Great Way to Start The Year/Red Rank Dilemma

RobMeister88 Member Posts: 351
edited January 2020 in General Discussions

I love how we started 2020 with lots of bad survivors demanding for more killer nerfs. From absurd suggestions such as making slugging a perk or changing the mechanics to make tunneling impossible, asking for Billy nerfs, etc. You would think that by 2020 most survivors would have some form of skill to not care about the play style of a killer, especially since the game mechanics are already in the favor of the survivors and their objective is so easy. But no, there's still so many people asking for nerfs because they couldn't hold M1 for x amount of time and couldn't know when to throw the pallet down, etc. The worst thing is, the Devs will probably cater to these nerf suggestions. Survivors already have 3 lives, easy objectives, items to help with the objectives, teammates, comms when in SWF, stronger perks, yet still demand nerfs. What a great community, instead of coming together and admitting the flaws of the game mechanics and fundamental issues we ask for the killers to get nerfed. "gen speed is fine" even though if I end a chase before it even starts 2 gens can pop (without toolboxes). I recall seeing a thread where someone said that the devs are aware of gen speeds and will be looking into it (even saying that the ruin nerf was the reason for it, to get clearer statistics for gen speeds) but I don't believe it. If the devs were actually concerned about gens then they would've taken Marth88's depip squad seriously. I honestly don't care about gen speed anymore in all honesty, devs will never do anything about it (ruin nerf is the best example), but please, for sake's sake, just stop with the bloody killer nerfs (even survivor nerfs, old balanced landing was fair). If the devs released the game with a good game design (survivor objective not being so easy) then at least 90% of the things that were nerfed from killer and survivor would've never needed to happen in the first place. The 10% that needed to be nerfed were certain perks that were op when they could synergize with others and some map flaws (sprint burst stacking with other exhaustion perks, double pallets, infinites).

Being a red rank survivor is almost boring at this point. Even going against optimal killers (play style and character wise) is easy. Spirit S tier? Not when I just loop her as I would with any other basic M1 killer. Oh what's that? You left me 20 seconds into the chase? I'll just count 1... 2... and a gen just popped, oh wait, another just popped as well, and now I'm already halfway done with this gen since you left me alone (I bet you love toolboxes, they're so balanced). Oh and I didn't use any pallets so good luck if my teammates aren't 4 heads, they'll also loop you. Now this gen is done, I'll just go cleanse all the totems so that your only perk that can apply pressure (NOED) will become non-existent. You finally got a hook, now one teammate is hook bombing with BT (and oh boy you hit the guy with BT effect, that's a precious 3 seconds you wasted). Now you're on the rescuer and they're headed straight for a jungle gym, good luck. Well I got all the totems I could find, time to help my teammates with these gens. Oh no you found me, you even caught me off guard in a dead zone and hit me, thanks to Dead Hard I can easily make my way to the shack or the meat tree, which one do you want to get looped at? Oh no I vaulted at the wrong time, you got me, but that's 20 seconds wasted. Now another gen has just popped, there's 1 left. I'll just look at some memes while I hang around. Oh nice you're not camping, respectable, oh wait you're actually proxying. Oh nice my mate's got BT. 3... 2... 1... And there's the last gen, I got adrenaline, we're all happy. The David's already on one gate, you're following the Nea into a jungle gym (with the pallet still up) and I'm looking for the last totem. Oh no poor baby Nea, that pesky NOED got her. Oh what's this I see? That's a nice NOED, it'd be a shame if someone, cleansed it. No more NOED, now we're all bombing the hook with both gates 99'ed. You're scared, you're panicking, giving warning shots, but we all have BT, and you can bet the Nea has DS, as well as my other mates. You took the bait from David, Nea's getting saved and has BT. You hit Nea (shame on you for making her play mending simulator), the gate's opened, we're all bodyblocking. You stare in defeat. I don't tbag with the others since I'm not an SWF tryhard, I leave respectfully, but you're too busy being overwhelmed by defeat that you can't decipher which survivors are respectful and which aren't, but that doesn't matter. You're supposed to be the nice guy, you're supposed to follow our imaginary rule book, (you did in the beginning, but at the end game you tried to tunnel and you camped, what a toxic player you are) you're supposed to play fairly. Oh and by the way, you're actually too powerful, according to my low rank friends who I rarely play with, you're too powerful (they can't loop, so shame on you for taking advantage of their mistakes). I think it's time the devs take a close look at you and give you a nice 'rework'. This is what playing red rank survivor is like in a nutshell.