So now people can cheat legacy even on console. That's new

Kinda surprised to find out that survivors can cheat legacy even on ps4, I didn't even thought the legacy models were available on console.
I didn't censored nea's name, in the first place because it's impossible to find, I wasn't able to check his profile. Am I missing something? Did they introduce cross platform and that's why I couldn't look at his profile?
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From the icon by their name they're on windows store which, I believe, is crossed between windows and Xbox. Therefore they could sync their steam and their windows store game, as its on the same pc, which would then allow them to play on Xbox with their pc profile.
I think anyway, don't quote me on this.
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I'm on ps4 tho.
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They are somehow playing from pc. Just report them and they will get banned quickly. Something like this happened before.
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Actually, in most cases it's not like a cheater plays on ps4, it's a pc hacker that enabled crossplay somehow. There have been some posts on Reddit about that.
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If that's the case, isn't this a big security breach or smith like that?
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I guess they actually have crossplay in the game but it's just not enabled. People probably figured out how to enable it on PC somehow. It is a pretty big breach like you said though and I'm surprised this hasn't been fixed yet.
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I had this yesterday too with an legacy cloak, it’s strange all other people talking about also legacy outfits seems not exactly cross play
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apparently there's alot of people doing that on ps4 saw on the reddit
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Someone was streaming today and they got a legacy nurse on ps4. The killer name had BHVR in it. The video is on YouTube.
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Something is happening behind the courtains, 100%
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It’s on ps4 bud
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Didn't read it right, sorry
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np, after all the answer was similar to your suggestion, just mixed with some hacking.