The main buff I want to see for Bubba.

His chainsaw revving, movement speed is too slow and the survivor can do the tinniest of jukes to avoid him completely. It needs to be buffed to at least 100% to be usable in chase. Currently Leatherface needs PWYF to use his power in chase (except in deadzones).
About time this neglected horror icon get's a buff/rework.
It is usable in chase...bubba mains are disappointed by your ignorance.
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I main Bubba and no it ######### isn't unless the survivor is a dumbass.
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He just needs Insidious as basekit.
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My bias is I'd prefer Bubba get a lot of quality of life changes that both discourages camping and increases his ability to mind game by faking out Chainsaw Sweeps. Such as no movement speed penalty when cancelling Chainsaw and giving him a automatic start to his power when 100% to avoid those times you'd let go of the power at 99%. Although I'd agree with some other tweaks Bubba should get a movement speed increase while reving his chainsaw. Only ever so slightly though.
It is usable in chase but you always have to be right on top of the survivor to use it properly.
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I thought that aleready was
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Yes, Bubba chest protector will be the new meta!
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My idea is to make him 120% base speed and 132% when using his chainsaw, he can use it indefinetely similar to billy but with a lot more mobility, he would move with his chainsaw similar to how he does in the movies
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We already have a Billy clone (Oni) I'd rather Leatherface stay a defence killer like he is in the original. Bubba never left the house until he went after Franklin and Sally.
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Smaller terror radius and faster saw charge would fix most of his problems. I'd like to see something that interacts with totems or hooks since that's his thing in the original
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You mean like a passive or secondary Ability? That could be interesting, I like that idea.