If you could pick one killer to get a buff/rework who would it be?

There's been a lot of discussion about Killer nerfs on the forums lately so I thought I'd change things up a bit.
When I used to think of Killers that needed buffs Doctor was always one of the first to come to mind. Now that the Doctor has gotten his resurgence in viability. I personally would choose the Clown for obvious reasons, but I don't know what they could add to his kit to make him viable, I've tossed around ideas of forcing a slow vault when under the effects of the tonic, but it seemed too overpowered.
Who would you buff/rework? And what would you change about them?
Trapper, have more or all traps with him.
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Id like to see a hag rework. I like her playstyle and addons but the most hag players seem to use her for a campy style of play and easy tunnel.
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Give clown a mobility option. Maybe even just some generator pressure.
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Both The Killers I want to suggest won't need reworks works if anything I just feel like they need some tweaks.
Pig and Legion
However if you had a gun to my head and told me to pick a rework I would say Clown
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I like the idea of that and have heard people mention it, but I don't know how they would do it. I think it would be really cool to have him be able to teleport between lockers like a fun house. Just an idea.
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Shut your mouth, Hag is bae. BHVR plz fix Hags bugs so I can return to her.
But seriously she is actually a well balanced killer, that if anything could use a very small buff to get her more play at higher ranks. She is well thought out and strong killer with a competent player. She is more prone to survivors early game snowballs with the ruin nerf, and thats where she could use a small buff.
People fixate on Hags camping, when in reality most high level Hag players do not camp but use her traps to control the map and survivors movement. Tunneling is part of the game, there is nothing wrong with focusing a certain player and at any given point you should be focusing a certain player or objective.
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Freddy, Legion, Clown. They’re all stupid boring to go up against
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It wouldn't matter who, because survivors will complain about said killer within a day of its rework.
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Trapper desperately needs a buff considering that he's the mascot
Also Clown, Legion, Pig, and Cannibal need SOMETHING
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Bubba, Legion, Pig
In that order
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For the most needed rework I would like Legion's FF to buff the killer in some way for hitting multiple survivors rather than debuff survivors for hitting them with it once. Trapper, I want buffs for the most he's really satisfying to me and kinda sucks that he's all or nothing if your traps don't come into play.
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He is trash against red ranks
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Bubba, make him unique. So he can do something that billy cant and there is a reason to play him. Ghostface and Myers are different in their stalking and other traits. Bubba needs something special too
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I want her cooldown gone :(
A justified add-on pass turned into a giant unjustified base-power nerf was really sad to see.
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I really hope the devs realize their mistake now that Nurse's one of the least picked Killers in the whole game, with one of the worst kill-rates. They just need to remove the base kit changes, the add-on changes are fine.
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Whys everyone saying Clown? Hes a solid killer to play and hard to go up against. Definetly in a good spot imo. Although I wont decline a buff to any killer at this point
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Nurses cool down I’d take it off
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Clown really needs a rework or buff. He has like no ability right now.
I still kinda wish they would rework legion into something that includes maybe all characters.
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pig and legion buff pls
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If anyone I'd say trapper and bubba. Bubba barely puts pressure on unless he's in heavy snowball mode with the saw and I just want trapper to carry a couple more traps since his option at the moment is run around all game grabbing them or just forget they exist
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Bubba: His chainsaw is almost slower than base speed
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Clown counterplay: Throw pallets instantly
there you go, now clown can't do something
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Clown/ Legion
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Clown. He is basically a Killer for Chases, but he is not good enough at that. Having no map pressure for a Chase Ability which is not enough to play the Killer without Chase Perks is not good.
He is basically the only Killer I never want to touch again since I got his teachables. He is at P1-0 since forever, but I dont have any will in playing him.
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As much as I love clown he needs a rework or at least mega buffs
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piggy mama :(
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And that means, he does not have to run around a pallet for 5 loops. He is pretty good at stopping chases early. His problem is still mobility. If he doesn't get into chases quickly, gens (without old ruin) just pop 1 per hook if you are unlucky
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I don't think many people realize how good he can be. I thought he was trash until I started running into some really good Clown mains. I've seen them destroy teams.
Rework Trapper. Give him an extra trap to carry.
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Trapper. Just not enough time for trapper to kill all of the survivors
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And? Does it really matter?
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Nurse needs a big buff
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Clown or Bubba need it the most imo.
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Legion, definitely not sure how, but in a way he is actually useful
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I don't completely disagree with you but in my experience he struggles a lot on maps like coldwind with a lot of open space because one of his strongest abilities is that survivors tend to run away from the gas so he can control where they run. But on maps like coldwind they can mostly just run around
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I really like this idea especially if the animation showed him coming out of the locker. That would be amazing but would you be able to grab survivors in a locker by teleporting to it?
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Pic needs one big fix, let her traps execute people going out the exit gates again
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Didnt he have the slow vault thing back when he lunched but it was patched for reasons never stated? I love clown, i have all his unique outfits and love his perks but he feels so so weak
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I feel trapper is in desperate need of an update. I play all killers and he just is not fun to play right now. Also I would personally like to see a change to Hags purple and pink addons.
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Their intention was to probably reduce the amount of people who played Nurse since she is “unfun” for Survivors. They succeeded.
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What people complain about Clown is not viability, but gameplay value. His power is not only boring, but crippled by a lot of limitations, since it's a mechanic that only affects survivors.
Yes, you can use your bottles to find immersed survivors, too bad the AoE is small and limited by terrain.
Yes, you can use your bottles to cut down distance when chasing a far-away survivor, too bad you lose momentum when throwing bottles.
Yes, you can use your bottles to cancel actions with direct hits, too bad you'll only be able to capitalize on that once every 10 games
Yes, you can do all of this, while having to manage an ammunition-based power.
I wouldn't mind all of these weaknesses if i could do something other than throwing a bottle behind a loop to get a hit right on the pallet drop, but i can't.
Edit: Also, you grunt when vaulting, bc arthrosis, idc.
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Freddy, back to old freddy
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No one gets looped for 5 times in the same tile, unless they respect the pallet, but if someone still respects it, he pretty much lost already
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maybe 5 times is exxagerated, but if the survivor is able to perfectly hug walls and the killer is not, you run some loops. But Clown and Freddy can cut that, that's their power
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My first choice would have been Doctor, buuuuuuuut since that one is out of the way, I'm gonna play the selfish card and say Pig. :P
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With the new pace of the game, Trapper. He needs more/all his traps base and a default trap setting speed buff to be viable. I don't think any killer should be forced to run perks to make their power viable and Trapper in his current form needs way to much set up for a payoff that may not even happen via disarming, avoiding, or dead harding.
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How about three?
Clown - Bottles are essentially 1/2 of Freddy but reloading is awful
Legion - Basically a survivor with the ability to only injure people
Pig - Worthless traps and the Ambush is difficult to being used in chases or sneaking on people due to speed