Queue times

Fix new killer queue times please. I recently bought the game and being rank 20? (20 is where you start right?) I queued in as killer. Took 46 minutes to find a match. Try as survivor and it took moments. I bought the game to play killer since I thought it'd be cool but if I wanted to play a waiting to get into instance game, I'd play an mmo as a dps. I tried multiple times to see if the killer queue was just a one off thing but it's been consistent 30+ minutes each time. I don't know if it's a rank thing or whatnot but I ain't having fun and the only reason I haven't refunded is because I've been technically been playing the game for longer than steam's refund policy allows because I've been waiting in lobby.
That’s odd. Usually Killer queue times are super low because there is a shortage on people playing Killer, and survivor queue times are the long ass ones. So allow me to ask: What time were you playing?
If you queued at a good time then the queue times might actually be bugged now.
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Red rank survivors have garbage queue times but also brown rank killers have garbage queue times.
I don't know how BHVR even did that, but they did.
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Tried 12-9pm est for my playtimes
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That was main reason I moved to killer (had no idea how much fun it actually is) but I never wait. Usually what happens (especially when new, I just started about 3 weeks ago) you will always play survivors higher than you. Even now at 16 I am playing against sub 10's more than I am survivors in my rank range.
Is it possible you were trying to play during the patch they were running today? That would have caused delays.
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That's only at high ranks. Low ranks is the exact opposite. Guess why.
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Well I play on PS4 and when I was a brown rank Killer I instantly got into queues or waited only like a minute. Very odd...
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Really? My friend is a rank 18 killer atm and he has 10+ min queues quite often.