We are investigating an issue in the game that causes strobing/flashing lights, and are focused on fixing it as soon as possible. Some players may be impacted by this issue and experience discomfort from it, so we recommend taking proper precautions.

And until we fix this issue, we recommend that players with photosensitivity, or who have an epileptic condition or have had seizures of any kind consult their physician before playing.

Perk series idea: Primer Perks—Perks affecting other Perks.

No_Mither_No_Problem Member Posts: 1,476

This is idea of mine I like to call “Primer Perks”. These Perks have small general effects but, more importantly, have great effects on other Perks, allowing users to strengthen certain builds even further. Take a look and tell me what you think.

(I will admit, some of these Perks don’t exactly fit the description above, but I’ve still made them with the main purpose of being there to aid certain builds, so I figured there would be no harm is leaving them here.)


Hex: Security Measures
A Hex rooting its power on the wielder’s paranoia. You spawn next to 1 of your Hex Totems. All Survivors will spawn at least 32/48/64 meters from this Perk’s associated Totem. All Hex Totems are 30/40/50% harder to see by Survivors and their aura glows to you 30/40/50% brighter. When a Hex Totem is destroyed, its effects persist for 60/90/120 seconds,

This effect persists as long as the associated Hex Totem is standing.

You become obsessed with one Survivor. Perk-based benefits obsessions receive from being the obsession are removed. Up to 1/2/3 other obsession Perks will be applied to a different Survivor who will become another obsession, up to a maximum of 2/3/4 obsessions. These obsessions also do not receive Perk-based benefits granted to them by being obsessions. Which Perks are applied to which obsession will be marked for you to see.

Your brutal attacks leave their victims with severe head trauma. Dying Survivors crawl 5/10/15% slower and bleed out 15/20/25% faster while they are not performing the recover action. If healed out of Dying, Survivors are afflicted with Aura blindness until they are healed to healthy.

You have manipulated the generators in your favor. For every 10 seconds a Survivor spends repairing a generator, they are faced with a Skill Check that has no bonus zone. Perks that affect the DIFFICULTY of repair Skill Checks also remove bonus zones. Base generator repair time is increased by 3/4/5 seconds for every Survivor still alive.


Blood Money
If the Entity uses “Blood”points, then you’re full of money to spend—literally. Your bleeding frequency is slightly increased and your base healing time is increased by 5/4/3 seconds. This blood exchange allows you to strike a deal with the Entity. When a Killer successfully strikes you, their attack cooldown is increased by 5/10/15%. Benefits granted by Perks that are activated by being injured are 50/75/100% stronger.

Olly Olly Oxenfree
You can’t be caught if you can’t be found. When the Killer utilizes Aura-reading abilities, there is a 50/75/100% chance you will not be detected, bleeding frequency is slightly decreased and the visual fidgeting caused by being injured is reduced by 30/40/50%.

If you need to keep pushing yourself, you will keep pushing yourself. Perks that cause the Exhaustion status effect have 20/15/10 seconds more Exhaustion time. Pushing yourself to your limits and then beyond that, the relief of resting is near-euphoric, allowing you to recover from all Exhaustion effects 30/40/50% faster while standing still. When an Exhaustion Perk is used, in addition to the original Exhaustion timer, you will be given a 100/80/60 second “Drained” timer. Drainedness recovers at 50% the normal rate while running. Once the “Drained” timer ends, you will enter an Exhilarated state for the remainder of the Exhaustion timer in which you can use any equipped Exhaustion Perks that wasn’t the one to cause your Drainedness.

Using an Exhaustion Perk while Exhilerated gives you a new Drained timer, resets the Exhaustion timer, and leaves you Exposed for 20/15/10 seconds. Perks disabled by Exhilaration stack until you have completely recovered from Exhaustion or until all equipped Exhaustion Perks have been used, in which case however much time is left on the Exhaustion timer is doubled. If you have only one Exhaustion Perk equipped, Drainedness and all its subsequent consequences do not take place.

You live for others. Once the Exit Gates are powered, you are unable to escape through the hatch. For every full health state you heal another Survivor and every unhook you perform, gain a token. Tokens grant a 2% bonus to all action speeds up to a maximum of 3/4/5 tokens. Taking a hit for a Survivor will force the Killer to look in your direction for 1/2/3 seconds. Gain 50/75/100% bonus Bloodpoints for actions performed in the Altruism category while injured.