Possible Pig Buff

So I'm sure everyone and their mother has suggested this, but what are folk's thoughts on making Rules Set No.2 baseline for Piggy. I'm sure many of us have felt the ire of when a survivor gets their trap off without any danger being presented. Would this be possible?
And if not that, would it be possible to have Skill Checks for the boxes be affected by perks that influence skill checks?
This would be great, as Amanda is not a killer I see much anymore, however I believe maybe survivors shouldn’t be able to see them up until they’re within 32 meters or maybe even 48 meters, even if the trap is activated, considering Amanda is low tier.
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I feel 32 or 48 is too large a radius.
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They need to lower her terror radius so monitor isn’t a requirement also would be nice if they found a way to compensate her for the loss of the end gate kill lost with the endgame update. Maybe a kind of special pallet or window trap that requires survivors to hit a skill check the first time vault otherwise they become injured maybe some kind of gen trap
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It should be baseline, and the new replacement addon should limit box vision to, like, 8 meters.
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I like this. Pig is okay but rng is infuriating for both parties. I hate playing her for the same reason op states, and I hate playing against her because if rng doesn't like you its head pop time. Cool game bro.
I wouldn't even be mad if my survivor got his hands stuck in a generator because I didn't see the trap on it placed on a different side of the generator and got pulled off by the pig.
I'd laugh if I got stuck in a window. I like the jigsaw boxes so keep them but use them for something else. Maybe let pig reload her traps there and let survivors interact with them to sabotage them for a few minutes.
I dread the pig for all the wrong reasons.
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She needs Rule Set #2 at base but that's still barely a start. She needs a lot of other things as well.
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That would be nice- her power is really lacking. That and a few other QoL changes (like her Ambush sound effects when crouching, uncrouching, and attacking being removed or timed differently) would go really far in helping her.
The biggest problem is the trap's RNG though- nothing is more disheartening than seeing a survivor get the trap off on the first box. Boxes should be more threatening (EX: fake box slightly decreases time remaining by 10-15 seconds, you should need more than one box to unlock a trap, or a fake box applies a status effect that hinders the survivor in someway).
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Some other ideas I've heard:
-The addons that apply status effects to trapped survivors should be changed so they last for a certain duration after removing the trap.
-Major reworks for useless or niche addons (Amanda's Letter, Amanda's Secret, Interlocking Razors, etc.)
-Reload traps,and/or add additional ways to trigger traps (A fake box activates an inactive trap, or a certain duration w/o removing the trap activates it).
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Pig is fine, she is the killer that has the most mid/late game pressuere, combine with corrupt and pop and she is deadly
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Nobody else afaik has their stuff show up before it's needed. Whether it's alarm bells, purification pools, or whatever. Pig is the only one that's exposed for who she is and where to counter her from the get go. It really should be baseline
Other than that, she's honestly not that bad. I'd argue we leave it at that for a while and see how it goes and maybe change it from just generators to also end gates being powered..
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I dont see why not, its only going to help in edge case scenarios where Pig doesnt provide any kind of threat to survivors and they're taking traps off when the trap is not even activated.
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As a Pig main, I feel as though i must share my opinion on this matter.
I don't really think that Ruleset 2 needs to be base. It'd be nice though, but it'll force people onto generators, the exact opposite of what I want.
Make her crouch basically the same as Ghostface's. Currently I'm literally slower in every way. Move the roar until the attack for maximum jumpscare. Make Jigsaw boxes affected by Blindness, except for Face Mask.
Skill check affects applying to Jigsaw boxes would also be fantastic, as well as a reduction in terror radius.
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Blindness would be ok, Oblivious would be better IMO.
Everything else I agree- in their stealth mode(s), all the other stealth killers are faster. There's no real advantage she has on them in/out of stealth that would compensate.
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She has no late game pressure
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As someone who tested both Corrupt and Pop on Pig, I would not use Corrupt.
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no killer has it
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I mean legion or nurse if the last few gens are close
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I think all she could possibly need is faster crouching w/o Add-ons and 28m Terror radius.
I dislike Rule Set N2 in general so I would prefer for it not to be base.
Maybe rework most of her add-ons since, in my opinion, most are good just for the +1 Trap and the rest is either bad, Combat Straps or Amanda's Letter which is a nice gimmick.
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I didn't read every post so this could have been suggested already.
I would like her ambush to get some adjustments. Not just sound and reduced terror radius but I want her Dash to apply status effects or something. Currently if you get the drop on someone it's actually better to stand up and go for a grab. There's not much reason to use her dash unless your trying to mind game a pallet.
Her crouch speed could use a slight buff. Since GF got here she just feels slow by comparison.
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No stop saying make rsn2 almost every person requests this buff to pig but it works against her more than it does to help her. If it becomes base survivors aren’t gonna go look for boxes they can’t see. So what are they gonna do? They’re gonna do a gen and the whole point of her traps is to slow gen time, not speed it up.
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Devs said they aren't planning changing the Pig. There are so many suggestions that are so interesting and kinda SAW themed but, unfortunately, I don't believe devs will do anything with them. Heartbreaking, I know...
I heard they are kinda looking into her add-ons, at least that's something. Some of her add-ons are so bad they really need a rework.
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Reworking add ons tends to worry me. They have a nasty habit of over doing it -.-