What is the dumbest thing you've been accused of in-game?

Levitika Member Posts: 230
edited January 2020 in General Discussions

What is the most ridiculous, absurd, or otherwise baffling accusation you've ever gotten in the game, as either Killer or Survivor? Feel free to share several if you've got some doozy stories.

Today, I was accused of poor sportsmanship for using my power too much as Doctor, by a SWF group of Rank 1's, in a match that I lost.

I once got a complaint from another Survivor that I wasn't being a "team player" for refusing to rescue someone who was being basement camped by Leatherface.

A Killer who was running Irid Head+Infantry Belt, who brought Party Streamers, got defensive about their generosity when they used it in tandem with Devour Hope to end the game as fast as possible. He accused us of being entitled and spoiled.



  • yandere777
    yandere777 Member Posts: 728

    Slugging.... As oni with infectious. And being told that devs dont condone slugging lmao

  • humanbeing1704
    humanbeing1704 Member Posts: 9,037

    I've been accused of wall hacks as legion guess killer instinct is hacking

  • shalo
    shalo Member Posts: 1,552

    I had one trap down as trapper and Bill stepped in it, after being rescued and healed up he stepped in the same trap, he and his SWF DCed because I tunnelled.

  • TKTK
    TKTK Member Posts: 943

    I got accused of hacking by a rank 20 in his red rank swf group, i guess he never played against a hag before.

  • NullEXE
    NullEXE Member Posts: 1,632

    I got 32k in a game once, 4 iri emblems, and double pip. They called me a camper and tunneler.

    Juggling Survivors, and gen pressure is called tunneling and camping now.

  • Rivyn
    Rivyn Member Posts: 3,022

    Had a match earlier today where they said I was 'proxy camping gens,' after they three genned themselves into a corner, while I was playing as Doc. Okay then.

  • Brucecastro81
    Brucecastro81 Member Posts: 1,609

    I was using the ultra rare wraith addon that show gen progress by its color (more "red" = more progress). Every time I hooked somebody I cloak'ed and saw wich gens were being done and every time there was none, so I would go back at the hook and to not be called tunneler I would go to the unhooker (I knew everybody was an baby so no problem), did this every time and got a 4K. So the survs say I were camping, alltough I was not it was not absurd, but they also said I were tunneling, didn't even get DS'ed! Tried to explain to them but they were just salty (and babies)

  • Huff
    Huff Member Posts: 1,480

    Some streamer (still remember which one too) accused me of "hatch camping" when there was just us 2 alive, she was on death hook, and I happened to know where the hatch was on the Ormond resort thing so I ran over and took it. Then got demeaned in chat when I tried explaining that I just saw the hatch earlier and ran to it when it was the streamer was getting death hooked.

    I was still a new player at the time with probably less than 100 hours in the game and had no idea if "hatch camping" was even a real thing.

  • FinnishFox
    FinnishFox Member Posts: 24

    I have been accused of tunneling by a Dwight on two different occasions in the same game.

    1) was when he tried to bodyblock for an injured Jake, I hit the Dwight and decided to chase him because he ran to an unsafe pallet rather than the Jake who went for an "infinite". Dwight stated I tunneled him.

    2) was later in the game when I downed Dwight (he had already been hooked twice). A Nea jumped from a window right at me. I hit her and and dropped the chase when she was running further away. I returned to the Dwight and saw another Nea trying to heal him, so I hit her and chased her away. Then I yet again returned and hooked dwight for the third time. Apparently that was tunneling because I picked him up rather than went for the Nea's (his words). Guess you can't pick up a downed survivor of you see someone else or it will be considered tunneling

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,494
    edited January 2020

    I've had teammates get mad at me for not saving them. Once, when I was working on a gen injured and the other survivor was healthy, I got a message after the match giving me crap about it, and I was like, "But... I was injured. I thought the other survivor would do it." "He said he needed to do a gen so we told him to finish the gen and then come get us." Ummm... then why didn't they message me about it before the match ended? Why did the other guy get a message but I didn't? And why is him finishing a gen different when I was working on a gen, too? -sigh-

    It's not the only time I've been given crap for not suiciding trying to save another survivor, just the one that stands out most for its ridiculousness. I never get messages when I die in an attempt to save someone, though.

    I was accused of tunneling by someone when I was juggling all four survivors, hooking each one in turn, and no one died until all four survivors were on death hook. That one had me super confused.

    I was also given crap for "body blocking" when the survivor hid in the little corner next to the exit gate and I, as Bubba, stood in front of them, not letting them pass, and chainsawed them. Like, why would I step aside just because my chainsaw takes a second to activate?

    Back before the EGC, I was accused of "holding the game hostage" and told I'd get banned because the hatch spawned a few feet away from the exit gate (which was open) and I stood on it rather than let the survivor have it. (I had been screwing around all match, I was letting them all leave, and rather than just leave they hung out at the exit gate for like 5+ minutes until I came over there; the one would've had the hatch if they hadn't done that and had all just left.)

    Oh, my friend was recently accused of camping someone "to death" when he only hung around the hook until they reached second state because another survivor was also around the hook. He did let them get saved; they got hooked again and died later in the match.

    Sorry, I can't decide which one is dumbest of those.

  • Thatbrownmonster
    Thatbrownmonster Member Posts: 1,640

    Got called boring

    Didn't know how to react

  • Star99er
    Star99er Member Posts: 1,470
    edited January 2020

    I got accused of using the Sprint Burst Exploit back when it was bugged a few months ago....after it had already been patched 😑 Guy proceeded to report me. I’m like ok! Good luck with that lol.

    Post edited by Star99er on
  • Rutuh
    Rutuh Member Posts: 11

    I have been called a hacker for finding people, while using Nurses.

    I have been called a hacker while using Devour Hope. "I didn't run NOED, so I cant oneshot people like that".

    I have been called a speed hacker while using "Play with your food".

    I have been called hacker for using my eyes and spot survivors who jump into lockers. Even been harassed big time for it on my steam profile.

    I have been called a wall hacker for spotting survivors through walls which have holes in them. I am sorry, next time I will fill in the holes with a black marker on my monitor.

    I have been called an idiot for playing the game afther a survivor DC. If a survivor DC, the rest of the survivors have an immunity card. I sometimes seem to forget that rule.

    As survivor I have been called a noob for not using the same perks as the meta. Imagine playing the game how you want.

    I have been called a noob for not saving players who are face camped. Why reward the camper for boring game play?

    Some killers said they reported me for body blocking and I will get banned. So am I useing "We`re gonna live forever" wrong, I ask?

    and the list goes on..................

  • Elvenmonk
    Elvenmonk Member Posts: 367

    I've been called many colorful words only going on as adept Dwight or using odd perks

  • Uistreel
    Uistreel Member Posts: 634

    Someone once said that nurses calling was wall hacks

  • LustForBP
    LustForBP Member Posts: 611

    Camping because I chased a survivor around a hook or waited for the survivor to attempt an unhook. Cause y’know, killers are supposed to have a blind eye to all survivor activities.

  • liquidlight
    liquidlight Member Posts: 344
    edited January 2020

    I wasn't accused of it but my friend was accused of "almost letting the team die". xD That cracked me up. People got mad at her even though they escaped because they thought she "almost" let the team die even though she did most the gens. It's funny to see winners look for any excuse to get mad. Who wins and still gets upset? It's bizarre but made me laugh.

    Edit: She was with a bunch of randos or maybe they were in an SWF. Not sure. But she was solo.

  • Using mad grit and being called a hit hacker

  • Xerge
    Xerge Member Posts: 928

    I don't know if accused, but a Dwight was upset I hooked him when he was dead on hook instead of hooking another survivor who was slugged after him.

  • Mew
    Mew Member Posts: 1,836

    got called an exploiter because i used mad grit, was heavily confused...

    called a hacker because i had Nurses calling and a meghead healed outside of the exit, phased to her and then downed her (she dced.)

  • some_gamer052
    some_gamer052 Member Posts: 1

    I have been accused of many thing's but my fav one was when someone said i three gen us.