless i pallet loop them? Stupid. I Am just saying it’s just not fun watching teammates get slain and back out before getting hooked and whatnot which really makes it unlikely other 5 gens will get done. I think encounters with killer are happening too fast. Put him on a hill or in a shack like Jason has to be in F13 lmao give me a pocket knife to stun his ass for grabbing me. Killers don’t need to feel entitled to get kills every game. Only way I ever see all 4 get out is if the killers going easy on us on purpose and that’s not right. Sorry, games definitely killer sided.

  • BulletsNonstop
    BulletsNonstop Member Posts: 364

    I see it that way playing from the perspective of the lone queued up survivor. But I’ve also played killer and I just felt bad.

  • FSB75
    FSB75 Member Posts: 474

    THIS x 1,000!!! I was Billy main until Doc came out. Doc was always strong with properly timed interrupts and gen jockey. I didn't want the rework, I don't care for the changes. Leave Doc alone...I just want all this attention to die down before something's else gets changed...

  • BulletsNonstop
    BulletsNonstop Member Posts: 364

    Yes running away from the killer is part of a survival horror game but it seems short lived most of the time as killer can get quick flanks and you can’t really stun or fight back to defend yourself before getting hooked the first time. Heaven forbid the game puts a one time use pocket knife in the chest to get away once you’re caught.

  • The_Horde
    The_Horde Member Posts: 107

    You say that a killer isn't entitled to a hook or a kill every game, but you're not entitled to survive every game. I play 99% solo and the only time I have a problem is when my team is overly altruistic or farming WGLF. If gens were done any faster there would be no point in playing, literally no point.

    I hate the "git gud" trope we see a lot here, but it sounds like you're having a hard time adjusting from F13th, or you're just trolling and I'm taking the bait. Either way enjoy your time in the fog, and remember, perfect practice makes perfect!

  • BulletsNonstop
    BulletsNonstop Member Posts: 364

    It’s not about getting good man I thoroughly believe killers are too much in this game. It doesn’t feel like half the time I go in there by myself I’m getting out alive so that means somethings wrong. I’m seeing the same killers all of which are either invisible, no heartbeat or Doctor who just presses a button and everyone is going mad. No generators done. I just think survivors don’t need to get wrecked every game. I see the perks, I see what counters what. But I don’t think any counter should be reliant one any ONE perk and that’s it. For doctors ability, calm spirit or hiding in a locker? That’s IT?! If I’m hiding behind something he doesn’t deserve to know where I’m at. Unless I’m sprinting around I can understand.

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  • BulletsNonstop
    BulletsNonstop Member Posts: 364

    Doctor does not need to know where everyone is at the push of a button man. What’s the point of hiding? What’s the point of even playing that’s not even fun 😞

  • BulletsNonstop
    BulletsNonstop Member Posts: 364

    calm spirit is not sufficient. I believe if you’re still or crouched it should ignore effects of doctors ability just like the hag traps and most other things. No way in hell a killer deserves to know where anyone’s at because he can 360 spam a button and the whole map lights up (a little exaggerated but that’s really what it feels like) I’m sorry that’s not fun for a game that’s basically cat and mouse, hide and seek, whatever you want to call it. Hide and seek feels more like spawn and die lol

  • BulletsNonstop
    BulletsNonstop Member Posts: 364

    While playing by myself with random people I am seeing that Killers are most often more efficient than survivors. 5 gens is either too much or slow the killers down just a tick. The maps aren’t even big enough for teleportation and doctors crazy shock ability that just reveals everyone’s position on the map with the push of a button, it’s just too easy to catch people and there’s not enough to do on survivor side besides push LB and RB on everything and run loops when you inevitably get caught working on a LOUD LENGTHY generator. How about 4 gens and 4 survivors. How about a repair speed boost for survivors working on gens while killers are camping hooks ruining someone’s game. Killers just don’t have pressure to get off hooked survivors. It’s too fun to be a killer and survivors are pretty much punching bags on a consistent basis. Survivors should be able to survive 50/50

  • BulletsNonstop
    BulletsNonstop Member Posts: 364

    I don’t agree with you that if gens were being done faster there would be no point. I mean, why does the killer have to get at least 1 person every game without trying just camping on the hook? How is it that all 4 survivors shouldn’t be allowed to survive sometimes? (Without killer intentionally allowing them or just being really bad 😂) killers are just too efficient a lot of the time lol

    so... I’m saying it’s a penalty kinda thing. there wouldn’t be any point in playing if gens were done faster because you’re hook camping? 😂 I think it’s a reasonable penalty

  • BulletsNonstop
    BulletsNonstop Member Posts: 364

    ability called indolent killers repair haste effect or something

  • BulletsNonstop
    BulletsNonstop Member Posts: 364

    It’s about pressure on the killer to keep playing hide and go seek other people

  • BulletsNonstop
    BulletsNonstop Member Posts: 364
    edited February 2020

    my vote is to weaken Doctor. Anything that gets a survivors position revealed that isn’t the survivors fault shouldn’t be in the game. Regardless of 1 perk that counters it, that’s just not enough. Wraith shouldn’t be invisible and heartbeats should ALWAYS be a thing. If you tamper with that you really ruin what hide and go seek is all about. The killer doesn’t always need to find someone particularly because ones life is extremely valuable being that upon 2nd hook, one dies immediately. Give survivors more of a chance. I really believe killers are frequently too efficient. I am aware of perks that counter certain killer abilities. But it is not enough for how people that play the killer behave.

  • BulletsNonstop
    BulletsNonstop Member Posts: 364

    I think they are entitled to survive at least half the time. Going into a game I am telling you this from the perspective of a lone survivor I can tell you more often than not 4 survivors are not handling 5 gens very well at all. 1 person makes it out IF we’re lucky 😂 killers are really efficient.

  • Sleephartha
    Sleephartha Member Posts: 242

    I’ve been running Calm Spirit since it just makes statistical sense that you’re gonna play vs doctor right now. Even with CS though doc 4ks a lot because finding survivors at will is pretty gd strong. Also he’s much better at preventing survivors from vaulting and throwing pallets now and that makes it even worse. In most games he finds people immediately and then they either dc or he hooks, static blasts, and finds the guy nearby who was going to save. Now clearly if everyone played smarter and didn’t get so close to hook knowing he’s going to blast, or hid in a closet right after he hooks, things might go better. But currently doc is destroying teams. Worst kept secret: there really aren’t that many good runners and loopers out there, at least on PS4. So being able to find survivors at will is pretty OP right now.

  • DocFabron
    DocFabron Member Posts: 2,410

    Every killer is OP somehow.

    Except Clown, I've never seen anyone complain about Clown yet.

  • DeathBeam
    DeathBeam Member Posts: 259

    Learn counterplay instead of wanting nerfs to killers you don't know how to deal with.

  • namjuunn
    namjuunn Member Posts: 43

    backwards skillcheck is cool lol but doc aint bad literally one of the few killers i like to go against with

  • Wylesong
    Wylesong Member Posts: 642

    I think the best way to make killers stop camping is if you see him camping do two things. As the survivor on the hook do your best to stay on the hook as long as possible. Then step two as the other survivors go and finish as many gens as possible. The moment he sees 2 or 3 gens pop if he doesn't leave then, then keep going and finish and laugh when he gets less then 10k blood points from hooking one survivor once. You are right though about dumb survivors unhooking others right in front of the killer. That is a dumb move that cost the entire team points because you did not get a safe unhook. Play smart please fellow survivors. The only time I take a fellow player off the hook when a killer is camping is when a exit gate is open and i am not injured and I have borrowed time.

  • BulletsNonstop
    BulletsNonstop Member Posts: 364

    Hey man I’m sorry this game doesn’t really seem fair to people playing survivors. Then when I try to send my thoughts about what needs to be addressed I get shunned by killer mains. It’s nonsense 😂 I go to a game like Friday 13th and I have so much more fun dying in that game because I feel like I have more of a chance. It’s more balanced and fun. At least after I die I can look back and say “oh I should or shouldn’t have done that and maybe I would have lived” ... this game I use a perk called deliverance and 2nd time I get hooked I get insta killed? What’s the point of the perk? Why do I see so many useless perks that require specific things to happen for it to be useful? Why can’t I stun the killer with more than just the 5 pallets that are on the map? 😂 (exaggerating but I really don’t see how pallet stuns are effective unless you’re looping them - which isn’t very fun and not effective Method on every map) I mean the game doesn’t give survivors alternate means of escaping like counselors do in F13. It keeps the killer guessing. None of this camping nonsense and swift deaths because the game can’t fix the hook mechanics or pressure the killer more to find other survivors. Because most killers know you can’t do 5 gens with 3 survivors where 1 survivor is probably wasting time making a rescue attempt (which is now 2 doing 5). Killers leaving you bleeding on the ground or picking you up and dropping you over and over. Too much bad manners and undeserving kills for killers. The game makes this killer faster than survivors, okay, so maybe put out a few 2x4s or lead pipes for us with a one time use or something so that way if we’re in a chase we can stun and get away. Windows don’t work and killer seems to have a god-like reach to be able hit people through windows the way I’ve seen in this game. That’s ridiculous. Pallets .... i just don’t see enough on EVERY map where they make a difference. Killers are faster than the survivor in this game which makes pallets futile method of escaping the killers grasp. Unless you “pallet loop” but that’s not why I bought a survival game 🤷‍♂️ Just saying. Lmao. I’m a customer too.

  • BulletsNonstop
    BulletsNonstop Member Posts: 364

    Predict static blasts. Hmm. How about if you’re standing still you just don’t get affected by it? Hag can be countered by crouch walking so why shouldn’t this one be unavoidable via crouching or standing still at least? Tell me why I’m on the other side of the map from the killer and getting affected by it still? The range is a little ridiculous. Lockers and calm spirit are the only effective ways of avoiding it? A perk that’s so specific to one character? 😂 stop it. Use lockers when the objective is to repair gens? I can’t spend time in a locker as often as doctor spams his static blasts. I don’t see much value in your argument To defend Doctor.

  • BulletsNonstop
    BulletsNonstop Member Posts: 364

    Learn to route and loop. Is that why people bought a survival game? Stealth should remain a viable option in every survival game unless the player makes a mistake. I am not making a mistake because I couldn’t predict where Doctor is literally rapidly spamming his static blast that’s unavoidable from across the map. He either needs less range on that ability, or for the survivor to be able to crouch or be completely still to avoid it. Why can’t it be that way? Killers are allowed to be lazy because of the push of a button revealing everyone’s position? Now he doesn’t have to do his job and SEEK people in a game that’s basically HIDE and SEEK? 😂

  • Wylesong
    Wylesong Member Posts: 642

    Well I have to say killers need to be faster than survivors or it would be a never ended chase and the whole time your team would be popping gens. I agree about the window thing though. There is nothing more that pisses me off in this game than trying to rush vault through a window only to have the killer still hit you. I will say I am not a killer main but there is many ways to escape killers other than pallet stuns. I watched other skilled players to learn and one way is to vault the window and as the killer vaults it to you can run back up to the window and it confuses the killers most the time and they follow the scratch marks leaving you alone. The other thing is this game unlike F13 is more a game on skill and sneaking around. That is why there is not any weapons because you suppose to use more skill other than stun and run. I play both games and I will say I feel this game takes more skill. I mean heck you fail a skill check here and the killer knows. If you miss one in F13 it just takes you longer. The other thing I have to say that is wrong with F13 is fellow players sabotage you WAY MORE than they do in this game. Also there is many useless perks in F13 as well. In the end both games have their issues but for me DBD will always keep pulling me back. I can turn on F13 and I either escape in 5 minutes or die in 10 because teammates like to sit there and watch you do all the repairs and then die and they take your car or escape using the boat or whatever while you lay dead. lol

  • CrassardStreams
    CrassardStreams Member Posts: 179

    A Doc running Unnerving Presence, Distressing, M&A, Iron Maiden is pretty terrible to go up against, but even if you're not running that "meta" he's gonna end all your loops locking you out of actions if his timing isn't terrible and good lucky avoid him without just.. always running calm spirit which is kinda ######### aside from this new doc fetish everyone has.

  • BulletsNonstop
    BulletsNonstop Member Posts: 364

    It’s not that I don’t know how to deal with him, I just believe he has too much range. Or that people should be able to crouch or stand still (Maybe while also not interacting or repairing) to avoid it. Don’t be so reliant on ONE perk to counter it or hiding in a locker. That’s not enough. I get hit with madness when I don’t even hear a heartbeat ? Nah... I’m sorry that’s not okay.

  • BulletsNonstop
    BulletsNonstop Member Posts: 364

    Also, trapper has too many traps for the percentage chance to get yourself out of one is so low that you might as well let the killer kill you 😂 At most, a trap should reveal your position, injure and set you back for a moment. Not force the player to attempt escaping a trap over and over again. It’s just not that serious. The traps are reusable and can be hidden in the most OP places because there are literally bushes everywhere 😂

  • Dokta_Carter
    Dokta_Carter Member Posts: 614

    Okay. THIS is 100% bait. It has to be. If nothing else was this def is

  • BulletsNonstop
    BulletsNonstop Member Posts: 364

    Okay. THIS is 100% All I play is killer guy who is either really oblivious to how these are real issues or just doesn’t care. The entity insta kills me on 2nd phase after getting unhooked (whether it be me or someone else well before the 2nd phase kicks in) 😂 Killers are faster than survivors why do they need abilities that allow them to be invisible without a heartbeat and push a button that tells you where everyone is because their going mad and scream 😂 The range and combinations of abilities need to be limited a little bit. Or countered by standing still or crouch walking. Not by a specific perk from a specific character 😂 Spine chill doesn’t give you a directional cue. Unless you’re letting me see the aura of this invisible heartbeatless wraith I don’t think that’s fair. Wraith can hit pretty fast out of uncloaking. Okay, so wraith got you once now you’re on a chase. Hooked. Get off, nah he’s invisible again so back on The hook you go. insta killed by entity. That was fun. 5K bloodpoints for survivor. Killers got a million bloodpoints for that match. It’s just ridiculous 😂 like tone that down a notch. If my life is that valuable that I can’t go back on the hook a 2nd time because the entity insta kills then make the killers approach more predictable than that. Better survivability via prevention. Killers are already faster than the survivor. So how about Aura perks within certain ranges regardless of invisibility 😌 or just don’t allow killers to be heartbeatless or send shock blasts through the entire map (Doctor) making everyone go insane.

  • BulletsNonstop
    BulletsNonstop Member Posts: 364

    Or... if we’re all meant to die most of the time. Make it fun lmao in Friday 13th it’s 1v7(8) and counselors can fight back. I’d say killers got it pretty good in here.

  • BulletsNonstop
    BulletsNonstop Member Posts: 364

    1v4 and killers complain about certain survivor perks? 😂 you’re lucky we’re not beating your a$$ with a 2x4 stun locking you. Nah you just get to slay with little resistance. And it’s only 4 people on these tiny little maps where you’re allowed to one hit survivors, use god-like reach to thwart someone on the other side of a window, hook camp, watch survivors bleed out on the floor, have the most bloodpoints earned at the end of a match, disconnect the lobby if you don’t like how things are going because youre host and can’t kill all 4 survivors every game so you throw a fit. Killers are entitled. Please nerf them a tad. I thought this game would be more fun to be a survivor. I thought wrong. This is a killers playground not mine 😂 I came in here to die. I’m not trolling, I’m a customer and I’m very frustrated with what I’ve seen. 5 gens can be rushed but I’d like to see some things be toned down a little or more preventable than what’s available. Players should never be penalized by doctors abilities if their standing still or crouched don’t be so reliant on a perk or a locker that’s just not enough if our objective is to repair gens then let us do that if we’re out of range. Right now it feels like his range is the entire map when he uses his ability. And he can spam it? Nah put a cool down on that

  • Dokta_Carter
    Dokta_Carter Member Posts: 614

    Dude talking about "real problems" is not what your doing.

    If you want this game to be like F13 go play it. Two different games.games. stealth is an option but if your making a game Stealth shouldn't be the be all end all where one side has to capitalize on the others mistakes to a win.

    And if you say "If the killer doesn't find a survivor its their fault" can be said the other way around in this case.

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243
  • Hopesfall
    Hopesfall Member Posts: 828

    you can still vault and drop pallets, and it takes less than 10 seconds to get out of it and drop back 1.. not that great of a hindrance unless you insist on clicking a flashlight mid chase

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243
    edited February 2020

    You're implying madness III should prevent survivors from using pallets and vaults?

    Survivors need to be able to defend themselves if they are in madness III because if they couldn't, what's going to prevent Doctor from getting getting survivors to madness III and getting free downs?

    That would be OP, survivors shouldn't be defenseless while in madness III. Anyways, I do agree they should increase the time it takes to Snap Out of It by 6 seconds since they made madness drop to tier I from performing that action.

  • Broccoli_Jaeger
    Broccoli_Jaeger Member Posts: 252

    So DS, DH, SB, Adrenaline, Unbreakable and Borrowed time are overpowered aswell because everyone is using them

  • Mr_kodeo
    Mr_kodeo Member Posts: 4

    Everyone is complaining how OP doctor has become, and how he is impossible to counter when in reality he has just become a better killer than he was before.

    In my opinion, doctor has become a fairly good killer to play and is fine how he is. Survivors always complain after a match that it's impossible to hide from him and that he should get nerfed, well that's stupid since that's how your supposed to play him.

    And besides, playing doctor wont always mean that you'll certainly win. Sometimes I can get everyone down, and sometimes I can get no one. If people complain that doctor should be nerfed, then I can complain about how stuff like flashlights, Dead Hard, Borrowed Time, Decisive Strike and Sprint Burst are OP and need to be nerfed.

    Survivors nowadays are just salty.

  • Murdle
    Murdle Member Posts: 119

    He's overpowered cause he denies your use of windows and pallets COMPLETELY as a survivor.

    It's too much honestly that he's able to spam that ability which is most likely why you won as well the ability to locate survivors extremely easily.

    Doctor has way too much. I can go on for a few more paragraphs explaining what he does as well as why all of his ######### added up is too much for one killer to have but I'm too lazy to type that much. We all already know.. Definitely try to play a balanced killer that actually requires effort.

  • 28_stabs
    28_stabs Member Posts: 1,470

    Matchmaking should be nerfed. Too ez to rank up for those who shouldnt rank up. And I dont talk about looping skills.

  • Vidal_Signz
    Vidal_Signz Member Posts: 14

    It doesn't matter what add-ons/perks you use... Doc is OP as fudge now. The only real issue he had before was having to switch from Shock Therapy to Treatment mode. They fixed that, and I'm all for it. Everything else, namely Static Blast, is just overkill. He dominates.

    Just last night I was playing with a friend of mine. I am rank 10. My friend is 12. One of of our teammates was a Rank 20 noob, but the other was a green/yellow rank like my friend and I. The Doctor we played was Rank 20. He had one level one perk on, and no add-ons. And he DESTROYED us.

    I was first hook bc match spawned me right by Doctor and he hit me with Static Blast within first few seconds of match. He didn't see me, he didn't know I was anywhere near him. But that's Static Blast for you.

    I was saved, then he attempted to tunnel me, but I lost him. My rescuer wasn't so lucky. The Rank 20 died first, then my friend. The other remaining player and I finished last gen, then split up and each headed for an exit. He caught the other player at the gate. Dead on Hook.

    I hadn't even gotten to the other gate yet, and I was hurt... So I decided to head for the hatch as I had passed it earlier. I was on my way and Doc had no clue where I was until..... Yep, Static Blast. 4K.

    I realize this is just one example, but it could have just as easily been any of a number of matches I've played against Doc since rework, and it alwasy comes down to Static Blast. The ability takes zero skill whatsoever. You don't even have to aim it, and the range is stupid far.

    Add that on to those annoying backwards skill checks, and the spending half the game trying to get a safe enough distance to snap out Madness before your character starts screaming bloody murder and giving your position, and you have a killer that is just zero fun whatsoever to play against. (Especially when the one thing that might have saved you, DS, fails)

    It wouldn't be that bad, except that apparently everyone either knows he is OP or is just choosing him to get around DS, but over half the matches I play on any given night now are against Doctor. Yay.

  • Owlzey
    Owlzey Member Posts: 442

    I don't see how static blast can be OP. You can avoid the shock by entering a locker when you hear him charging up + it has a 60 second cooldown...

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