My Opinion on the Event

I can't really say I'm happy with it. For one thing, it's no different from Howling Grounds besides the prizes being new. And as for the prizes, the weapon is ok, but the shirt is way too lackluster to be worth it, in my opinion. Then there's the fact that the devs didn't prepare for the event. This was supposed to bring in new players, but with the crashed servers, this will most likely leave a very poor introduction to DBD.

As for what I'd hoped for, better rewards, for one thing. I would also have liked if the devs were better prepared for the event. They should've been ready for an influx of players and took preemptive measures to make sure the worst didn't happen. I know the devs really have their hands full with the balance of the game, right now, but I think the events need more to them. I think that, during an event, a new game mode should be introduced which you could play to get the prizes. It doesn't need to be a permanent part of the game, but it would be a way to shake things up so that the events felt more unique. I know this would be a lot of work, but I think it would be worth it to make sure the game doesn't get bland. I don't think this will happen any time soon, since the devs have their work cut out for them, at the moment, and they'll have to come up with ideas for new game modes, which would take time they don't have right now. It's probably selfish of me to want this, but I think it would benefit the game if things were shaken up now and again. It would probably make the events less common, but would rather have a few unique events then the same thing over and over. This is all my own opinion of course, but I thought I'd voice it and hear what everyone else thinks. What's your opinion of the event so far? Would a new game mode for events be asking too much?


  • ShrimpTwiggs
    ShrimpTwiggs Member Posts: 1,181

    @WhateverIGuess said:
    Well, there's some hopeful people out there (like me) who hope they redo the Kate shirt just like they did with David's chinese new year jacket.

    First off, why did they delete her bracelets and rings?

    Yeah, but the devs already have a lot on their plate as it is. With things like the report system and balance issues, I don't know if they'll get around to improving the prizes.

  • Delfador
    Delfador Member Posts: 2,552

    Yeah I really am disappointed by the rewards. All I care is bloodpoints right now.