How is the game now?

USELESS Member Posts: 1,151

It makes almost one month that I uninstalled and stopped playing the game. So I was thinking in back but how it is now, without ruin.


  • emyung
    emyung Member Posts: 138

    As a killer, if you get red ranks team it is all abou looping and being gen rushed.

    It is enjoyable if you get a team that is not strong on loops.

    As a survivor it is kinda boring as the survival rate is high.

  • Carlosylu
    Carlosylu Member Posts: 2,948
    edited February 2020

    Tougher for killer, but early gens being done no longger affect your BP or emblems it's more about the time you can protect last gens and doors. Big maps need reworks, Clown, Legion and Bubba need buffs or rework. You just need to focus on gates not being open and you can now double pip, amazing in my point of view.

    Autoheaven is bugged, you fall through the floor as survivor and have to vault two times a window to actually vault it

    As survivor everything is fine excep for an ocassional Face Camping Bubba that's mad cause of Ruin Nerf

    I'm a rank 1 killer that never camps nor tunnels and is doing fina in the game, but I actually have to use map offerings to avoid autoheaven, rottenfields or new Yamaoka

    I'm a rank 1 survivor that takes off my item if I see more than 1 toolbox in lobby

    Matchmaking is still broken, our 4 men SWF rank 1 survivors tend to play against green rank killers 1/5 games

    Queue time for killer is 30- seconds whyle for survivor it's 7+ minutes

    I think I mentioned everything

  • fleshbox
    fleshbox Member Posts: 494

    Matchmaking is the same as it was on the day this game released. Terrible and is costing them players for real now.

    For killers you better have a thick skin. I dont play killer anymore. I reached purples. No thanks. Not doing any more of that unless i get people that are a similar level as me. I dont mind getting stomped and schooled. What i have a problem with is being served up game after game after game of being stomped on cos there are not enough killers now.

    I started playing WoW again to get the last few zones for the Loremaster and i am playing Digital Combat Simulator. Sitting back in a P51 like when i first started gaming with others back in the early 90's.

    This game? Not so much anymore. I was keeping stats on 100 games. Solo surv rate and killers' kill rate. The stats are not pretty.

    33 games so far and got out 11. Far from the 2 live 2 get out they say is balanced.

    At last count killers were getting 3.38 kills per game.

    What i am seeing is a lot of 4ks and a lot of 0k's with hardly anything in between. They cant balance this and with the impending rank masking for the new MMR system it is goign to get worse i think.

    So for now i just dont play that much anymore

  • Kycer
    Kycer Member Posts: 337

    You can still win as the killer but it’s just not fun at all in the red ranks

  • Mc_Harty
    Mc_Harty Member Posts: 3,293

    It's a dumpster fire. Don't bother coming back while the game is in this state.

    And considering how slow these devs are, it's going to take literal years to fix anything.

  • Dr_Loomis
    Dr_Loomis Member Posts: 3,703

    Match-making is atrocious.

    Red rank survivor behaviour is at it's abhorrent worst.

    Ridiculously long waiting times to play as survivor.

    All in all...a sad situation. It's a frustrating experience with very little fun.


  • OrangeJack
    OrangeJack Member Posts: 464

    Can't really have chill game as killer especially against red ranks. Today I had a game, where I found a survivor and downed them in pretty much no time and stilll lost two gens. Time spent looking for a hiding survivor, or checking the wrong gen costs you heavily.

  • goat10em
    goat10em Member Posts: 749

    Honestly, it the two years i've been playing, the game is in its worst state.

  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536
    edited February 2020

    As killer its ok if you know how to pressure the map and play strategic. Some maps still suck though.

    As solo survivor its garbage, utter garbage. rampant tunneling, camping and moris.

    as swf its slightly more bearable.

  • Brucecastro81
    Brucecastro81 Member Posts: 1,609

    Better than ever, ruin was trash

  • Cronk
    Cronk Member Posts: 283

    Still sucks

  • Blinking_Bat
    Blinking_Bat Member Posts: 18

    If you are comparing the game state now to how it was 1 month ago:

    • Doctor rework has made him a high tier killer
    • Oni's flick has improved
    • The Ruin rework has improved the gameplay overall for both sides

    And that's about it as far as changes I can think of. Matchmaking and queue times are probably the biggest issues currently, but the new MMR system was announced that will be coming out soon.

    If you quit just because you heard about the Ruin rework, I doubt the game has changed drastically enough to satisfy your odd fantasy

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    If it's only been 1 month since you left nothing has changed worth mentioning.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    Still enjoying the game a lot, I still think the game has a fair amount of killers that are fairly viable more or less, depending on the map of course.

    Many maps still need some changes, some of them complete reworks, they need their size reduced a bit and need to get more mindgameable pallets. And weaker killers need some buffs for sure, like Clown or Legion. They would still suck even if maps became more balanced.

    Survivor queue times are also not that great.

  • Brucecastro81
    Brucecastro81 Member Posts: 1,609

    Can people pls realise that killers only got buffed, what happened is that survs got better, just imagine these survivors in 2016 tho

  • Destructa
    Destructa Member Posts: 56

    it sucks

  • Mellow7
    Mellow7 Member Posts: 793

    Terrible, not playing it until i hear good news from the dev update or other people. I've been playing the new Apex season.

  • Skelemania
    Skelemania Member Posts: 227

    Matchmaking could be better. The emblem system could be better. The ranking system is pretty much tacked on & kind of pointless.

    Outside of that I think the game is in the best place it has ever been.

    Don't listen to the forum though, as it's always nothing but negativity & people that are never pleased. Short memory folk that don't remember what the game looked like in previous iterations.

    Anyone that tries to argue about Hex: Ruin changes some how making the game unplayable, from either side, you can pretty much ignore their opinion entirely.