Was Leatherface changed?

Hey guys.
ive been off for a very long time and now i come back to people whining over Leatherface being super good? i dont recall he was overly great back then so has anything changed? i have yet to play him, and rarely played him before so i dont really know.
was anything different done to him to merit people hating him?
Nothing new with him, some childish killers hate the Ruin changes and have decided to Face Camp as him, it’s a form of “protest”
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Are you actually going to suggest that people didn't facecamp with Leatherbilly before?
In any case - it's less of a protest and more of an experiment. We want to see if they will nerf one of the weakest killers in the game if he overperforms.
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Play With Your Food has always been a decent LF perk since it negates his chainsaw charge slowdown, but it has always been based on how easily you could find your Obsession. With Oni's new perk, Nemisis, it's easy to make a different survivor your obsession simply by eating a pallet. If they don't throw the pallet on you, they get punished with the chainsaw.
Essentially, baby survivors don't know how to prevent a killer from getting PWYF stacks. lol
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Ruin changes? how were they changed. man i can barely remember how they were back then
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I didn’t suggest it. People before face camp as him, but now even more killers face camp as him.
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I mean, it's not an immature protest. Killers no longer have the time to play nice. So they camp.
It's something you'll have to deal with, lol
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but i dont get it. People face camp with him because he sucks and Hex: Ruin was changed?
Why not camp with anyone else then? is it because of his aoe chainsaw to avoid losing the hooked guy?
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Generally, yeah. Nobody is as effective at camping as Bubba is. You can face camp with any other killer and there's a way out of it for the survivors. With LF, you're dead, and if you're not dead, your rescuer is dead.
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thank you. So since i left back then, the over all math for the killer hasnt changed. too long chases and too fast gen repairs.
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Before Ruin use to slow gen progression, the skill checks will turn red and when a survivor hits a good skill check it will regress the gen a tiny bit, however if a survivor hits a great skill check it will continue as normal.
The new Ruin no longer has the red skill check function, instead it regresses gens when a survivor is not working on a gen (Skill check function as normal).
Basically some killers are upset that gens are done too fast and Ruin was the only counter to gen rushing.