DBD's New'ish Players

Hiyo. If you are new, within the last, say, 5 months, I would love to hear from ya. How has the experience been? Do you like the changes, have any suggestions? What do you like and dislike about the game so far? Who do you main as? Do you play both sides? Did you and then change to one side specifically? Whatever is on your mind, I wanna hear it!

I mostly wanna know how many of ya plan on staying to play, and if you aren't staying, why you aren't.

Also... I know this will be tricky, because of the fact that new players may not even be on the forums in large numbers, but hey, its fine. Even if there's just 3 new peeps in the game, I wanna know.




  • humanbeing1704
    humanbeing1704 Member Posts: 9,039

    I know April isn't exactly 5 months but yeah I'll definitely be playing till the game dies pretty much and also I main jake and ace(; and so far changes over the months were very good with endgame collapse being the weirdest

  • yutycorn
    yutycorn Member Posts: 246

    Haha that's good to hear ^,^ I'm glad you are staying <3

  • animalmak
    animalmak Member Posts: 399

    I've been playing less than a month (probably more like 2 weeks) because I finally got my own copy of the game to play after my sister kept talking to me about it. Overall a pretty fun experience! I mean there are definitely times where I'm sitting there trying not to yell and flail when people do dumb things, but there's not much I can do about that when I'm not on voice chat with them.

    I like playing as Steve just because I like Steve, but I find that I tend to be the first player tunneled a lot lmao. So I'm going to eventually try out other characters too and see what happens. I've played killer a few times to do some dailies, and as much as I hate going against doctors, I really enjoyed playing as The Doctor. But I'm mostly playing survivor at the moment.

    Definitely planning on staying as long as my sister and friends are playing! I do SWF with them a lot, which I actually find more fun because there's voice chat but then also the killers don't tend to camp as much (my sister's a rank 4 and one of her friends is a rank 9, so the average rank for killer goes up and a lot of the time we're against like... 3s and 5s). And there's just SO MUCH to learn about perks and gameplay that it's nice having people who really know what's going on to lead me through things. Even if I die a lot. xD

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    I'm not new, obviously, but my brother is, and I've watched him play and played with him a lot so I can tell you about his experience if that's useful. He's one of those people who lurks on the forums a lot but I haven't been able to convince him to make an account yet.

    He started playing last November, about a week after the first Rift opened. He mostly plays killer, because he just doesn't enjoy the survivor experience. He doesn't like having to rely on other people in games, so he only plays survivor when he has to, for dailies and challenges. He mains Hag, but has tried out most of the killers on the roster while doing dailies. He also plays a lot of Nurse, because he finds her gameplay incredibly fun, even though she's difficult so he doesn't often win (although he is gradually improving).

    He loves the game itself, although he's studied game design and is now a software developer so he's very much aware of its flaws. I think the thing he dislikes most about DBD is its community, which is why he tries to avoid engaging with things like the forums. He's very tilt-proof - always a good quality in a killer main - so when it comes to changes in the game, he doesn't tend to get too riled up one way or the other. The Ruin change, for example, I don't think he felt was necessary (even from a survivor point of view), but he also doesn't have huge issues with it. He and I tend to share most of the same opinions on changes, because my opinions tend to be heavily informed by discussion with him, since I believe that the views of a new player who understands game design are more valuable than those of a veteran player who doesn't know the first thing about balance.

    I believe he's definitely planning on sticking around for a while. He's already bought most of the DLC and cosmetics that he considers worth buying. Like I said, he doesn't tend to get too worked up over changes to the game or bad matchmaking, because even after bad, unfair, unfun matches, his attitude tends to just be "it's a game, it was just ten minutes, not a big deal". Basically, he feels that the positives far outweigh the negatives, and as long as that continues to be the case, I can't see him quitting any time soon.

  • yutycorn
    yutycorn Member Posts: 246
    edited February 2020

    Wow. I am so glad to hear that. I actually didn't think a SWF, though, with an assorted ranks would be fun, bc the killers could be an uber duber mindgamer, but you enjoy it and thats good! Haha we all start with our first survivor before finding one we just stick to. Like for me when I first started, I played Nea. However it was for only a couple matches, when I became aware of SC, so Claudie was my next pick. I'm excited to see who you end up maining! And you are very right. There are so many perks that create so many different playstyles, it can be a lot to have sink in! @animalmak

    Oh! That's really smart of him. I know forums or even many other media can have its fair share of toxicity or frustrations and being able to either steer clear or keep a calm head is always a good trait to have. Haha, I don't blame him for not wanting to rely on teammates. Its nice to hear he loves killer! The ruin change had so many people, including me at first, clawing at the dev's doors, but to hear he wasn't phased, in a toxic sense, is good to hear. Hag is honestly so fun when you understand her. Glad to hear that your brother is likely staying!! I was actually wlrried new killers would have a rough time, mostly with the matchmaking rn, but it sounds like he isn't having much issue? Thanks for filling in for him ofc <3 @Fibijean

    Hope all of your experiences stay good and positive! Having more people with calm and level headed aptitudes is always a nice pace to add to this, sometimes chaotic, yet passionate, community.

  • Zombiebassman
    Zombiebassman Member Posts: 1

    I'm relatively new, about a month and a half in. So far I'm liking the game, although I feel that some of the rift challenges are a little too difficult to where I probably wont even bother attempting them. I mostly main the trapper or the doctor and have been having fun doing so, although I am sick of people sitting at the exit teabagging for fricking ever. You won, just go out the damn exit so we can get on with our lives. I wish that the props system actually did something so that people who play well could get rewarded and immature dickbags could get called out. Same goes for killers that camp. I've all but given up on playing survivor. No matter what I'm the first one dead and I'm of the mind that if I cant succeed might as well give the hell up. So you'll probably only ever see me play killer from now on, which is kind of a bummer since I like unlocking the bits of lore and theres a whole bunch I will now never be able to get. Oh well.

  • Mak0
    Mak0 Member Posts: 251

    Same here. I'm sticking with this game until its bitter end.

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    He has as much issue with matchmaking as anyone, but he usually takes it really well. Even though he'd rather play evenly-matched games, he believes that you get better at a game faster by being forced to play against more skilled opponents, so he sees bad matchmaking in retrospect as an opportunity to improve his skills. And finding out that his opponents were much higher ranked than him makes him feel better about the loss.

  • yutycorn
    yutycorn Member Posts: 246

    Oh there will always be a round, early ranks, mostly, where you will get that camper or tunneller. Just like you will always get a survivor or two tbagging at the gate. Me, I don't tbag, instead I sit at the gate, and let them kill me out, thats more points for them and I am happy to oblige. Its frustrating, but you won't always have those games. It'll be like finding a needle in a haystack sometimes, but eventually, you'll find yourself playing skilled games, where it is alll about that chase. Just gotta keep working at it <3 I like the suggestions. Unfortunately, camping/tunnelling is a strategy and I don't they will mess with it too much. Same with tbagging, because you can simply chase them out. Personally, I like to moonwalk. "Hun, yall went through gens and I was bad with my chases. Your tbags aint nothing. Watch me moonwalk!" Sure it has to look sooo derpy with Hag or Billy but oh well!! Just keep trying, if you wanna play survivor. Some people do just prefer one side at the end of the day <3

    That is completely understandable. I know to some degree, ranks don't matter, but at levels of ranks, you can see a notable difference in skill. Its nice seeing he has a calm attitude and doesn't let ranks drive him up the wall. We all get frustrated, but taking it in stride is good ^,^

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    Yeah, I've always admired his attitude to games. I expect it will be a key factor in keeping him playing DBD in the long term.