Noed is horrible for solo Survivors

This perk is horrible and needs nerf just like adrenaline does.

Noed is simply a very strong perk in a survivor solo game because you have no control over the totems already made.

It gets tiring to play, especially now that it has become a perk that is widely used because of nerf on ruin.

You have minutes of loop with the killer when he is already very fast and destroys you in one hit.

Nobody saves you, everyone escapes and you die.

This is the life of solo survivor, with noed. Which makes the game quite tiring. They will say "make totems" but I have no control over how many totems have already been made.

This perk is like behavior says '' you failed as a killer, but I'm going to give you a prize for using the perk. ''

And the end of most matches ends with noed + facecamp
