Tunneling is a valid strat. If you don't like it, bring anti tunnel perks.

MTK Member Posts: 77

Time and time again I see survivors in post-game chat complain about being tunneled and I'm ######### because I have to resort to it to get 4k. They say things like "get good, ull never improve if you tunnel for kills." I usually play ghostface at red ranks with some demogorgon here and there.

My point is simple. If you don't want to be tunneled, bring anti tunnel perks. I've seen really good survivors who take DS, DH, unbreakable, and know how to loop for an extended chase. Those people don't get tunneled for obvious reasons and thus have 0 need to complain about being tunneled themselves. The person who was complaining of being tunneled ran Plunderer's Instinct, Self Care, Botany Knowledge, and Lithe. I'm like okay.. what exactly were you expecting to happen? His response is something like "I don't bring anti tunnel perks because I expect killers to not be a b***ch like you who tunnel." But doesn't that just mean you decided to cash in on a non-anti tunnel build, while expecting to reap the benefits of an anti-tunnel build because you take it for granted that killers won't tunnel?

This is the #1 thing I don't understand about this game's community. I play both sides, currently rank 3 on killer and rank 4 on survivor. When I play survivor and run an altruistic build like We'll Make It, Pharmacy, BT, DH, then I'll accept the consequences of being tunneled if the killer realizes I'm not running DS. It's basically a game of rock paper scissors. Don't like to be tunneled? Bring anti tunnel perks, at the cost of losing out on perks with other benefits. Don't expect to kill two birds with one stone, by bringing all the perks that give you advantages in other things and then telling the killer that they shouldn't tunnel you for it because it's "bad manner."

TL;DR - If you don't like being tunneled, then bring anti tunnel perks. If you bring other perks to reap other benefits, then don't hate the killer for punishing you for it, because he's not responsible for turning a blind eye to your own build's weaknesses.


  • DocFabron
    DocFabron Member Posts: 2,410

    I don't tunnel if I have enough pressure going. But when generators start getting rushed, I'm going to start kill rushing.

  • MTK
    MTK Member Posts: 77

    I do feel that they are problematic in really higher up red ranks where everyone and their grandma will take DS DH BT Adr/Unbreakable(Adr seems to be more popular in NA, I definitely see more unbreakable in regions like Korea). I think the issue with DS is that it can be used as an "im invincible" card that goes outside the boundaries of anti-tunnel that it was originally intended for, especially paird with unbreakable. But there are already a lot of posts out there covering that issue

  • RobMeister88
    RobMeister88 Member Posts: 351
    edited January 2020

    Telling entitled people (survivor mains or not but it's mostly survivor mains) to accept that things won't always go their way? Oh man, that's a risky move. I love how killers are meant to have this "skill" and work extra hard to get all 12 hooks without "scummy" plays yet no one expects survivors to be skilled and loop killers to avoid getting tunneled. Everyone can tell killers to "git gud" and it's seen as constructive feedback but doing the same for survivors is seen as moronic babbling nonsense.

  • OMagic_ManO
    OMagic_ManO Member Posts: 3,278

    God forbid that I make Survivors have a bad time.

    It says it in their famous "You can and can't do" quotes.

  • ZoneDymo
    ZoneDymo Member Posts: 1,946

    yeah thats what I want, more incentives for survivors to bring the meta... great.

    Idk each their own but idk why you even play this game if you tunnel, like what is the point if you just go for the easiest cheapest stuff?

    Its like playing dark souls with god mode on... why even do it then?

  • ThisLadyRightHere
    ThisLadyRightHere Member Posts: 195

    I only say tunneling is acceptable under certain conditions and that it. It’s still dirty and cheap but under the right circumstances it’s ok.

    this post is like what Majority of naive killer main keep saying Tunneling is a strategy when in reality it’s not, it’s a bad and unhealthy playstyle you think it’s necessary when really you just need to GET GOOD, because your lack of skills surely is showing to do.

    It’s funny how you just tell survivors to RUN META PERKS when there are other perks some survivors wanna use and shouldn’t be force to change them Because killers like you wanna play CHEAP during the beginning and middle of the game. killer main Come to FORUM and COMPLAIN about NERFING DS DH ADRENALINE AND BORROW TIME But yet you use this cheap pathetic strategy? I just see ignorance.

    THEN killer mains complain about survivors DCing from the game because they play LIKE this when You are asked for it. Then again comes to FORUMS complaining about activating a DC penalty. I’m so done. Some killer main are serious ignorant.

    Y’all don’t realize you are the cause for survivors META PERKS. It’s why a don’t complain about DS Adrenaline BT and Unbreakable and why I don’t consider them as CRUTCH PERKS because they are not. They are working how they are supposed to, but it punishes FAIR and Well-Played Killers at the same time because of it. The only TRUE CRUTCH PERK is Dead Hard and it’s half broken anyway.

  • GhostofYharnam
    GhostofYharnam Member Posts: 597

    Do what must be doneDo not hesitate. Show no mercy.

  • Johnble
    Johnble Member Posts: 175

    Learning how to adjust one's tactics and not relying on perks helps on both sides...

  • PapiQuentin_
    PapiQuentin_ Member Posts: 889
  • RobMeister88
    RobMeister88 Member Posts: 351

    So using common sense is a cheap move? Yeah let me give the guy a chance when I know the survivors aren't going to give me a chance. Do you guys ever get your killer past rank 15? Try telling me it's possible to get all 12 hooks without tunneling against good survivors. Survivors literally have the most advantages, they have more perks to help them with chases, they have tons of loops (safe or unsafe is irrelevant), and the simple fact that they are 4 of them vs 1 killer. Now make those 4 survivors SWF with comms, now they have an unfair advantage as they can find out who the killer is faster, practically have 24/7 information on what the killer is doing. Tell me, if you're a survivor and notice the killer is doing bad (I can already guarantee you don't pay attention to these things), would you not gen rush and give them a chance to have a longer and more fun game? Nope. You'd never do it. So why do you expect killers to do the same? I used to not tunnel, back in yellow ranks. Survivors were potatoes and couldn't commit to gens, couldn't loop, etc. Now in green ranks (because I usually go against red rank swf survivors) I have to tunnel people to death or else I won't be able to apply as much pressure, especially with low mobility basic M1 killers. I'm a rank 1 survivor, I never have a stressful game unless I play while I'm in a bad mood (which usually leads me to making bad plays). Survivor is so easy it's laughable. I don't even have DS and tunneling doesn't happen to me often since I can loop the killer long enough for them to give up and go back to gen patrolling. Also instead of just calling killer mains ignorant why don't you actually look into the game mechanics and notice the fundamental issues with gen speeds and map sizes (which are the main reasons why killers tunnel)? Old ruin made most killers not try hard and able to do decent chases with all 4 survivors without having to worry about gens getting done. Without old ruin, gens go by too fast with survivors who do nothing but gens and don't care for survivor-killer interaction, so killers are burdened with this stress and worry of gen pressure, and thus need to get kills as quickly as possible in order to alleviate pressure. What's the best way to do that? Tunnel people to death or at least twice so the next time they're hooked they're dead. Again, unless the survivors are potatoes who waste time running around doing nothing, gen rushing is inevitable. Sure, a killer can notice when survivors are doing bad more mediocre and decide to drag the game out, but that's a sign of a flaw with the game design. The only way for killers to play Mr. Nice Guy is if they had ruin (old ruin. new ruin only works against boosted survivors who can't commit to gens) or the survivors lacked skill and common sense (literally holding one button for x amount of time). It just baffles me how my fellow survivor mains are so one sided and expect everything to be in their favor and expect killers to play nice when literally zero survivors would do the same for killers. There's never been survivors that don't do gens so that they don't gen rush the killer, the only survivors that don't do gens are either due to memeing around, being a potato, etc. Survivors always use the best items and add-ons, so why are killers bashed for doing the same? Survivors can end the game quickly by gen rushing and having little to no interaction with the killer, and they're seen as skilled. When killers end the game quickly by tunneling and ending chases quickly, they're seen as trash baby killers. Oh and let me put up some numbers for you.

    Survivors: Takes one to do a gen in 80 seconds. Not only that they can do great skill checks which grant 5% bonus progression, If they hit 10 greats, that's 50% bonus progression. Now give him a toolbox with speed add-ons and you're looking at about 50ish seconds for one gen to be done by one survivor. They essentially have 3 lives (since it takes 3 hooks for them to die). Now let's take a look at chases. A chase with an average red rank survivor and killer would last about 30 seconds if they're near loops (safe or unsafe). One person who hits great skill checks consistently and has a toolbox with add-ons can get a gen done in one chase (I'm not even counting perks that help with gen speed/progression and the fact that multiple survivors can work on a single gen). Now add the time it takes for the killer to recover from the cool down after an attack, and then the speed boost survivors get after they're hit, then the cool down from the successful hit, and then the time it takes to pick them up and bring em to a hook. Now repeat that process 2 times again WITHOUT the same person. You see how great the odds against the killer are? Little mistakes from killers are so costly as literally every second is against them. Survivor mistakes aren't costly, as they have so many second chances with loops, dead hard, decisive, bt, and the speed boost they get after they're hit. Sure killers have some second chance perks but they're late game perks. NOED is one yet it can be completely useless if destroyed. Fire Up is also one yet is nigh useless. Remember Me can do some good if the RNG screws the killer over with mile wide apart gates. Blood Warden is pretty much the only decent late game perk, but good luck getting it to work if the survivors saved all those pallets for late game. Point is, the odds are always against the killer, they have to juggle everything, and then on top of that, they get nerfed all the time, as if their job isn't already hard enough. So next time you get tunneled, remember that there's literally no pressure on you besides holding M1 for x amount of time, meanwhile the killer has to get 24 hits (if he doesn't tunnel) and 12 hooks.

  • Karl_Childers
    Karl_Childers Member Posts: 669
    edited January 2020

    You could also flip this around and say - Genrushing is a valid strat. If you don’t like it...use your slowdown/defense perks and/or a stronger killer if using someone weak. Stop complaining that you shouldn’t have to run x perk.

    Would you agree with that? If so, can’t argue with what you’re saying as it’s the same on both sides. Both need to use perks to attempt to address their biggest issues. However, seems like when survivors complain about tunneling/camping they get pounded on, whereas when killers complain about wanting gens slowed down by default its perfectly fine. A bit of a double standard. Also survivors get criticized for using DS and BT. “All these stupid second chance perks every game!!! Nerf them to the ground!”

    Post edited by Karl_Childers on
  • LetsPlayTogether
    LetsPlayTogether Member Posts: 2,117

    Then name me even ONE anti-tunnel perk, thats prevents me from being tunneled further on!

  • thrawn3054
    thrawn3054 Member Posts: 5,897

    So you want survivors who are trying to be nice and not run perks killers hate, to run the perks killers hate? I really don't get your logic here. You want every single survivor to run the exact same build. Do you really want the game to be that boring?

  • ThisLadyRightHere
    ThisLadyRightHere Member Posts: 195
    edited January 2020


    I’m a Red Rank 2-4 Legion, Wraith, and Ghostface Never used Ruin and usually 3k-4k without camping or tunneling 32k even with 2 escaping. Tunneling is a cheap gimmick “Strategy” and it’s only necessary under certain circumstances. It’s not common sense To tunnel every single game is as playstyle it’s shows your lack of confidence in taking a quick challenge to learn survivors tricks and games and skill in trying to learn how to outplayed, be aware, and mindgame your opponent into making mistakes in a chase. Learn to not break every pallets keep unsafe pallets break safe pallets.

    It’s not about give survivors second chances it’s about letting everyone including yourself to get a chance to actually earn points and play the game. Eventually you’ll catch them again.

  • toxicmegg
    toxicmegg Member Posts: 662

    okay, i won't complain about tunneling. but then killers shouldn't complain about using anti tunnel perks either