Too easy to pip as killer

I made it in to red ranks as demogorgon and ghostface with no perks. i made it to red ranks with litrally no effort but as survivor it took me a while to make it to red ranks. Why do people say its hard to pip as killer?
The name says it all, folks
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Weak bait 1/10
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Either some comments were deleted, or this guy did a second post about the same thing. Either way its intresting.
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i bet 100% thats a baiting survivor main
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Obvious troll is obvious.
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Because the vast majority of potato survivors reach red ranks, Im an example of that, but that does not go for killers
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Kids will be kids.
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In rank 8 at the moment cause i havent been playing alot
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Even assuming this isn't bait, rank doesn't matter as killer. You'll get red rank survivors whether you're green or red.
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Rank 8 atm cause i was rank 5 when rank reset happend and i havent been playing alot
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I regularly 4k and do not pip.