Hex:Ruin rework made killer life easier. Change my mind.

Howdy folks. I've got a tl;dr near the bottom for you.

PC killer main. 2k hours

Survivor casual 500 hours.

Here's what I've noticed since ruin got nerfed.

So as a little background. I've been playing killer since leatherface update. I killed my way up to rank 1 when DS and Syringe and BNP were all still very powerful. Survivors had it all. It was a nightmare. But they were also pretty skilled. The badge system showed up and a good number of them stayed in purple ranks because now they were forced to do other things than get chased. So that helped to skim the red ranks off the top. For a while it felt good to get into red rank. You had to know your stuff. You needed to stay up to date on new metas that came with every patch. It was rewarding to sweat a little bit to get into red ranks.

I'm not saying I'm a God. Actually I'm kind of bad at video games as a whole. I'm usually super immersed when I play any games. Before ruin changed I needed to be in the zone to get in red ranks. I was sweating. But I wanted it.

This last season I was about a week late to the party since rank reset. And I had focused more time on survivor the season before to change things up.

So I was a rank 9 and a week late. Looking forward to slaying all those who got left behind in the first week.

Game after game. I'm loving it. Survivor routing is bad. Gens are getting done, but still at a snails pace. it's a 3.5k on average for me. But the best part is: right from the get go I'm getting matched with red ranks. Maybe there's one survivor each match who knows what they're doing. And they are carrying or doing their best. But there's only so much you can do as a solo survivor. So props to those guys!

Since ruin got nerfed, survivors are stumbling into red ranks. And there's nothing stopping them. Hook saves and chases were juuuuust not enough. You needed to get 2 gens done. But if it took you forever to work through ruin, The killer had time to chase more survivors and hook them, giving more opportunities to get altruism and everything flowed a little nicer.

But now gens get done super quick if killer doesn't know how to pressure the map. Or can't pressure the map. That means less hooks early to mid game. Less altruism early to mid game. And then when there's 1 gen left, it's slug and camp time to try and fill in for that tasty bronze gatekeeper emblem.

Crucify me if you must, but I like the ruin change. Red ranks are more fun because the skill required to get into red ranks so forgiving. And when 3 out of 4 survivors you play against are new to red ranks because the bouncer I call Hex: Ruin has retired, the less you have to worry about a team of solos stomping you. Sfw is still OP tho. XD

It's kind of interesting how one killer perk changed the dynamic of the entire game.


Now that ruin is gone, survivors that can't hit skill checks are getting into red ranks and diluting the red rank player base, effectively making killer games easier. Change my mind.


  • gibblywibblywoo
    gibblywibblywoo Member Posts: 3,772
    edited February 2020

    Rank 1 feels easier to me but I think its because theres more boosted survivors at rank 1 than ever now.

    Im getting rank 1 survivors actively running FROM pallets to dead zones.

    Its not fun to go against an uncounterable loop god hit squad but id rather feel challenged than feel bad for destroying baby survivors

  • yermom
    yermom Member Posts: 155
    edited February 2020

    Making the game easier for survivors does not make the game easier for killers... It makes the game easier for survivors. Sure, they rank up more quickly, and end up facing more challenging killers. Sure they die more, but they aren't guaranteed to stay at the skill level that makes them easier to kill. They will improve, and the 'diluted' red ranks will become more concentrated with skilled players. Meaning that the ruin change hasn't made the game easier for killers at all.

    Also, while those survivors are improving, any killers that get closer to rank 1 are going to face many more SWF groups, which are excluded from the 'positive effects' of the ruin change. In regards to SWF, the ruin change has only served to make them more powerful, and make the game more challenging for killers.

    edit: I wanted to add that, what you're describing with your observation is that the newb players flooding red ranks artificially boost the kill vs escape rate in red ranks, which skews the kill vs escape rate statistics of red ranks. The less ksilled players who die, will make it look like killers are still successful, even though the most skilled players are in the same ranking bracket. This is another disservice to balance that favors survivors. "The kill vs escape ratios are balanced in red ranks, why do we need to change anything?"