Why are survivors not crouching on the hag's traps?

Fengminni Member Posts: 99
edited August 2018 in General Discussions
Something that really triggers me when playing against the hag are those awful survivors that still at rank 6 do not understand that you have to crouch on her traps when rescuing someone.. seriously at this point I just want to dc when playing against the hag, because of all of these idiots. Wish I could enjoy just one game playing against her, but no, I always end up with a ######### team. Does it get better at rank 1 and 2? 


  • steezo_de
    steezo_de Member Posts: 1,199

    Yes, but just realize that getting to rank 1 isn't THAT hard, especially with good teammates, luck, and time. So... you will still get bad rank 1 players, just less of them.

  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383

    You move too slow maaaan

  • BBQnDemogorgon
    BBQnDemogorgon Member Posts: 3,615
    edited August 2018

    @Fengminni said:
    Something that really triggers me when playing against the hag are those awful survivors that still at rank 6 do not understand that you have to crouch on her traps when rescuing someone.. seriously at this point I just want to dc when playing against the hag, because of all of these idiots. Wish I could enjoy just one game playing against her, but no, I always end up with a ######### team. Does it get better at rank 1 and 2? 

    People aren't used to her since her buff.

    Hags a lot stronger traps are everywhere now. Traps used to be in predictable locations but now random traps aren't a waste of time on the hags part due to the new speed.

    You move really slow if you're just base crouching across the map mixed with the new unpredictability of traps...

    Running up to the hook is stupid though.

  • Visionmaker
    Visionmaker Member Posts: 2,051
    She's dlc, almost never used prior to the buff, and was weak enough not to need to crouch.

    Why do you think survivors *would* know this?
  • FoggyWeather_
    FoggyWeather_ Member Posts: 163

    I had a game today against the hag, she hooked another survivor and that Claudette decides to full-sprint to the hook to unhook her teammate and after doing it one more time I got found by the Hag and that freaking Claudette ran to me (the third time she ran even though she knew that the hag placed her traps) to unhook me.

    I wish we had an option to kick survivor who try to unhook you when it isn't safe!

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    Because like most Killers, her power can be ignored.

  • Fengminni
    Fengminni Member Posts: 99

    I had a game today against the hag, she hooked another survivor and that Claudette decides to full-sprint to the hook to unhook her teammate and after doing it one more time I got found by the Hag and that freaking Claudette ran to me (the third time she ran even though she knew that the hag placed her traps) to unhook me.

    I wish we had an option to kick survivor who try to unhook you when it isn't safe!

    This happens to me all the time when I play against the hag. It is so frustrating when other survivors do that to you :/ 
  • Peanits
    Peanits Dev, Community Manager Posts: 7,523
    edited August 2018

    Often times you have the choice between sprint and set it off, or slowly crouch away while the killer casually walks back. Especially with the basement, where the killer almost always sticks one at the top and one at the bottom. You crouch out of there without Urban Evasion, she's got time to come back from basically anywhere on the map.

    Alternatively, sneak it, sprint out, set off traps while she's still out of range so she can't teleport. Also works if she's busy with someone else (either in a chase, or carrying someone).

    Sometimes it's just better to set them off, but not always. Depends how many traps are around.

    Although I'm guessing some people just don't know to begin with. It's pretty clear that you can disarm a trapper's trap, for example, but there's no prompt telling you to crouch past hag traps.

  • Strider
    Strider Member Posts: 94

    I think it's also an issue with the visibility of her traps. Unlike the trapper's bear traps, her traps are barely visible triangles on the ground. I unlocked her recently via shards and after playing a few games with her I think it's safe to say that in my experience, next to nobody ever gets past the traps.

  • lyric
    lyric Member Posts: 611
    If she’s camping the hooked survivor I always sprint through to set them off so someone else can get a unhook while she’s trying to hit me, I know doing gens is the best option but I’m gonna at least attempt to save someone before I resort to that  and if you somehow know a person is gonna use the hag get a flashlight and double stack those batteries for destroying the traps on the ground and NOT to blind or save and you can avoid that problem all together 
  • KillingInstinct
    KillingInstinct Member Posts: 272

    Because almost all survivors suck and have no game knowledge and only know how to pallet loop. Some of course know the stuff tho

  • SoMuchBetterThanYou
    SoMuchBetterThanYou Member Posts: 26
    i have seen more of this as well.  rank 12-15.  i rage quit when the same person did it twice.  the first time i was instantly downed and rehooked.  then, same person a second time.  i'll pass on the third.
  • Khalednazari
    Khalednazari Member Posts: 1,433
    It's 4k in every game with the Hag now, even at higher ranks. I love how good she is now. She can play mindgames in loop, without losing the sight of the survivor. But I still believe, high ranks will adapt to her new changes. It's just that many players don't realise how good she is now, mostly survivor mains. 
  • lyric
    lyric Member Posts: 611
    It's 4k in every game with the Hag now, even at higher ranks. I love how good she is now. She can play mindgames in loop, without losing the sight of the survivor. But I still believe, high ranks will adapt to her new changes. It's just that many players don't realise how good she is now, mostly survivor mains. 
    If you know what you’re doing she’s not really that hard to counter the changes are good because now she actually has time to use her power and it makes people think twice about running around like crazy
  • slingshotsurvivor
    slingshotsurvivor Member Posts: 943
    I've seen survivors use it as a way to get hatch. Unhook last person, set off trap, run over to hatch. If your playing solo and it's the hag be ready for folks to Sabo you on purpose. 
  • SnakeSound222
    SnakeSound222 Member Posts: 4,467

    It's because they're either not that good at the game, trying to get you to chase them, or they know that you're out of teleportation range.

  • Skorpanio
    Skorpanio Member Posts: 605

    @Strider said:
    I think it's also an issue with the visibility of her traps. Unlike the trapper's bear traps, her traps are barely visible triangles on the ground. I unlocked her recently via shards and after playing a few games with her I think it's safe to say that in my experience, next to nobody ever gets past the traps.

    She just got a buff and I don't like to say that your opinion is bad.
    But this would change a whole lot with The Hag and how high ranked players go against her.
    After all, this is a horror game and what do you do in horror games?

    You hide!

  • InsertUsername
    InsertUsername Member Posts: 4

    @Fengminni said:
    Something that really triggers me when playing against the hag are those awful survivors that still at rank 6 do not understand that you have to crouch on her traps when rescuing someone.. seriously at this point I just want to dc when playing against the hag, because of all of these idiots. Wish I could enjoy just one game playing against her, but no, I always end up with a ######### team. Does it get better at rank 1 and 2? 

    I totally agree, even though I can't get to rank 1, but still... I don't understand that either!

  • Egonic
    Egonic Member Posts: 29

    Where in the game is her power explained in such a way that a survivor should be aware of mechanics that I consider hidden, and non intuitive?

  • SoMuchBetterThanYou
    SoMuchBetterThanYou Member Posts: 26
    i just watched a rank 10 do it 4 times in a row.  i quit after the third.  ridiculous.
  • Esheon
    Esheon Member Posts: 568
    Egonic said:

    Where in the game is her power explained in such a way that a survivor should be aware of mechanics that I consider hidden, and non intuitive?

    While I believe it is mentioned in the tips you get the first few times you face a given killer, you can also learn this intuitively by observing other survivors.

    The simplest way is when you're hooked, you watched the Hag place a trap, and you see a smart survivor crouch-walking to the hook without setting off the trap. Or you run past a crouching survivor and set off the trap they're trying to avoid. OR you run past a crouching survivor to beat them to the unhook and set off the trap they were crouching to avoid. OOOR you run to a gen another survivor is already on and set off the trap they crouched to avoid.

    There's a pattern there, I just can't put my finger on it... ;)
  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200
    Fengminni said:
    Something that really triggers me when playing against the hag are those awful survivors that still at rank 6 do not understand that you have to crouch on her traps when rescuing someone.. seriously at this point I just want to dc when playing against the hag, because of all of these idiots. Wish I could enjoy just one game playing against her, but no, I always end up with a ######### team. Does it get better at rank 1 and 2? 
    Since piping is so easy as survivor this also means that a lot  bs reach high ranks. I've noticed though that red ranks aren't that ######### anymore even though there are exceptions too
  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    @Master said:
    Since piping is so easy as survivor this also means that a lot  bs reach high ranks. I've noticed though that red ranks aren't that ######### anymore even though there are exceptions too

    Adding to this: Survivor is so easy, a streamer literally did it with one hand.

  • HookedonDemand
    HookedonDemand Member Posts: 181

    I feel you OP. I had the reverse happen to me a few times where I sneaked up on a hook with urban only to watch in horror as the rescued person set off every trap around. I get that mistake the first time but it happened with the same person again shortly afterwards. I got really lucky that the hag didn't go after me.

  • Egonic
    Egonic Member Posts: 29

    @Esheon said:
    Egonic said:

    Where in the game is her power explained in such a way that a survivor should be aware of mechanics that I consider hidden, and non intuitive?

    While I believe it is mentioned in the tips you get the first few times you face a given killer, you can also learn this intuitively by observing other survivors.

    The simplest way is when you're hooked, you watched the Hag place a trap, and you see a smart survivor crouch-walking to the hook without setting off the trap. Or you run past a crouching survivor and set off the trap they're trying to avoid. OR you run past a crouching survivor to beat them to the unhook and set off the trap they were crouching to avoid. OOOR you run to a gen another survivor is already on and set off the trap they crouched to avoid.

    There's a pattern there, I just can't put my finger on it... ;)

    I don't remember seeing those tips, got an example?

    As for the rest of your post, I definitely don't consider painting up possible scenarios where a player who pay attention might have had the opportunity to draw parallels between their actions and actions of their teammates as very good reasoning to explain why survivors don't know about a mechanic, or actually it's a very good way to explain why some survivors don't know about it.

    I disagree with you calling that intuitive as well.

  • Fengminni
    Fengminni Member Posts: 99
    edited August 2018

    I feel you OP. I had the reverse happen to me a few times where I sneaked up on a hook with urban only to watch in horror as the rescued person set off every trap around. I get that mistake the first time but it happened with the same person again shortly afterwards. I got really lucky that the hag didn't go after me.

    This happens to me every game :( I always use my urban evasion to rescue someone and either the hooked person or another survivor just runs to or from the hook setting of the traps and of course the hag comes and goes after me each time and the survivors do this multiple times each game so they should know that crouching does not set them off, as they saw me crouching and not setting them of. It makes me so angry and makes me want to rage quit, but instead I suffer through each round hoping they will get it one day :/
  • Esheon
    Esheon Member Posts: 568
    edited August 2018
    Egonic said:

    @Esheon said:
    Egonic said:

    Where in the game is her power explained in such a way that a survivor should be aware of mechanics that I consider hidden, and non intuitive?

    While I believe it is mentioned in the tips you get the first few times you face a given killer, you can also learn this intuitively by observing other survivors.

    The simplest way is when you're hooked, you watched the Hag place a trap, and you see a smart survivor crouch-walking to the hook without setting off the trap. Or you run past a crouching survivor and set off the trap they're trying to avoid. OR you run past a crouching survivor to beat them to the unhook and set off the trap they were crouching to avoid. OOOR you run to a gen another survivor is already on and set off the trap they crouched to avoid.

    There's a pattern there, I just can't put my finger on it... ;)

    I don't remember seeing those tips, got an example?

    As for the rest of your post, I definitely don't consider painting up possible scenarios where a player who pay attention might have had the opportunity to draw parallels between their actions and actions of their teammates as very good reasoning to explain why survivors don't know about a mechanic, or actually it's a very good way to explain why some survivors don't know about it.

    I disagree with you calling that intuitive as well.

    Apologies for the snarkiness, I was very tired when I wrote that.

    I don't know of any site that has those pre-game tips collected. You only see them the first few times you face a given killer. There are posts complaining about them on Reddit and the Steam forums from August of last year when they were first introduced. I tried to link a Reddit post and it threw out my entire post here, sorry.

    You're right, intuitively was not the correct word there. Perhaps observationally would be better. 

    Unfortunately, with more and more games being distributed primarily through digital download we don't often get a manual. The information is out there, though. Wikis have essentially replaced the old game manuals these days. Besides, a manual wouldn't have included the information in question, as the initial version of Hag traps would still trigger if you crouched over them.

    I suppose they could create a tutorial for going against each killer. Honestly though, I think that would be a huge waste of time that they'd have to repeat every time they reworked anything mentioned in the tutorial. We actually had people complaining in the forums about doing the current tutorial even though it gives a BP reward. 

    That pretty much leaves putting it into in the written tutorial section in-game. I don't know if the devs have stats on how many people have read what's already there, but I doubt the number is very high. If people want to know, they probably just Google it these days. If they're unwilling to do an online search, I don't think they'd bother to read the in-game tips.

    I guess the best bet would be to just put a hyperlink to the wiki on the bottom bar of the main menu.
  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,614

    Because Sprint Burst is an addiction and comes with side effects, like not using the crouch ability...ever.