A Game of Spirit: My Totally Fun Results

Very fulfilling round ._. Hadn't played her in a lil bit and wanted to get the archive page done. Last survivor I let go, but like, why? I know why, but whyyy. Is there something wrong with Spirit that I am unaware of? By the way, this was right when the round started. The perk build is what I have on her rn, dun have any better for nows. It's totally the new meta, though rotfl
DCs snowball pretty quickly. Can't blame anyone but the first survivor to DC.
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Some people don't like going against Spirit. There's various reasons for this but that conversation has happened 100 times already. To sum it up: that's just how it be sometimes.
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it happens...
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@LordGlint I don't know many people who would even bother playing against a Freddy with pop and red paint brush lmao.
Just looks like a snooze-fest. Pun intended.
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I would blame it on the first dc'er, but they did it at nearly the same time and as soon as I phased over to their spawn location. I mean my build isn't even that oppressive. I know it happens and I thought a lot of peeps liked her changes?
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They left before having the chance to see which perks I was using
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Her changes didn't really address any of the problems survivors had with her, so no not really.
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Because the problems they had are easily fixed by just knowing how to loop her. If you play as spirit and are good with her you know how to effectively counter spirits, throw pallets down early about a second or 3 after she begins phasing, zig zag during your runs to confuse her, and basically just be good at reading killers. She's the hardest to read but while playing against her its easy to do it once you notice her patterns.
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I shouldn't have to play as Spirit until I'm good at her to understand how to counter Spirit. No other killer is like that in the game.
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Because no other killer is as complicated as spirit. She's perfect where shes at right now and she was perfect back then too.
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I disagree but I respect your opinion.