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Mori Offering Changes

This topic was brought on by LoverOfDemogorgon, but he had different views on it. You can check his post of you want to learn about them. However, I will only be displaying my views because this was an interesting idea that I never thought about before.

Personally, I think this is how it should be.

Cypress Mori stays the same

Ivory Mori only works if someone left the trial via Escape, Death, or DC.

Ebony works per generator completion. For example, if 2 generators got done you can mori 2 times. The reason why this is a good way to change ebony is because it prevents gen rushing and it doesn't easily punish people for playing with uncooperating teammates or just have bad luck with the trial and end up getting nothing done. Also, this will force the killer to hook some people in order to get iridescent medal making it less OP.

What do you think? I am open to discussing this