Corrupt Intervention
Since the ruin nerf (bet you are all super excited to hear a discussion starting with those words again) I have heard more people claim they will run Corrupt Intervention, and I have yet to see it nearly as much as people have been saying they would.
I really wish there were more perks that would help out the early game, as I find Corrupt to be one of my least favorite perks in the game, from both perspective as a killer and survivor. It narrows the available gens down for the first few minutes of the game, which sounds well in theory, but it never ever ever goes exactly how you want it.
When I fight it, the killer just patrols the 3 gens that are open, so nobody goes for them. All this does is make it so the first 2 minutes of the game are spent waiting around locked off gens, opening chests, or doing totems. All things that are much more boring than doing a generator. I wanna do the ones that are open, but the killer patrols those ones so hard that it would be a death sentence.
When I play killer it is the opposite story. I do my standard rounds, and while this perk basically makes it so that it is far less likely for gens to get done, most survivors I fight just spend the first few minutes hiding in corners of the map until the perk is gone. And then after 2 minutes, poof. Dust in the wind. It is an empty perk slot that could have been used for something else. I suppose I could run whispers to help find the hiding people, but it feels weird to waste 50% of your perk slot to help you early game.
Maybe I am the weirdo, I hear people sing the praises of this perk often. Maybe I just have bad luck with this perk, but the only killer I find that uses it best is Trapper.
What are your thoughts
Bear in mind that old Ruin tended to disappear after around two minutes as well.
What you're describing is exactly what the perk is designed to do. The reason people are replacing Ruin with Corrupt Intervention is because it has a similar function of slowing down the early game, hindering the survivors in completing their objective so that the killer can get a head start on theirs.
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I preferred fighting ruin to corrupt, as it was less boring. I can hit great skill checks, as I am sure a lot of us can. Ruin didn't have guaranteed staying power, but 2 minutes of ruin was more useful, as I could often catch survivors at gens as well.
Corrupt just feels like a delayed start, and on most killers, it feels really really useless.
It also is less fun to fight. It's core function, to me anyway, is incredibly boring.
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Honestly both are boring to me.
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That's fair enough. Everyone has different preferences when it comes to perks, and it's perfectly valid for you to simply find it boring. My point was that it's effective for what it does, and that's why it's so popular.
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I started trying corrupt intervention but that seems to lead to survs waiting around blocked gens looting chests since i have no reason to go there or doubling up on gens avlaible makjng it a demented merry go round to try and chase them off.