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Why are you toxic?



  • EmpireWinner
    EmpireWinner Member Posts: 1,054

    I usually become toxic when in swf, the killer deserves it, and when I'm lasting in a chase more than I should last(ik,ik), but eventually get my ass handed to me.

    In the endgame, I will sometimes drop a "gg" or "gg ez", But if the Killer is being a being scummy and raging at us, I will response the same way.

  • Yanthegamer558
    Yanthegamer558 Member Posts: 93

    im a toxic boi and i'm lovin it.(McDonald jingle song)

  • PapiQuentin_
    PapiQuentin_ Member Posts: 889

    If survivor was so easy then how come half of the survivors don't know how the hell to play?

    The whole concept of the game is ez for both sides, just that survivor gets frustrating due to the amount of bad players

  • Yung_Slug
    Yung_Slug Member Posts: 2,238

    About a third of my games are Survivor so I'm not usually toxic. I just do what I can do survive.

    I will teabag at the exit gate if the killer tried to facecamp or something, though.

  • VoodooChild
    VoodooChild Member Posts: 319

    Most people suck because survivor is so easy, you dont have to know how to do ######### and can still win consistently, and because the ranking system is meaningless these people are at every rank. If the game was harder the skill would level out, and drastically in favor of survivors as it already is now BUT there would be no dumbass nea or claudette couching in a bush halfway across the map. The game would be FORCED to balance in favor of killers.

    …..Wouldn't it be funny tho if instead they just balanced the game by mixing bad and good players in every game. They could even just remove ranks so people wouldn't know. I dont even think that's a terrible idea as that is literally what most games are these days but surely if this was their plan they wouldn't just not tell people. Sure you sound mad about it...but youre already mad about it. If they came out and said "yeah tough ######### its on purpose" what are you gonna do? "quit" like every killer everytime killer is nerfed lol

  • VoodooChild
    VoodooChild Member Posts: 319

    I dont care that youre lying, I dont care that youre trying to get me to feel bad for you for being and "Anti social 30 year old" or whatever, I care that you spend so much time online.....and just said my toxicity wont "infect" you.

    Also youre not going to fix youre anti social disorder by spending 1000s of hours being a toxic "member" on a video game. That's literally the definition of anti social behavior

    I also realize that your entire post is broken English...meaning English is likely a second language? Hey being bilingual is cool and useful skill you could probably put to work for you, better than ######### talking in the end game chat

  • ZtarShot
    ZtarShot Member Posts: 838

    I feel like when you say you play both sides you have a level 5 Nea and a level 7 Bill

  • VoodooChild
    VoodooChild Member Posts: 319

    Actually all my charters are leveled to at least what teachable i want so my lowest survivor is Ace at level 10 just for the achievement. Although because you think skill level is somehow determined by character level I doubt youll understand why I didn't level ace to 40 lol

  • Johnble
    Johnble Member Posts: 175

    I became a better survivor once I started playing as killers. I still suck as killer but playing both has lessened the salt and improved my skills. Seems to me people just want to win every match but not put in effort to adapt or actually get better, just want nerfs to things they struggle with.

  • Johnble
    Johnble Member Posts: 175

    That's probably not entirely off base. I personally learned how to play and got into the game from watching Ohmwrecker and more than likely subconsciously stole his playstyle, even down to having a bias towards Wraith.

  • ZtarShot
    ZtarShot Member Posts: 838

    Never said skill, only said that you sound like playing both sides means you play Survivor once a month, and how do I know you have survivors to level 30-40 when you don't provide proof.

  • VoodooChild
    VoodooChild Member Posts: 319

    I haven't seen that guy but doesn't he have like merch inside of the game like ohtofu and Tru? If hes toxic how come they dont like monto and noob3 lol. Or maybe you were saying you just play like him because you watch him and using it as an example. That was probably it lol

    Because tf lol. I need to give you proof that teachables? Dude that's the most basic thing in the game is getting all the teachables lol. Maybe it just sounds stupid to me because I play both sides, actually you know what.....paulie has like his killers level 1 I think. But hes old, I see why he dont play killer. But if you play this game at all and you just a regular little 20 something, even if you dont like the otherside that much....why would you not level them up! Like with killer its a little more involved, all the killers are different yadadada but with survivors that's literally all they are, skins with perks. I mean what you gonna do with all that BP if youre only playing killer (Getting a ######### load of BP too probably, more than if you played survivor at all) you just gonna P3 every killer and just not experience half the game? Because for that experience you NEED perks

    Man im just repeating myself lol. But as I thought about it hit me you probably just a survivor main. I know survivors dont level killers sometimes but there cant be that many killers, killers who almost never even play survivor, that dont level survivors because theres literally no reason not to. So like from your perspective being like "Oh ######### killers main they dont even have borrowed time!" I can see it, but to a regular DBD player that's just such a silly question. Unless you new, because the phase of gathering teachables does last for a long time, like it took me bout 6 months, and I P3 myers in the progress for the achievement AND im still missing 1 killer and 2 survivors so yeah like "new" in this game is stupidly long.

    I got to make sure I dont rant this time lol ok so asking for proof that you basically have teachables…..its ######### silly man lol. ######### you can go to my xbox profile ig, I got almost all the achievements AND OH you can look at my stats lol. So you can see all my escapes and #########. Idek what it is tho let me check. 108 times. Most of those came from when I started the last archive too because that just happened to line up with the achievements I was doing. Lately ive been like ######### it kill me if it aint one of the 3 maps I need for the gen achievements. As you can tell, I am an achievement type ass gamer. And heres a little fact, I used to only play this game high. Now I play anytime. This fourm I only get on while high tho lol. I wrote like 3 ######### paragraphs and I dont think I said #########, I keep getting up and just start saying #########. My fingers got calluses now too because I recently started playing guitar (that's why im high now its easier to learn cords when stoned) and im just now getting to that point. I drew a picture of Ghostface and I just realize I should post it on here. Its just a dope ass little sketch I did, but I cant post it I just remembered because I said "Weeb" and this guy called me a racist like what the #########. I didn't even call him a weeb I just said a lot of weebs play dbd, which is true! Weebs of all different colors. The ######### are the mods on man lol. Im bout to start getting offended by #########, start reporting everybody. Anyway I hope you didn't read all this bullshit but if you did I hope it was entertaining lol

  • NullEXE
    NullEXE Member Posts: 1,632

    People can only be called racist slurs, insults, and told to kill themselves so many times before they stop caring if the other side has fun. I hope you enjoy being exposed when you unhook your friend, and I can teleport to that hook in mere seconds.

  • VoodooChild
    VoodooChild Member Posts: 319

    See this why I didn't ask why toxic killers are toxic because I get it. Like I get what you mean, when I was in high ranks it wasn't even that I couldn't win it was that it was just an unfun experience. So now I stay in low ranks as killer. Im not like a dick, im not bout to bully no baby survivors unless they want to t bag or something and then theyre flabberghasted, like oh ######### they didtnt know I was about it. Didn't know I was missing all those hits on purpose just cuz im trying to have fun WITH yall! Had one guy do that, I chased him for 5 gens and then he started t bagging, so I killed him. Then me messaged me "Oh you did all that for nothing, have fun losing!" Man it ws an impossible mission but I got a 4k lol. No no ed or anything that either

    But honestly If youre not having a good time in high ranks then you should just do what I did. After all the devs said if you cant hang you dont belong there. Just dont be a dick and play around with them because 9.9/10 times low rank survivors (green and yellow) dont stand a chance. None of that tunneling/sluggin/camping the babies because THATS toxic.

    That said if their name is something that may mean their racist, no mercy. Switch to ghostface just to t bag, hell bring a mori lol

  • MrsGhostface
    MrsGhostface Member Posts: 987

    I play each side equally and I’d say I have the same mentality for both sides. If you’re toxic, I’ll be toxic. As survivor I’m rarely toxic, the killer really has to be begging for it. As killer I’m not afraid to tunnel any survivor who t bags and flickers their flashlight. I do sympathize for both sides so I avoid being toxic in general but sometimes you gotta retaliate.

  • yutycorn
    yutycorn Member Posts: 246

    Toxicity is characterized, in this game, by several different actions:

    1. Constant T-bagging - after dropping a pallet, at the exit gates, doing the hook tech, god window
    2. Clicking flashlights at the killer - after getting a survivor saved, dropping a pallet, god window
    3. Pointing - after dropping a pallet, at the exit gates, god window
    4. Hook bombing Sucessfully - two or more survivors bomb the hook, ultimately getting the survivor out
    5. Bodyblocking - self explanatory
    6. Camping - camping early match, mid-match, even post-match...
    7. Tunneling - tunneling early match, mid-match, and post-match
    8. Nodding - after downing a survivor, hitting a survivor, downing a survivor through the pallet
    9. Slashing - slashing a survivor who is on the hook
    10. Builds:
    • Basement Build - often played by: trapper/bubba
    • Gen-slowdown Build - often only when used on spirit, nurse, billy
    • Meta Build - consists of: adrenaline, DS, DeadHard/HeadOn/BL/SB, IronWill/SC/ProveThyself/OoO/Other
    • Other - Fast vaulting build, SpineChill/Prem build, other??
    • Object of Obsession in general
    • DS in general

    However, is everything listed above actually toxic? To some, more than half of these things are, and to be fair, some are used in toxic manners. Perception is what guides us to find something toxic. Toxicity derives from the feeling of being bullied, essentially toxic players are players that bully. So, if you feel bullied, you characterize the bully as a toxic person, thus their action or actions are toxic, BM, etc. I do my hardest to be as non-toxic as possible; killer or survivor. Sometimes, though, I am still called out as though I did just that. I'm a killer/survivor player and get more hate from survivor players than I do from killer players. This doesn't mean killers are more mature or anything, it just means that as a player with very little power, being "oppressed" by a player with more power can feel, in itself, like being bullied.

    That's why so many killer actions can be taken as toxic behavior. Camping and tunneling are both strategic, albeit unfun, methods in getting the game in their favor. As is "tbagging" to get the killer to chase you, instead of getting your weaker teammates. Everything above that is perceived as toxic can also be perceived as respectful to a point. Before, when I "tbagged" I did it as an attempt to say GG. Then I moved on to pointing, before ultimately just staying crouched, head bowed, at the killer, because everything else has been given such a distasteful reputation, that doing it could just make you appear toxic.

    As killer, I only nod when I outplay the survivor. I do NOT do it in an attempt to belittle them. Of course, I've had survivors do one of two things via messages: "gg, well played" or "baby killer, 'perkname' saved your butt" in response to the nod or to other actions within the match. Very little do I smack someone on the hook. I only do it when they farmed their teammate or remained unuseful throughout the match, looking only for the hatch. Actions or builds are only as toxic as you make it.

    It can be a challenge, especially if you feel bullied and feel like you lack the power to be in control, but in reality, remember it's a game, and just move on. Me: tbaggers, I either ignore them or jokingly say aloud "aww no, why the tbag doe. I be nice killwer D:". This game's design is flawed, and leaves room for power to be shifted too much into one corner, and that can lead to frustrations. You may have a survivor who genuinely only wants to ruin your day, but on the other side of the spectrum, you have a survivor who is just having a bad day/match, and don't even mean half the things they say.

    Like, I can't tell you how many times I've had a frustrated and angry survivor or a troll completely change their attitude when I kill 'em with kindness. Some people just want to get a rise out of ya. Win the potential battle before it starts by not stooping to their level. At some point in our lives, we grow up. At least... I would like to think that will happen for all of us, so with that in mind, if you were the bigger person, you grow a little more and you'll either look back on it and be proud, be ashamed, or you won't even remember it at all.

    Survivors are going to tbag, killers are going to nod, just don't let it bother you.

    And if it does,I'll get ya a punching bag to let out your frustrations.

    Now.... with all that seriousness out of the way. Lemme be the donut killer so I can devour everyone before they devour me, plz and thank you.

  • The_Daydreamer
    The_Daydreamer Member Posts: 735

    I am not toxic. I just play the game.