Third person camera for killer
I have always had a hard time with any game with a 1st person camera and I want to learn killer. Rank 2 survivor and have been trying killer for a couple weeks now and it seems difficult. Just wanted to know if anyone else as this problem I’m sure it’s not just me. And please don’t come down on me and talk bad or troll. Please and thank you
Third person camera for killer 75 votes
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This would make killers much stronger.
Killers are first person so survivors can hide easier.
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While I do sympathise with those who struggle using a first-person camera, particularly for health reasons (nausea etc.), the entire game is balanced around killers having a first-person camera, and survivors third-person. Everything to do with chases, stealth, tracking, even the design of killer powers - almost every mechanic in DBD relies on it in some way. Changing that would fundamentally upset the balance of the game, and it would have to essentially be rebuilt from the ground up.
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It would be akward and stronger in a bad way
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Option for 3rd person camera
It can be done and would be awesome. First Person Killer is awkward and basically gives survivors a bug to abuse (Loops/Hitbox). Most of those who doesn't want some feature like this probably plays as a survivor.
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Many people would argue that the game needs to be rebuilt from the ground up, regardless of the camera angle.
I'd like to twist it around and make survivors experience the game from a first person view.
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Well, maybe someday they will create DBD 2, with a first person camera for survivors, and all the rebuilding those people could wish for. Because with the amount of restructuring it would take to make something like this work, they might as well just create a whole new game. But as far as DBD 1 goes, I'd personally rather keep it as it is.
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Would be absolutely terrifying and would stop stupid things like 360, I love it. But it would be such a huge nerf for survivors (as 3rd person killer would be huge buff) it would need to rework litteraly everything so it won't happen
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Option for 3rd person camera
Let's even the playing field... No more BS console 360's...
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There are games like Last Year where the survivor is on first person. And let me tell you, it's not a good idea, a lot of people is leaving the game since day one and even if I like the idea, the game is slowy dying. If you complain about queue times, in Last Year I waited 70 mins and didn't found a match as killer. Do you know why? Because there are almost no survivors due that a one person camera gives a kiler that can kill you as soon as he finds you a huge advantage and it's not funny to be overwhelmed by another player.
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I know it’s a bad idea, I just think it would be glorious for survivors to suffer like killers do for a bit. Many survivors don’t realize how much advantage they have over a killer with their point of view.
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Giving a third person camera to the killer seems fair for some people, but is not. Survivors need to hide from the killer (stealth) wich is not possible from a third person camera and that would slowy kill the game. As I said in my previous comment we have Last Year as an example.
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Well, some survivors already suffer from tunneling and camping. I know, they are so called strategies, but they are not fun, nor healthy. Another games penalize camping even if you have resources to avoid it Why? Because is not fun and a game should be... fun.
Some people say "they unhook in my face without BT it was his teammate fault, not mine" (things like BT and DS shouldn't exist if camping/tunneling weren't strategies) and yes, you're right but let's put an example, I was playing Leatherface and a Nea saved a David in my face, I hook the Nea and the David, then a Bill came again and rescued that David in my face. I could say "It was their teammates fault" but How would you feel if you were that David? I let him go because I know how frustrating it is, and I don't think it's fair.
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This thread was about the camera perspective. You don’t need to go off topic with tunneling and camping.
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I was simply talking about the "see the survivors suffer like killers do".
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I like the first person camera because you're closer to the action and you can see what's directly in front of you. However, I do think that the killer camera is a bit confining. I think a better solution to this than a 3rd person mode would be a higher base FOV.
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Loops are bugs?
My 2k hrs of playtime are a lie :(
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No they're not.
Someone's just angry
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I know lol
Was just being sarcastic.
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What about Huntress, Clown and Plague? How do you aim at 3d person without crosshair?
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@HEEL_Punk I didn't read you comment. I'ld recommend first if you have headphones use it, and second. I think the best killer for starters is the Wraith, he has nice tracking perks.
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Option for 3rd person camera
Simple when you go to throw/aim zoom in and make it 1st person for accurate aiming
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Option for 3rd person camera
Not a wraith fan although his perks are cool. Definitely have headset thanks for your comment not trying to upset or offend just thought and a minor issue I have from time to time. Off today so I’ll reply a lot today
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I think that they should leave it as it is, because its too op if they can do that. Then they could just hide behind a wall for example with the insidious perk and watch the corner in a chase. So i would say a straight no for that idea.😄
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Option for 3rd person camera
There’s a way to balance that. First person camera just doesn’t do it for me and I have my reasons. Thanks for your comment 👍🏻😁
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Option for 3rd person camera
I would like to have it like F13 in the way I can actually see the skin I have earned/purchased, but it would make being a covert survivor much more difficult.
Perhaps have it as option on KYF or something.
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Option for 3rd person camera
Could be like Jason in F13 with throwing knives.
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I'd rather give all Killers base Shadowborn. The game is balanced around Killers having a first-person camera, but Shadowborn make it much easier to look at for extended periods of time.
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I think for the current cast it should stay the same.
However I do see a future killer being added in whose ability lets them get into 3rd person.
Imagine a killer whose power is to move a floating eyeball around in 3rd person but can't move while doing so and the eye can inflict exaust and hinder to survivors who don't get away from it.
Mainly an information killer as they can stop to look around with the eye but don't have any real offensive abilities otherwise.
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Everything is cool. Then I'ld suggest Trapper or Hillbilly perhaps.
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Add Chucky and give him 3rd person view.
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This would feel so wonky during play.
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Bro if killer got 3rd person view like the other peoples said u can forget hiding behind walls and go stealthmode and sneaky things, to make it 3rd person u need to boost some perks and make surviors more stronger like steahlth perk for 2-3 seconds and more things like dat