is it just me, or is killer not as fun anymore?

i don't know, this is probably a really common thread nowdays, but it's becoming a little bit harder for me, as an individual, to have fun as killer. primarily because i'm forced to "go hard" most games nowadays, rather than being able to just relax and have fun. i'm all for competitive gameplay and all, but it feels like you have to sweat more and more just to be able to achieve a decent win, and there tends to be subconscious stress and frustration with it.
this is an open discussion by the way. please don't say things like "git gud" or "just don't play killer" either, you're not contributing to the conversation.
I enjoy playing because potatoes make killer less stressful. Of course if I face 5 non-potatoes in a row I'm swapping to survivor lol.
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i understand you. it's always nice to get the occasional potato, but it seems like the more altruistic side of survivors have been coming out recently, and i've been facing them more than i have with potatoes. and i can't quite switch to survivor either, since i deal with many more problems there. (i'll save that for another thread, though.)
but that kind of takes the fun out of most of the match for me; i like to be able to move freely rather than patrolling one specific area! D:
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I think it can be very stressful sometimes. Still the best counter to every killer is doing the gens and that applies a lot of pressure on you.
I dont think you would want to go out of your way and "go hard". So the best you can do is play for other things than kills or pips. When I got really frustrated but wanted to keep playing killer I just played for 4 bbq stacks. And if a game seemed manageable without sweating too much I went all in.
Ofc your killer rank matters here, too. On R1 I get a lot of inexperienced survivors due to the easy pip system, or lower ranks because of the matchmaking. So over all red ranks feel easier as killer atm. What I've seen regarding the lower ranks as killer, I think it can get pretty tough when matched with higher ranks than your own.
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I mean, I am competitive but I like to chill and have a relaxing game most of the time. If I wanted to be stressed, I'd play Siege or League. I find it difficult to enjoy Killer, I'm not arguing their current power, I'm just saying it isn't fun.
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Yeah, i never used Spirit fury with enduring before, but now it's easier to waste 2 perk slots and tank pallets than it is to mindgame and actually catch survivors.
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i keep getting red/purple ranks at rank 16 killer and demolishing them with ghostface using bbq&c, Distressing, Beast of prey, and Discordance. Then again i do have a lot of time in game and as ghostface so i guess it kinda makes sense.
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You have to make your own fun as killer... playing the way the game wants you to isn't fun for a lot of people...
You could just go for the BBQ 4-stack and everything after that is bonus points.
You can meme. Teabag-off as Ghostface. Pretend to be a survivor as Pig. Do a basement build.
You can play killer and make it your goal to earn as much BP as possible without pipping. I'm still trying to perfect this at rank 18. At that rank, you can pip without killing a single survivor. So far, I either have to go afk as soon as I get the BBQ 4-stack, or I can play all match but have to refrain from hooking all 4 survivors.
You can play hide-and-seek all match, pretending like the four survivors are the monsters and you're the victim.
You can put on the Doc and do nothing but shock them all match. Just don't 3-gen them for more than 10 minutes, as then it becomes holding the game hostage.
You can use a killer you're not good with, put on one (preferably crappy) perk, and either see how well you can do or try on purpose to play as poorly as possible, whiffing and never getting a single hook...
(These are just some examples of dumb things you can do to relieve the stress of playing killer.)
Also, I play whichever role has the shorter queue time, because if you're waiting in a long queue, you're more likely to be frustrated if a match goes poorly, whereas if queues are quick, then it doesn't matter if you get tunneled out as survivor, and it doesn't matter if you throw the match and meme as killer, because you get into another match right away.
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I'm having fun with Ghostface, Wraith, Freddy, Spirit and Jumpscare myers before they nerf them.