Do you try and find hatch?

I ask because as last survivor I have hardly much luck, but have been doing the thing where you wait at the gate and then as soon as killer closes hatch, I open the gate. Does not always work, but escape more this way than trying to find hatch.
How about you guys?
If it comes down to me and the other last survivor then I'll search, but if it's just you and the killer then I'd go ahead and camp a gate.
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depends on the map. if the doors aren't on the same wall like in coldwind farms then i'll usually camp the door and wait for killer to close hatch.
if the doors are very close to eachother i'll probably just look for hatch
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The killer can't be in the entire map.
I rather try to find it than risk the killer choosing the right gate to check.
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came to my mind, i tried to do this one match but time passed, i was starting to wonder where the killer is. it took so long and i went look for him carefully and saw him camping the hatch. then i was like, ok, i'll do a gen so i get points. did a gen, still no killer. did another, and then he came for me. it was a pig. i ran him for a while, then started running towards the hatch and he got there before me, closed it, chased me down and then teabagged me the whole endgame time. i was a bit confused there what did i do to deserve the tbag. he was the one literally camping the hatch for more than 20 minutes.
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Depends on if i find the hatch or not. if it is in a easy to find area or if it looks like the killer has found it/ looked for it than i will wait at a gate. If i have not found it or i have and its in a area i dont think the killer has been i will try to use it to escape.
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Never, no matter how bad the scenario is I will always do my objective
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Depends, I generally try to do generators if there's any realistic chance whatsoever I can finish them before the other(s) get killed. Never know, might have Adrenaline and something great happens.
When it comes down to me about to be the last alive it also depends. If I know where it is I'll probably go for it, otherwise if it's not a very mobile killer I'll probably just pick a gate and wait. Depending on map + killer it's basically a 50/50 at that point.
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I look for the hatch. If I find it first, great. If not, I got to a gate. Open it enough so the red lights are showing. Then circle towards the other gate. When they come to check the gate I was on. They usually spend a little extra time searching the area. This usually gives me enough time to open the gate and get out.