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How does the hatch work exactly?

Twix Member Posts: 235

So I have found the hatch (closed) before the killer multiple times now and the killer can just come, ignore me completely and kick it closed before I even get the option to jump in. What can I do against that?


  • Skulldugged
    Skulldugged Member Posts: 17

    Honestly? The only way I've been able to counter this is to trust that I can loop and try to get them to chase me instead of camp the hatch, then I try to run a loop to cut back to it before they can reach it or down me.

  • Mikeasaurus
    Mikeasaurus Member Posts: 2,327

    The hatch only opens when your the final survivor. Once open, the killer can close it and force you to use Exit gates to escape, or if you have a Key you can reopen it and flee. It spawns varying on amount of survivors left alive and gens completed.

  • Twix
    Twix Member Posts: 235

    That doesn't work for me either, like I said, even if I try to run away they just ignore me until they kick it closed, once kicked closed it's pretty much impossible to get an exit open especially now that endgame collapse exists.

  • Skulldugged
    Skulldugged Member Posts: 17
    edited February 2020

    I consider myself a relatively casual player, but one thing I've started doing is going closer to exit gates instead of trying to find the hatch. It feels like the meta right now is for both killer and the last survivor to try and find the hatch first, so I try to get a little extra time on the doors, if that makes sense.

    Killer behavior can be a hint too. A killer that facecamps will definitely look for the hatch, any BMing usually will too. They'll try to camp the hatch to troll you, and you can almost always get through the doors.

    Generally, I think my success at surviving when I'm the last left alive is pretty even. Maybe 55% sacrificed, 45% make it out.

  • NullEXE
    NullEXE Member Posts: 1,632

    Just because you're the last survivor doesn't mean you deserve the win. The Hatch has at least some skill to it. If you find the hatch first, and the survivor on hook is still dying. Hide nearby don't stand on it because if the killer is there they can close it faster than you can jump in.

    Another option - which I find happens more often. If you know where the hatch is, go wait by the door furthest from the Hatch. When the killer closes the hatch - immediately start opening the door. Most killers do not have the speed to make it to the furthest door from the hatch. Which makes mostly another guaranteed escape for the last survivor.

    This page goes into even more detail about how the hatch works, and you could optimize around that:

  • Heartbound
    Heartbound Member Posts: 3,255

    Seconding the wait by the exit gate strat, especially in levels that are buildings or ones that don't have clear line of sight often.

    Wake up is amazing for that too but I've never needed it.

  • Twix
    Twix Member Posts: 235

    Obviously it doesn't mean I deserve to win, I just find it kinda unfair that even if you've found it first they have priority over it (kicking it close before I get the option to jump in).

    The other point you make really only works against slow killers or in big maps. Small maps or maps where the exit gates are nearby to one another is a guaranteed 4K for the killer unless you have a key.

  • Venzhas
    Venzhas Member Posts: 684

    But trust its still better than those boring old hatch standings we had lol

  • fleshbox
    fleshbox Member Posts: 494

    If you are a good killer and consistently get 4ks the "game" will ensure that the exit gates are far enough spread apart to ensure you get out.

    This is in line with their bullshit 2 surv theory. Which in pratical terms never happens as it is usually 4 k or 0k

  • 53nation
    53nation Member Posts: 681

    Does anyone know how close you have to be to hear the hatch? The other day I heard it physically open, but didn't hear the ghoulish hatch moaning.

    I was being chased and just happened to be running away from it, sadly. I know it was close cause killer dropped chase and closed it about 5 seconds after that.

  • NullEXE
    NullEXE Member Posts: 1,632

    Remember the hatch was only put in the game to stop the survivor from taking the game hostage by hiding from the killer after 3 were dead.

    It was the survivors who've failed to complete their goal and the killer technically does deserve the 4k at that point since they achieved their objective of stopping the generators from even being powered.

    So it makes sense the killers will have priority over the hatch. However if you find the hatch before the killer has a chance to close it. Goodjob. You got lucky.