Killers should use current matchmaking to they’re advantage

I think killlers could learn from the high skill level survivors so when matchmaking goes back to normal they can have a breeze


  • Mercury
    Mercury Member Posts: 326

    First of just it sucks that they have to go through a match learning against people that tend to be extremely toxic once they spot someone, who has yet to get to know the game in the right way. That just blows man and it's not nice...

    Secondly: "High skill level survivors" - Sadly this doesn't always fit with 'High rank survivors', simply because it's sooo easy to pip up as survivors it's maddening.

    I don't see, how making low rank killers sit through a lobby with 4 rank 4-1 red ranks is a nice, enjoyable or learning experience.

  • Goat_Worship
    Goat_Worship Member Posts: 73

    If you want to pip as a killer, you just play legion. You can probably get 4 man outed and still pip just by running around stabbing everyone.

    I've been having tons of 3k depips or 4k safeties as trapper because I place good traps and get 0 chaser emblem.

  • YaiPa
    YaiPa Member Posts: 1,929

    BHVR will learn something from this matchmaking situation, that low rank killers tend to drop the game sooner if they go against high rank survivors.

  • hanniballecturer
    hanniballecturer Member Posts: 31

    To really learn, you need a mix of wins and losses. In chess, for example, you're learning the most when you're winning about one-/two-thirds of games.

    That's not the experience of most non-optimal killers these days. There is little room for casual killers and little room for them to learn.

  • Mikeasaurus
    Mikeasaurus Member Posts: 2,327

    This post just blows my mind. At what point does a low level/new killer get the chance to even learn against a team who can loop them into oblivion, or repeatedly tap gens and the newbie doesn't realise they did it. More to the point, a killer being placed against that kind of skill level would only lead to them quitting the game. Nobody likes coming to a game feeling like thats the only thing that awaits them.

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    Yes having the game end in under 5 minutes is a real learning experience...

    Killers can use the current Q-times as an advantage though. I know i'm dodging when i see more then 2 toolboxes and i think i'm being generous with that

    You could easilly dodge every toolbox and still get games quicker then survivors

  • Goat_Worship
    Goat_Worship Member Posts: 73

    To be fair, most of my early games as a killer were me getting stomped over and over, even years ago when I first started playing. You only really learn what windows are god windows by getting looped at them.

    But I can see how it would be especially bad for new killers right now.

  • Mikeasaurus
    Mikeasaurus Member Posts: 2,327

    Oh totally agree. When I first started last year I got owned so many times as Killer. Even now I still haven't mastered the best loops, but with the current state of the game, and matchmaking, it's becoming more and more frustrating for new killers to even get a chance to learn

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    That's what I'm doing. Matching with survivors of my rank is practically a guaranteed 3k.