To all the people who think keys are the same level as mori

I laugh at you due to how naïve you are. I know some people are going be like “Well just don’t get hook” eventually you will be hooked if you make a mistake in a chase bloodlust etc which is bound to happen unless the killer is god awful. Moris are not on the same level as keys as keys require more work and effort to uses while moris are easily usable after the first hook if you are decent at catch survivors OR just tunnel of hook.

People who say keys can quickly end a match just like a mori is again just naive and ignorant IMO. A killer will never make less than 5k points with a survivor using a key. The game has to go on for some time to eventually use the key unless you are the last survivor In which you already have kills not to mention you have to find the darn thing (hatch) in the first place and not die to use it. IMO keys are fine.

1 or 2 people escaping with a key though the hatch is fair IMO you already have 2 or 3 kills. Not to mention hatch only spawn when 2 gens are left for 2 people in which one survivor has to run a killer for at least 200+ seconds this includes gates and finding another gen. Which majority survivors can’t even run more than 20 seconds.

3 people escaping through the hatch is debatable because it depends on how the went. If you were a grade A douche this is fair that they were able to leave and you should be penalized for it. If you played fair and played well-rounded game I can see how this feels like you were cheated from the game. Which again it’s why I said 3 is debatable.

4 people escaping requires all the gens which mean the game is almost over anyway. 4 people has to be are still alive and there’s a chances were you probably would’ve gotten 1 kill or you weren’t gonna kill anyone anyway if they weren’t of death hook and even so survivors can just bodyblock for them to the door if you aren’t using NOED.


All I’m saying is Mori’s are not on the same level as keys.


  • yutycorn
    yutycorn Member Posts: 246

    I think keys were always frowned upon, because it relates to the hatch. The survivors really just have to press m1, avoid the killer, or have a strong survivor get chased. Which is likely where it stems from, those gangs of players that strive to be cancerous. I mean, I've felt cheated at times when I outplayed the survivors and felt I had a good chance at a 4k. I like the whole 50/50 encounter with a last survivor, because it gives us both a chance to find hatch. Even then, it isn't over, because they have to open a door. Keys just remove that entirely.

    However, in contrast, as a killer, I only use mories for dailies, and keys whenever I wanna see the obsession. Gen speeds make key plays less satisfying for me. But that is my thoughts on it.

  • Speshul_Kitten
    Speshul_Kitten Member Posts: 1,861

    Keys make me feel robbed as a killer when the survivor would have otherwise died. It’s a free escape card to whoever doesn’t bring Franklin’s.

    Furthermore, someone can always pick up your key, regardless if they’re eliminated by a Mori early in the game.

  • BloodyNights
    BloodyNights Member Posts: 526

    I do believe that Mori's are far stronger than keys, at least when you tunnel someone and delete them right away. Usually when the survivors are down a player is when things start to go down hill. So knocking that out early almost guarantees your win.

    That being said, Keys can make a killer feel slightly robbed, they might have had a tough time protecting the gens and managing chases, but set up a 3 gen lock. They know survivors have no chance of finishing the lock that they worked to herd them into that terrible position. Only for all the survivors to suddenly jump through the hatch and escape. Feels bad man. Though I don't think it feels as bad as being the first one found, and killed right away.

  • Aura_babyy
    Aura_babyy Member Posts: 583

    You need to work hard to set up a 3 gen lock? Just sit in a general area and patrol the same gens?

  • BloodyNights
    BloodyNights Member Posts: 526

    I like that, that was all you took from my post. But fine, sure if that's all you do that isn't hard. But actually playing the game, and also protecting a certain set of gens can be difficult.

  • Aura_babyy
    Aura_babyy Member Posts: 583

    If the survivors catch on to what you are doing yeah it could result in a few 99%s to bait you out

  • ausanimal
    ausanimal Member Posts: 542

    Would you say the same if they made keys a offering like mori's and not a item and would work the same way as mori's each color allows so many people to escape with that person. That is one reason why keys are stronger is because they are a item and one can be found in the match it's not like a killer can find a mori halfway into a match.

  • illusion
    illusion Member Posts: 887

    I haven't played killer long enough to be annoyed by keys, but considering that you can hide in a locker the whole game and still escape by using the key, I don't really see it as being better than using a mori. The killer has to do some work to get that mori, while a survivor can escape using a key and accomplish almost nothing in the game.

    I was once in a match where I was hooked, and there were 3 of us left. One survivor was in the distance, but making her way toward me. The other was crouching on the far side of the map. The other survivor got downed and hooked, while the third survivor remained crouched on the other side of the map, same spot, not moving. My only guess is that he/she found the hatch and was waiting for us to die.

  • Nameless
    Nameless Member Posts: 869

    Because holding m1 for 80 seconds requires so much more work than chasing someone and downing them? Neither require much effort or skill.

  • ermsy
    ermsy Member Posts: 580

    Keys and mori's are more or less the same in terms of fairness. But saying that keys take more work is simply false.

    If I'm a killer I have to at least hook a survivor once which isn't hard but it's still something.

    If I'm a survivor with a key I don't need to do anything, I can sit there waiting for either the gens to be done by other survivors or wait for other survivors to die.

    Both should be nerfed as they have little counterplay and are unfun to go against.

  • BloodyNights
    BloodyNights Member Posts: 526

    Well in all honesty an offering would make keys more powerful. At least outside of finding a random one in a chest. The killer can bring in Franklins, or a Mori to counter keys if he sees it in a lobby. Or the dreaded lobby dodge that many killers like to use to make the survivors queue times even longer. If it's an offering the killer can't do much about it at all. Without DCing whenever they see a hidden offering like some survivors do when a killer's offering is hidden.

    I do believe Keys should be less commonly found in matches, though I also feel like in bloodwebs Mori's are far more common than keys.

    But'll probably never change my mind about Key's being stronger than Mori's. Mori's can make a game near unwinnable very quickly. 4 man escaping with keys = all gens, 3 man = 1 gen left, 2 man = 2 gens left, and obviously the last person alive doesn't matter. + Finding the hatch.

    Mori is hook and delete.

  • Mringasa
    Mringasa Member Posts: 980

    I like to burn a Shroud when I smell an SWF sometimes. It's almost always a DC before the match starts.

    Just bring Devour Hope. It's your Mori in a bottle, and some of the totem spawns I've been getting are really good. Out of 4 matches tonight, managed to get moris in 2 of them, with one the totem destroyed early, and the other totem destroyed at 4 tokens. Much prefer this to an actual Mori because the DCs are nuts if you have a hidden Offering as a Killer.

  • Primalux135
    Primalux135 Member Posts: 1,045


    Can put strong addons

    You dont lose it after the match even when used there are addons and offering to not lose it.

    Even all ur team can escape the map.

    • There are able to find on chest
    • There are 2 kinds of keys that open the hatch.


    -Consumed when used

    Cant be found in the trials

    You cant put addons (its an offering)

    You are not able sometimes to execute everyone (if team is good SWF maybe just 1)

    I dont see the OPness of Mori

  • EldritchElise87
    EldritchElise87 Member Posts: 628

    Keys should have a short activation time of a few seconds, and should only let the person who used them escape.

    Moris should require you to hook all 4 survivors once before being active.

  • PrettyFaceKate
    PrettyFaceKate Member Posts: 1,776

    They're both unbalanced unlockables. One is more unbalanced than the other, but they're both OP.

    Moris (ivory and ebony) are more effective than keys when used correctly (i.e. tunnel a survivor early). This almost always grants a 3-4k, unless the killer is a real potato.

    Keys are not on the same level of power, definitely not in solo. They're not a free party escape even in a 4-men SFW, because of the hatch spawn mechanic. They obviously allow escapes that would have been kills, but they don't hold the same potential to save 3-4 people as moris (even just ivory, which is all one needs) have the potential to give 3-4 kills.

  • ermsy
    ermsy Member Posts: 580

    True, mori's are more powerful than keys but the same key can be used over multiple games with add-ons which brings it more on par with mori's imo.

  • emeraldx107
    emeraldx107 Member Posts: 8

    Always thought of keys as more relative to Noed than moris. A killer can get thrashed all game and still walk away with several kills thanks to Noed and maybe overly altruistic survivors. Well if your team gets destroyed, all 5 gens up, killer closes the hatch and you still get to escape as the killer will most likely go check a door. Not like the thing is useless during the match either. Killer tracking, killer item tracking etc. The killer can't just find a mori either

  • Lowercase_Symbols
    Lowercase_Symbols Member Posts: 18

    I only agree with the fact that Moris are stronger than keys but, keys are literally the survivors free escape card after you already killed 2/4 people. As a killer you don’t even pip off of 2 kills which in my opinion isn’t fair to the killer at all. Yea survivors have to have a certain amount of gens done just for it to spawn but that’s still complete bs when a gen can be completed in 80 seconds. That’s still without another survivor helping you on a gen which can cut that time in half and that’s still not including toolboxes.

    I think moris and keys are equally unfair for both sides and shouldn’t even exist in the first place. Keys can be a guarantee escape and moris can be a guarantee kill. The only real difference between the 2 is you still can’t pip as a killer if you mori everyone which is why you don’t see them that often unless you play against rank 12-9 killers. Keys still give you a guaranteed safety pip or pip in general depending on what you did in the match.