Remove the corn already!

Cronk Member Posts: 283

It's not fun at all for killers how can you say it's fun it's not it's pigeon #########

You try playing any farm map on console and you'll want to rip your eyes out due to the bad fps mixed with the corn that is so ugly it hurts the eyes it physically hurts to play farm maps. Survivors purposely pick the cold wind offer because they know they are unfair unfun gar-barge you can be ######### hero and still escape in chase due to corn which hurt eyes that much you lose track of hero's.

Why are most maps detriment to killers? If it's killer realm why so in favour of heroes? A chimp in zoo could pick up controller and beat any killer on farm given right circumstance add in sounds for killers are broken this is kickstarter game or indie development people?


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