Recent ruin nerfs made 70% of the killers unplayeable+ Rank system broken

Perhaps even more of that.

I have 1000 hours into this game and it is just extremely sad to see how it is now. Ive been rank 1 on both sides multiple times

Recently I bought Oni and demo because they looked fun. Well theyre both unplayeable now. Oni got fixed but with the current gen speed at high ranks(basically 3 gens for the first hook in general, at the very least 2 and then the game is usually over very soon) any killer thats kinda slow is unplayeable. Any trap killer, or killer with few map control. I wanted to play demo and try fun builds but thats not happening. Even with competitive builds most killers are just not playeable right now, if you want to get kills and/or pip.

And it just makes me super sad, and its the long run its guaranted to make the devs lose money and players.

Ruin was bad in the first place, all you had to do was adress the gen speed which somehow theyre still ignoring as this date. The old ruin was unfun for new survivors but was the only way to buy some time at high ranks.

I am tired of having to play Hillbilly,Nurse or Spirit if I want to do well at high ranks. I cant even play Huntress anymore which was my favourite killer

Not even mentionning the incredible toxicity, especially on survivor side(I play both side), when you get tbagged all game because they know they clearly have the power role

Again, I'm not a killer main, in fact for the last couple of weeks/months Ive been playing more survivor and it just disgust me to see my team mates tbag and b toxic all game because they have all the crutch perks like BT,DS and stuff like this. It's just getting out of hand.

On top of that, and yes, thats another topic, even playing solo survivor is not fun now. With the new rank system at least I didnt have to grind all the ranks again, but for what? Now that i'm rank 1 again, I get matched with 1-2 rank 15+ EVERY game. Whats the result of this? Well people stop soloQ(which I prefer) and start going SWF with coms, which is terrible for the game.

Currently, the game is in one of the worst state it ever has been, and unless devs are starting to wake up and make some massive changes(map designs, gen speed, swf) it's just going to get worse and worse.

I could make a list long like my arm of all the issues this game is facing currently but it wouldn't matter because the devs ignore everything that is linked to balance and prefer to be in another universe, as we've all seen in the last dev stream.



  • Aura_babyy
    Aura_babyy Member Posts: 583

    That's still not 3 gens though

    I need someone to show me that, I have yet to see that happen to myself or any of the streamers I watch

  • Aura_babyy
    Aura_babyy Member Posts: 583

    That actually helped see it. Seems right.

    Though in those very same 2 minutes he got 2 basement hooks

  • Rasinbran
    Rasinbran Member Posts: 240

    Yeah well if people were seriously that dependent on ruin to be somewhat decent then good riddance.

  • camman0000
    camman0000 Member Posts: 35

    time to just run noed on every killer and facecamp, why not? if the devs are gonna make killers less viable then we much change tactics and secure a kill. I would rather look like an ass than be gen rushed every game to a 4 escape

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 5,229
    edited January 2020

    I've been finding it funny how if you lose a match, survivors are like "Imagine being so bad you had to _______" then insulting them more.....and it's like, if they are THAT much worse than you are, why are you playing against them? If anything you should be congratulating them on completing a match far out of their skill range regardless of the outcome if they are bad as you say they are.

  • The_Grim_Reaper99
    The_Grim_Reaper99 Member Posts: 53
    edited January 2020

    Mat, the lead dev said the same thing back in the day on a stream and look where that ended.

    No offense btw

  • Steve0333
    Steve0333 Member Posts: 529

    What's even crazier is that only one survivor had a toolbox. Imagine if they all four had one.

  • ThatLaurieMain
    ThatLaurieMain Member Posts: 16

    yall, quit whining already and learn to play the game. imagine being dependent on ruin loool

  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,455

    Well it's their game and they can destroy it if they want to. There are so many other games out there anyway.

  • Endstille
    Endstille Member Posts: 2,246

    Well if you do want to win you basicly can only do one thing as killer right now, assuming that the survivors are not utterly ######### that is, 3 gen. At the start of the match do not bother to initiate a chase right away, check which gens are very close to each other.

    After you found those, protect them at all cost. This means you have to often drop chases, 20sec is the maximum timer for a single one because you have to keep in mind that if the survivors are not #########, they gonna do one of those gens as 3. Try to take down pallets and all the stuff survivors do have for chases, create a deadzone. I suppose you can use surge, pgtw, thrilling tremors in order to prevent progression.

  • Primalux135
    Primalux135 Member Posts: 1,045

    Because that claudette risk to finish the gen before killer comes if not it would be a hit and a persecution, the story would be far different that will be ended with 3 gens done 1 almost done

  • AStupidDavid
    AStupidDavid Member Posts: 156
    edited January 2020

    I'm going to tell you a secret: old ruin in the red ranks never lasted for more than a minute, and most of the times it only lasted for 30 seconds

    And so I wanna ask you: how could a minute buy you enough time to go from a 1k to a 4k?

    Also another secret: there's a perk called corrupt intervention which is 10 times better than ruin, I use it myself with the killers that you say are "unplayable without ruin"😉

    Ps. If you think the game is in one of the worst states it has ever been in then let me tell ya: you know nothing, Jon Snow. You should definitely go check a couple of 2016 dbd gameplays and then come back bud.

  • I live these videos ♥️

    2 reasons.

    1) ######### a duck, 2 gens got popped insanely fast, still left with a 4k, like all us great killers do 👍

    2) This is not camping, well not in the "toxic" way, this is smart. There's 2 in the basement and a gen needing about 15 more seconds before it pops, so he did the right thing here. That's why killers get a basement structure. Only a really stupid player would love from that location.

  • Star99er
    Star99er Member Posts: 1,452
    edited January 2020

    Well from the recent Dev Q&A it seems like they’re going to nerf toolboxes which seems fair considering how easy it is to gen rush at high ranks now. The question is though, will it be enough?


    Post edited by Star99er on
  • TheLegendDyl4n1
    TheLegendDyl4n1 Member Posts: 1,493

    im playing killer, went from rank 15 (decayed) to rank 3, and only played doctor, used spies from the shadows (lvl 3), bbq (lvl 1), shadowborn (lvl 3) (i would switch this to light born if i saw 2 flashlights, considering the fact that almost 75 percent of the time, the first time they go to flashlight you at pallet, they sit there and waste so much time i get an ez down), and pop goes the weasel (only lvl 1), i was just trying to save up BP to prestige doc again so these were the perks i had, and i would usually use add ons that increased his static blast, and increased madness inflicted by static blast, usually yellow, but sometimes purple, and then i would prestige and usually have only the same perks. so ruin is not required, most killers just have used it as a crutch and need to learn how to apply alot of pressure without it.

  • StingyJack
    StingyJack Member Posts: 12

    I 100% agree, OP. I want my money back.

    I've had this game for several years and, honestly, if I would have known that it was going to turn into a survivor playground where a killer is just present but basically powerless, I would not have spent a penny.

    I've bought every DLC, both Rift passes and have gotten three friends to buy this game and I regret all of it and seriously feel like it's the duty of the Devs to just refund me for all of it. It was falsely advertised and it's been mishandled repeatedly.

    My survivor matches are over in like 4-5 minutes now and often I have minimal contact with the killer because they are too busy sweating their asses off trying to aPpLy PreSSuRe to actually do anything. My killer matches are almost guaranteed to be a bad time unless I play with one of three killers, which is boring AF and means I wasted my money on the rest of them.

    I want my money back.

    P.S. Dont listen to the people who are saying "Get Gud," they have likely never played killer in their life outside of yellow ranks, or just never at all, and have become entitled by all the privilege the devs have given them and their swf buddies.

  • DanteMorello
    DanteMorello Member Posts: 142

    Amen. Old ruin was like training wheels for high ranks, but at the same time was destroying low ranks.

  • kurgan8282
    kurgan8282 Member Posts: 264
    edited January 2020

    the problem is that we already have a lack of killers, if it goes on like this it will become a huge problem.

    I suspect rank system is not so broken, simply there arent enough killers and that's why we often see yellow or even brown ranked killers against red ranks survs

  • Endstille
    Endstille Member Posts: 2,246

    Funny, considering it was changed due to unskilled potato survivors.

  • ZtarShot
    ZtarShot Member Posts: 838

    I really don't think gen speeds need addressing, just better map design so all killers could be viable.

  • Liruliniel
    Liruliniel Member Posts: 3,047

    I've oddly done well with the Ruin changes. I've stopped seeing the bad player's bringing toolboxes and dedicated gen builds last few days. They are starting to realize it's bad and boring for game health.

    Here's the kicker I play a play a lot of Trapper, Hag, and Pig all of which are bad for the current meta as your post states. I feel more like instead of actively pursuing a path to getting better your still being held back by the memories of Ruin. I never enjoyed the RNG of Ruin so I moved past it a long time ago.

    You mention rank a lot about how it appears at high rank, but truthfully Rank has not mattered for a long time. Ya it gives some indication of skill, but mostly it gives more like "Time Invested Into the game". With the recent changes to rank reset you'll see a lot more boosted people then ever before. People that clearly should not even be green rank at red ranks.

    I think you suffer because of the lack of experience on Killer or your overcommiting more then you should with people. Both Oni and Demogorgan are viable at any rank, but you need to learn when and where to push and give ground.

    Either way I wish you luck.

  • BigClap
    BigClap Member Posts: 4

    This is happening to me. I'm usually not a red rank but when this last rank reset happened I was fine with it but when I go in at Rank 20 and get a rank 12 in the match thats not right(not saying I'm always grey ranks) but I was thinking if i were a new player playing as killer and I got a match like that I wouldn't be happy. Usually I play Killer so I don't know the struggles of being a survivor but for the killer part of that I understand. And I hate being tbagged because they know they are going to win. And it sucks.

  • Warlock_2020
    Warlock_2020 Member Posts: 1,867

    Pure BS. I've been playing mostly low tier killers all week and getting 3 and 4k in 80% of my matches. Trapper, Wraith, Pig, Plague and new Doc. When I use Ruin, which is more than I used old 20 second Ruin, it works just fine with the build.

    The over reliance on ruin is the problem of most of the killers who are complaining. It became a crutch. They formed bad habits and don't want to admit they need to adapt.

    I'm playing ranks 1-5 all week and have no issue beyond the occasional 4 man hit squad that chooses a large map. Ugh.

  • Pennosuke
    Pennosuke Member Posts: 100

    HeavenRoad : "Recently I bought Oni and demo because they looked fun. Well theyre both unplayeable now."

    Also Me : *Always use Demogorgon for piping in red ranks without Ruin*

    // I really wonder how did you played him? becuase I always play him as a gen protector.

    I usually get 4K when there are 1-2 gens left and it's fine since the new gatekeeper emblem system, only few times that I got 0K if the survivors side are really good.

  • monstermaster42
    monstermaster42 Member Posts: 81

    I had a trapper game where they finished two gens in maybe two minutes, but then they tragically all died before any more gens got finished, i find certain strats are unplayable but the killers all seem the same, except doc of course since he got a rework, and new ruin is stronger i think, hell i may even consider running it now, but i wouldnt want the games to last over thirty minutes lol

  • UnXcep1ional
    UnXcep1ional Member Posts: 16

    As long as people keep complaining BUT CONTINUE TO PLAY THE GAME AND BUY DLC, what reason do you give the devs to change anything? Zero reasons. The only way to effect change is with your money and time.

    Stop worrying about toxicity in the game. There's currently 0% chance that anything will be done about it. Instead, challenge yourself by playing with different perk combinations, add-ons and even Killers that are not considered strong. Don't EXPECT a 4k every game.

    Come up with your own reasonable win condition or some positive outcome as a goal for each game - something that you can achieve easily. For example, try to have multiple survivors in the injured state at the same time; just make up some silly goals for yourself that you know you can achieve; the main thing here is to maintain a positive mental attitude.

    Avoid Hex perks, if you can. Hearing that explosion and seeing one of your perks destroyed does not help your confidence.

    Identify and Target the weaker survivors. Don't play nice and don't play by made up survivor rules - slug every chance they give you. Look for free hits. Maximize every opportunity to gain momentum. Be disruptive.

    My game goals/activities (these vary with each killer just be creative):

    - 1 hook within 60 seconds.

    - 3 in Injured state simultaneous

    - 1 Slugged and 1 Hooked simultaneous

    - End one chase within 20 seconds by downing survivor

    - 1 grab (on hook save, gen or vault)

    - Red glow Mind game survivors at a loop 3 times

    - Hook snipe 2 Survivors

    I think you get the point. Just make up little silly challenges before and during each game. The main thing here is to find little victories throughout the game to stay positive.

    You and I both know how incredibly easy it is to play Survivor, which is why more people play Survivor. Keep that in mind as you play. As the Killer, you're playing an incredibly difficult game. Set some reasonable expectations for yourself and keep your chin up which will go a long way in strengthening your competitive mental attitude and prevents the weak-mindedness that so often pushes players to take the easy road of Survivor-main.

  • gatsby
    gatsby Member Posts: 2,533

    Legion has pretty good map pressure and is relatively easy to pip with. Although, I know the people on the forums think they're trash.

  • bear_tuck
    bear_tuck Member Posts: 3

    Yeah. I love playing at red ranks and repeatedly running into the same survs. I have a few of them friended now because i keep seeing them like every game. Worst part is that half of them are toxic af and i see them every game. I just run some killers and loadouts for fun and not to win. But since i went against them before they feel like they have to be toxic af and make sure to brag if they get out.

    But hey, max queue time is like 30 seconds. So yay?

  • Psypho_Diaz
    Psypho_Diaz Member Posts: 185

    No not really, most of the time it's eaten up by finding a survivor in the first place. If you take 30 seconds to spot a survivor 20-30m away, it'll probably take another minute to down them unless you have some sort of insta down. 90 seconds for 3 other survivors on 3 separate gens is enough to complete them all.

    I think that's the real issue with this community and the devs. Being oblivious to math.

    If gen speeds are untouchable then simply add another gen (especially on the larger maps, unscaleable my ass). Instead of 8 gens with 5 gens needing fixed, make it 9 to 6 or 10 to 7. This adds more time without needing to change gen speeds or "adjusting" tool boxes. With this method, map variations are limited only by the devs creativity and the size would be scalable.

    Personally I've been on a mission to get face camping / camping but seeing the ######### the killers side has been getting from the devs, I no longer blame them. How else are they suppose to do their jobs when the game itself holds the survivors hands.

  • SageRL
    SageRL Member Posts: 5

    I’ve had a gen be done within 40 seconds of the start of a match as trapper, the major problem with this change is like everyone else has said they made it too early and they made it without thinking of the consequences they had a ptb but that was useless since they didn’t listen to our feedback. The ruin changes destroyed slower killers like trapper who needs time to set up traps around the map that’s easily a minute or 2 of your time wasted and before I’d be okay with losing a gen or 2 but I’d be setup with good traps now if you do that unless you have corrupt and even corrupt isn’t as good you will lose 3 gens. They should made changes to the maps since some maps are still god awful before introducing this new ruin.

  • Psypho_Diaz
    Psypho_Diaz Member Posts: 185

    Wow, bringing up camping again. Nice. Let me guess chasing one of the 2 survivors he clearly saw wasn't an option. Faking a Chase and doubling back wasn't an option. Spawn killing in FPS is probably "morally viable" in your opinion to, cause it's the"smart" way to win right?

  • Boodge
    Boodge Member Posts: 19

    You are implying the only way to do well before the update was to use ruin, which is false. I stopped using ruin almost a year ago, and still frequently 3k as any killer. I get adept achievements in one of my first 3 games as new killers after each update (in red ranks).

    A lot of killers are struggling right now because the way they play has been forcibly changed. It is understandable that many are feeling too weak. After a period of adjustment, they will learn to play without ruin and do as well as they did before.

  • skoopydoo
    skoopydoo Member Posts: 24

    Sounds like you're not a red ranks player without ruin. The better killers can stay at red and you can move down to purple or green where your skill level is.

  • Mak0
    Mak0 Member Posts: 251

    Another day another ruin thread

  • HeavenRoad
    HeavenRoad Member Posts: 78