DBD Favors Survivors (a core gameplay discussion)

This will be updated regularly from my discussions across all posts I interact with sorry if its not coherent or bad english this will be almost entirely from on ps4. Since launch I've had over 1200 hours of play most of such in the first year as survivor however since que times this past year are so bad I've become a killer main simply for instant ques vs 20 minute ques for a 5 minute match.
I'm not gonna really mention perks or powers yet here. I'd like people to change some of my mind on this
Time to repair a Generator 80seconds solo survivor. The Generator regresses taking a maximum of 320 seconds to regress from 99.99 to 0%
if a killer kicks a gen repeatedly and a survivor stands behind it and repairs it the entire time The survivor will overtake the killer.
While random you can expect any longtime player to always hit great skillchecks to reduce this 80 second timer anywhere from 2 to 16 seconds all depending on luck of appearance.
Personal experience I've not seen a Generator blow, I go most killer nights without ever seeing an explosion. Sometimes 3 or 4 rapidly in a row with a fast vault or two on top but only the across the map to distract me over.
Survivors have 3rd person while killers have first person...
So right off the bat killers have less map awareness and consistency view less information then survivors. Spinning your camera angle can make it so even facing a wall let's you look behind you or around your surroundings.
Maps cant be memorized because of the generation. So how quickly you view and learn key points and how they relate to get an understanding of the paths matter, giving a huge advantage to survivors. Think of the way you could memorize a hallway at school vs how you could memorize the entire layout if the roof was off.
4 person vs 1
Means theres a massive opportunity for co operation and matchmaking means it's always 4 vs 1. Hook diving, chase rotations, callout spotting...
You can pretend that going alone is difficult but that's a choice. Its massively easy to build a freind list of people to play just dont be an ass.
Being a team means playing different roles and having different builds so 12 total perks while the killer has 4 and those 12 can counter any killer if used cooperatively
And while a killer only gets one offering survivors get 4. Each could be used to distance the hooks, spawn chests or darken the map all at once while the killer might get to offer a map choice or bp boost.
Killer add ons are always consumed while survivors can 99% tools every match, as well as trade or farm for items from chests. So you need to put more resources and grind every step of the way on killers making killer power ups far more rare.
Every survivor is cosmetic, while killer powers cant transfer in the same way tools can meaning more resource must be poured into each and every killer while any survivor can run any perks and have any tool and addons.
And while 4 people can brand new part toolbox at the same game, killer will only ever have 1 (or two as some killers) ultra rare game changer
You can hear the killer coming at all time with heartbeat and actively hide from them all match.
Poor hitbox and collisions combined with the red stain means you always see a hit coming and can 360 or dodge
Two health states, 3 hooks, 4 survivors
Played the correct way is 12 chases that people fail for 2 hits in a row or 24 separate chases assuming survivors uses the adrenaline they get for free every hit to give distance. Or juggle to full health healed survivors
The killer reasonably has 12 objectives to balance between 4 people while survivors have to do 5 gens and gates so 6.
And the hatch opens for free no matter what on the last guy.
I get that perks and powers can sometimes mitigate this. I do get that. But every power comes with a cooldown or drawback and every single perk a killer has, has a survivor perk to counter if not more then 1
And the worst part about that is... the killer has 4 perks and survivors have 12. Only one has to run small game to completely erase all killer hex perks. Only one has to run spine chill or deva vu. They can each play a different build and theres nothing a killer can do to beat 4 different builds in one match.
Sounds to alert the killer
And skillchecks as well as everything else
The game is only built for survivors to die if they make mistakes and get caught. If you play a long time you dont make these mistakes.
I haven't missed a great skillcheck in at least 200 hours of Dbd. It really speeds up the game. The moment I hear the heartbeat and crouch and wonder a few feet behind a tree and like magic he cant find me 90% of the time especially early game. Because his view is literally limited
And with sprints and pallets I can put major distance between me and the killer and the only way he can catch me is line of sight bloodlust or taking the inside track of the run. Any player past the 20th match takes a look around the gen and plots a route out before they settle into the skillcheck game. Its not hard.
No matter what killer I'm against so long as I have a group with me we can stun the killer out of a grab by going down behind windows with flashlights or going down under pallets. And there is nothing to stop two people from diving the hook at a facecamp killer tank a hit and watch him cry as the 3nd person gets me off and we all run out and the 4th pops a gen during the whole deal.
--My thoughts on Camp and tunnel--
Can the killer reasonable find. Chase. Down, hook someone else in the same time 60 seconds or is it better to wait the state out.
Logically speaking each hook is one of 12 killer objectives. While each survivor has 1.5 objectives per game of 6(gen+gate)
If you want camping to change you have to give them more reasons to leave.
If you want tunneling to change you have to severely limit what an unhooked survivor can accomplish to make going after a fresh survivors worthwhile.
Tunnel vs juggle is an easy choice if both are in front of you I'd rather reduce my objectives from 12 to 9 and increase survivors objectives workload to 2
NOTHING and I mean NOTHING you can nerf will stop tunnels or camps you have to encourage them to leave and juggle because if they dont think it's more beneficial or fun for killers then killers wont change.
SECOND CHANCE survivor perks-
"Leaving a survivor on the ground means ds did its job and it came into play by giving them a chance to be picked up
Picking up a survivor with ds means ds came into play as they will jump off your shoulder.
A single survivor running ds automatically gives the other 3 survivors ds because the killer has no information to determine if they have it or not.
DS comes into play the second a single survivor equips it.
The only way to prevent BT is to magically get 32m away from the hook before the guy hiding in the bush rips them off the hook.
Using BT within 32m of the killer instantly puts it into play even if the killer doesn't chase because they know there is no point.
Waiting out the BT timer still serves its purpose because it is long enough to reach pallets or god window and allows the survivor to stall more time while everyone else holds m1 on gens.
Dead hard, when used correctly for distance to extend chases and reach pallets they they should not be able to get to can't be prevented by the killer.
I am sorry, but even good killers can't prevent second chance perks coming into play." Stolen comment from (snozer) he put it all best
This horror game quickly became a scooby doo simulator really quick. Anytime someone can dance and tbag an immortal killing machine and get away we all have to admit that this game heavily favors the survivors
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I laughed so hard
After just spending an hour typing all this on my phone
I could not have asked for a better first response.
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Interesting take. You laid out the core of the game but to me it didn't really explain why it is survivor sided.
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Just skip to the last minute for my response on that