Are you still mad about ruin?

I am not honestly,but I see many people criticise the devs,which don't get me wrong isn't something bad. People often tend to rage more than Oni in these forums which doesn't make anything better nor enjoyable.

So,my question is, are you still frustrated about ruin? If so,do you post mean comments about that topic? Let me know below.

I admit I did it for a day or two,but then I moved on.


  • Xerge
    Xerge Member Posts: 928

    Old ruin allowed me play all killers a bit more relaxed, but it's not bad if I play strong killers, I think it might be even better than before if it lasts more than two minutes.

  • yutycorn
    yutycorn Member Posts: 246

    Trying new builds out is a bit more frustrating. I don't wanna stick to Billy every game.

  • It's less the frustration with ruin, and more about how the game is basically being designed to only be about 3 gens, making the first part of the game almost pointless, and putting a lot of stress and deafeatism onto killer players right off the bat; as they hook one person one time and 2 gens pop.

    It feels like gens go too fast, and they nerfed the one thing that gave them some time at the start of the game. New ruin doesn't give them time at the start, so they have to use things like corrupt which honestly imo is better anyways, but it's like....a slowdown perk should not be MANDATORY to make a match playable. It should help you with that aspect of the game more, not be an absolute requirement.

  • Rivyn
    Rivyn Member Posts: 3,022

    I'm still angry at the Nurse basekit nerf, so yeah. Still peeved about Ruin. Matches lasting longer than several minutes is pretty rare right now.

  • ZoneDymo
    ZoneDymo Member Posts: 1,946

    Never used Ruin to begin with so meh

  • Xerge
    Xerge Member Posts: 928

    I think Wraith is actually good if you can juggle survivors and sneak up on them. I use bone clapper + windstorm and the build I prefer is ruin + surveillance + nurse's + sloppy or stbfl (I think I prefer stbfl over sloppy).

    Since the update I've mained Wraith and got to rank 1 again surprisingly.

  • Thatbrownmonster
    Thatbrownmonster Member Posts: 1,640

    survivor has 0 challenge now

    and playing killers is annoying since it's mostly gen rush

  • BigTimeGamer
    BigTimeGamer Member Posts: 1,752

    its like when u see your team is doing nothing

    not mad, just disappointed

  • Leachy_Jr
    Leachy_Jr Member Posts: 2,196

    I'm not really that mad on how ruin turned out, i'm more mad at how the devs don't have any priority about the killer experience and they don't even try to hide it anymore.

    When was the last time you saw the phrase "frustrating for the killer" in one of the patch notes? Honestly i might of missed some but i know it was a loooong time ago.

    Its not even that they like survivor more, everyone has a bias, i have a killer bias, scott has a survivor bias, tru3talent has a killer bias. That's fine, but when you shut off the other side is when it turns from "hey i like survivor more than killer" to sounding like a stereo typical entitled survivor main.

    Now i'm not saying the devs are entitled at all, but the ruin change basically proves that they don't really care much for killer, it shows that the killers viability or how fun the killer is is not really a concern for them or even a remote priority for them. One phrase i saw that also showed this is when Mclean said on a livestream a few months ago "whether this doc change is a buff or a nerf is for you to test out" (at least something across those lines). Basically showing "we dont know if its a nerf but were not trying to buff him" even though doc was a low - mid tier killer.

    We already knew this, but we didn't know to this extent, and yea ok the insta heal nerfs were decent nerfs but what else have they done recently?

    I'm also not saying they won't change how they balance things, as they have proven to have some pretty good change ideas, but how they are balancing things now, its likely to get really survivor favoured from here. Especially if they keep balancing for rank 15's.

  • HellDescent
    HellDescent Member Posts: 4,883

    It was just a hilarious decision on dev side. I'm just disappointed that I had to change my playstyle

  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,019

    We need a perk to slow down generator speeds, that actually works

    Talking to you Dying Light and Thana

  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,455

    Yes very angry!

  • Diam
    Diam Member Posts: 50

    At this point my win rate is the same as before, but the difference is I’m having to play better killers like Freddy instead of LF to keep my games feeling the same. Not as fun.

  • kurgan8282
    kurgan8282 Member Posts: 264

    a bit yes, honestly my level of fun decreased drastically after the nerf, it was a nice "second task" to have to find the totem and cleanse it before moving to gens freely.

    Now all gets completed way too fast.

    Matchmaking doesn't help also.

    It's not so fun to gen rush a killer who is 7/8 ranks before me and escape within 5-6 mins.

  • humanbeing1704
    humanbeing1704 Member Posts: 8,971

    Wasn't mad or angry in the first place

  • Hopesfall
    Hopesfall Member Posts: 828

    i'm mad at the precedent being set

  • MegMain98
    MegMain98 Member Posts: 2,913

    Wraith is a pretty solid killer with Swift Hunt + Windstorm. Bone Clapper is a pretty decent replacement for Swift Hunt but Wraith absolutely needs Windstorm or he is terrible. If I had a solid build on Wraith I’d definitely play him more often but I only have him at Level 40 with terrible tier 1 perks. Gotta level him up.

    Ruin + Surveillance I can see use on killers like Billy, Nurse, or Spirit since they can pressure survivors off of generators and end chases very quickly. I’d see more use out of PGTW on Wraith, but if that combo works for you then you keep doing it. Hasn’t failed you yet.

  • NoShinyPony
    NoShinyPony Member Posts: 4,570

    I was never "mad" about the Ruin nerf. I think it's a bad decision and unhealthy for the game. And just because a couple of days have passed, my opinion didn't change.

  • arcnkd
    arcnkd Member Posts: 446

    Not mad about the Ruin Change; honestly I like that it constantly drains Gens without me having to kick them and even just staying off a near-completed gen for 30-45 seconds is enough to nearly regress it completely.

    What I am irritated with, is the amount of killers that have used it as a crutch for so long that they can't find their new 'grove'; so their answer -- extreme tunneling; face camping hooks; overly slugging; and sometimes just outright toxic hit-hooked-survivors-repeatedly-while-camping to ensure they at least get that 1 kill in to make sure survivors are down a member (even when you can still get significant BP by just farming/attacking/chasing survivors more than 1 time per match).

  • The_Daydreamer
    The_Daydreamer Member Posts: 735

    Never really used Ruin and never cared about it. But I feel bad for killers like Huntress. The nerf was right, but the rework doesn't get the point why ruin was used.

    I play the same like before in rank 1. I get my 3 or 4ks. And I get it relaxed. Most killers are pretty bad, but I understand some of them, why it hurts them.

    I still hope that killers will adept.

  • Iudex_Nemesis
    Iudex_Nemesis Member Posts: 326

    I more mad about the matchmaking than the ruin change. I tried it out a couple times and it did nothing for me. If it didnt get cleased in 20 seconds survivors would just plough right through it. I just stopped using it.

    The only good thing in the update was the doctor rework.

  • Rex_Huin
    Rex_Huin Member Posts: 1,208

    I have not played killer since the change. Still absolutely fuming mad.

  • TunnelVision
    TunnelVision Member Posts: 1,375

    Nope, i play other games now.

    There's only so much gen rushing you can do.

    Oops sorry my bad, i mean objective rushing...

  • Febb3
    Febb3 Member Posts: 49

    At first I was very angry when i found out that the killer was using the ruin hex and when i fixed the v-sync option that makes the skillcheck much more smoother so now i hit the Great skillcheck everytime so im not worring about the ruin so much.

  • FearlessHunter
    FearlessHunter Member Posts: 530

    What annoyed me the most was that they didn’t touch toolboxes at all so survivors took advantage of the ruin nerf and started bringing toolboxes every game I had as killer. I had one match where they all had the speed addons equipped, streetwise and prove thyself.

    If they are gonna touch toolboxes somewhere down the line then they need to cap the speed on the toolboxes cause it’s ridiculous if 2 survivors get on a gen with toolboxes equipped. The gen gets done in 30 seconds

  • terumisan
    terumisan Member Posts: 1,293

    Mad? No disappointed yes

    And more than likely we'll never get another ruin

  • ninjamediness64
    ninjamediness64 Member Posts: 125

    Not mad, just dissapointed.

  • Farshad7913
    Farshad7913 Member Posts: 58

    honestly ive been playing scummy after the nerf and it feels great! No more giving survivors second chances because they messed up or something, add a little noed and boom! A delicious survivor pudding.

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295

    It's not ruin that I am mad about. It's the fact the devs favor new survivors above balancing their game. Ruin was never a problem to people who knew how to play.

    The bigger issue is gens get done way too fast depending on the killer you are using. Ruin didn't even help with the problem, it just acted as a band aid.The devs took off said band aid without addressing the wound underneath. The outright truth is some killers need more time because they lack mobility or their power doesn't help them in a chase. If the survivors know how to play the killer is going to lose because he/she simply can't pressure everyone. The devs only play at new ranks where the killer is dominating only because the survivors are making mistakes left and right. So they assume killer is OP so they nerf killer or make it easier for survivor. Thus making the game nearly unplayable against survivors who aren't potatoes. This is why you see the top 3 killers at red ranks most of the time. If it feels more frustrating than fun to play as a non meta killer people will get sick of being looped to death. They will then play something else and survivors cant find a game. But the devs dont care because they only want to draw in new players.

    This game is a revolving door. New players come in, old players walk out when they realize they are not wanted.

  • AvisDeene
    AvisDeene Member Posts: 2,396

    Losing the perk itself was never the issue. The issue was the fact that they removed it without fixing the underlying issues which was;

    a. How fast gens were completed and the immense pressure that Killers felt at the beginning of the match when 2-3 gens popped.

    b. Matchmaking and Ranking being so broken. If they were fixed, the new Survivor clientele that the Devs are catering to would have never been facing Ruin as much as they had.

    At this point, I don’t think this game could ever be balanced.

  • FleshTorpedo
    FleshTorpedo Member Posts: 394

    It was a ######### decision and im over the actual change of the skill, but the obvious bias against killers the devs have and their changes/planned changes to the game are disappointing. This whole change to MMR while throwing on blinders for players is much more concerning than the ruin change.

  • hex_genrush
    hex_genrush Member Posts: 736

    Extremely angry

  • Spooky13
    Spooky13 Member Posts: 1,471

    I was never mad about Ruin's nerf. I was more so mad that they decided to make such a drastic change without addressing why 80% of killers at red ranks ran Ruin. If they were going to change Ruin, they should of waited until either map sizes or toolboxes were dealt with as well, preferably reducing map size, nerfing toolboxes, and nerfing Ruin all in the same update.

  • ApeOfMazor
    ApeOfMazor Member Posts: 471

    Yes I am still mad. They nerf one of the biggest most essential perks without any changes to other perks or addressing the reason it was used so much. They are too lazy to add a 2nd objective, but also refuse to increase gen times. They basically are admitting their game is boring and they don't want to do anything to fix it.

  • GHOSTfaceP3
    GHOSTfaceP3 Member Posts: 1,364

    As a survivor games are very easy now as killer it’s very frustrating not going to lie..I still play killer tho because I like killer it’s just I have to play more mean and I enjoy it less now

  • Todgeweiht
    Todgeweiht Member Posts: 3,666

    Bruh, you just got a great buff for doc and one of the best killers in game in the last 2 updates, saying that the devs don't put priority in killer experience is pretty dumb and even selfish.

  • Todgeweiht
    Todgeweiht Member Posts: 3,666

    I didn't use ruin as killer before the patch, so it didn't have a real impact on my gameplay.

    as survivor I had gotten over ruin pretty easily over time and I knew how to hit hex skillchecks

    The nerf really didn't bother me, it may even be a great step towards fixing this gen problem the game currently faces

  • Leachy_Jr
    Leachy_Jr Member Posts: 2,196

    Yes, it was a doc buff, the problem is that the devs didn't try to make it a buff. As McLean said, whether they were buffing or nerfing him was up to the community to decide and it was pretty clear they wanted to just make him less "frustrating" to verse. Remember doc was okish back then and was easily beaten by some teams.

    And also, what killer? Oni isn't that good, his early game is horrible and too reliant on the survivors to mess up. Demogorgon requires too much setup for how little pressure he gets. His shred is still good though, not enough to make him top tier.

  • Todgeweiht
    Todgeweiht Member Posts: 3,666

    What do you mean? Doc is way better now, the ability to shock and hit at the same time without having to change stances is a huge boost to his chase potential, plus, static blast is one hell of a tracking tool, i would dare say its waaaaay better than the old treatment mode. The only real letdown is the fact that survivors go back to tier I when they recuperate from madness.

    As for the killers, come on, Oni while having little chase potential at the beginning of the game, can obliterate any survivor team with ease once he gets his power, with his power on he not only has greater mobility, but also huge chase potential being capable of downing survivors in just a few seconds, plus, he got his flick back recently.

  • FluorescentLemon
    FluorescentLemon Member Posts: 257

    Yes but it's because of the larger issue surrounding the balancing of the game, which seems to be focused solely on providing enjoyment for new Survivors.

  • FruityMemes
    FruityMemes Member Posts: 55

    They should probably remove ruin as a perk altogether and make the current ruin a permanent thing but at the regular 100% because it would be kinda broken if it was still 200%

  • Infinity_Bored
    Infinity_Bored Member Posts: 445

    I'm doing my objective bruh.

  • DetailedDetriment
    DetailedDetriment Member Posts: 2,632

    Never was, never will be. It was still a change that no one asked for though.

  • terumisan
    terumisan Member Posts: 1,293

    Tbf if the survivors play completely safe and drop pallets early or just use stealth and gens start popping oni can't really make a comeback from that unless he 4 man slugs in his power and that's depending on the map and whether survivors bring unbreakable

  • DetailedDetriment
    DetailedDetriment Member Posts: 2,632
    edited January 2020


    These Ruin forums are all for personal attention at this rate.