Controlling the strings - A fan made chapter

Cheers Member Posts: 3,426



Sarah was a young girl, innocent, she had a bright future with every intent of keeping it that way. She was a lonely child. Her father, out all day, working his job that payed him the money that was only enough to keep him standing on his two feet, let alone his family. Her mother, spending time crying wishing her life would just end, however with no confidence in doing so. No one at school would talk to her, she was known as the poor girl.

She had a mind that was practically empty, with nothing to think about, nothing to look forward to, no one to chat to. She decided if no one wanted to talk to her, than she would find someone that could.

She got all the money she had collected, wether it had been from finding it on the ground, on the streets, or her parents being generous enough to give a bit to her. She left the house to buy supplies. She took her mother’s sewing kit which also had some supplies that couldn’t have been bought with the money that she had obtained throughout her life.

She got a black piece of fabric and started creating what she would only know was a doll, while others would see it as some sort of demon that has been tortured by this young girl. The looks of it didn’t matter to Sarah, she finally had someone to talk to.

She gave it a mouth of red fabric, and matched the eyes with the same colour.

Suddenly, Sarah started hearing things, as if the doll was talking to her. All she could hear was a faint whisper of “more”. This repeated time and time again and Sarah couldn’t get it out of her head. She had to listen to it. It was the only thing that talks to her.

She created more dolls, ones that looked more realistic. She kept on creating these dolls up until the words changed. More wasn’t what this ‘demon’ of a doll wanted. All Sarah heard was “sacrifice.” It had seemed more voices had joined in, from one to two, from two to ten. She didn’t want to fail her friends.

She got a pair of scissors that she used for creating these monstrosities and went into her mothers bedroom, only slightly opening the door in hope that the mother wouldn’t awake from her slumber, with her face still wet from the tears. Sarah got her scissors, lifted them up, and pushed down hard.

She dragged her mothers body into her own room, taking off pieces of skin and cloth that could be used for another doll. It was as if another being was controlling her, however she wasn’t sure. All Sarah wanted was to please her friends. The dolls didn’t even communicate anymore. She knew what ‘it’ wanted.

She carefully cut around her mothers eyes, making sure they weren’t damaged, before going over to her original doll, the one who started this madness, and sew them on, creating gaps on the inside of the doll just for these.

The father would return late that night to find a house of a mangled body, and nothing else remaining.

The Killer

Name: Sarah Evert

Also known as: The puppeteer

Gender: Female

Weapon: Scissors

Height: Average

Terror radius: 28 meters

Movement speed: 115%


A young girl with long black hair, in a ripped dress, her mouth showing a smile, and her eyes pure red. Her skin pale from the endless suffering in this new realm.

Power: In a mind of their own

You have ten puppets at the start of the match. You must move around the map placing these dolls. Once at least one doll has been placed, you can take control of these dolls.

There are four different types of dolls. Blue shirt, Yellow shirt, Red shirt and The original. You have three blue shirts, three yellow shirts, three red shirts and one of the original. You may choose which one you want to throw.

All puppets have a base movement speed of 95% and have no terror radius, however footsteps may be heard within 8 meters. Puppets automatically jump on the survivor if they are within 4 meters if the survivor. While a puppet is on a survivor, generators and healing actions may not be done.

Each puppet has a unique power.

Blue shirt: Reveals survivors aura for 10 seconds. Stays on survivors for 30 seconds. Has a blue aura.

Yellow shirt: Injures the survivor, if the survivor is already injured this will not down them. Stays on survivors for 15 seconds. Has a yellow aura.

Red shirt: Causes all survivors within a 24 meter range (including the survivors hat was attacked) to scream. Stays on survivor for 60 seconds. Has a red aura.

The original: Reveals survivors aura for 15 seconds and grants the exposed status effect towards the survivor up until the puppet leaves. Lasts for 60 seconds. Has a black or white aura depending on the surface you’re looking at.

The puppeteers power ‘In a mind of their own’ may only be used every 30 seconds. When using the power you take control of the puppet you were facing. While using your power, your terror radius is reduced to 16 meters and if survivors see you, you’ll be seen kneeling while whispering.

Puppets that have been used are regained after 30 seconds. Puppets may be destroyed by survivors, which causes them to be regained after 60 seconds.


Add ons would include;

  • Increased amount of time a puppet spends on the survivor.
  • Increased amount of puppets.
  • Decreased power recovery time.
  • Increased movement speed as puppets.
  • No footsteps can be heard from puppets.

And the fun / better add ons.

Mothers eyes: You see all regardless of your drawbacks.

Your amount of dolls in the trial is reduced by 6. All dolls become the original. Power recovery time is increased by 15 seconds.

Sewing needle: A sewing needle with a bit of thread still inside of it.

Whenever you’re inside of a chase with a survivor who has a doll on them, the timer that effects when the puppet leaves doesn’t decrease, but rather stays at the time it had at the start of the chase through out it.


Needle in a haystack

You find a way through to please those you love.

Whenever you start a chase with an injured survivor, gain a token.

Each token increases your movement speed outside of a chase by 0.5%/0.5%/1%.

Maximum amount of tokens is 3/4/5 tokens.

You lose a token every chase you end with no successful attacks and that lasted 10 seconds or longer.

As cute as a button

You make people feel safe up until the time to strike is right.

If a survivor is crouching or walking within your terror radius, decrease your terror radius by 8/12/16 meters.

Does not stack if multiple survivors are crouching at once.

hex: Creating demons

Survivors come in as humans, but will leave the trial as monsters.

For every minute that passes in a trial, survivors action speed to repairing, healing, sabotaging and opening up the exit gates decreases by 1.5%/3%/4.5%.

This hex persists as long as the related hex totem is still standing.


The Puppeteer walks up to the survivor, stabbing them in the throat and slitting it, before her dolls climb all over the body, revealing that the eyes have been taken.



Steven was always considered a team player. He’d help others in their desperate time of need and when he wasn’t doing well, he would find a way out himself. He’d jump into other people’s holes and dig them out.

He had a life of pure joy, helped by his friends and family, he knew he’d always be welcome wherever he went.

Or at least that was what he was set to believe.

He started seeing things, he’d blink and he’d see himself by a campfire, and blink again and he’d be back home and safe. He’d blink and see himself hanging while looking at a masked predator, feeling the excruciating pain, and then he’d blink again and be back home.

This happened for days on end up until he blinked and saw the campfire again, however this time, he was here to stay.

The survivor

Name: Steven Kennedy

Gender: Male

Height: Average



You don’t care about the cost, as long as your team survives.

Whenever you take a hit within 8 meters of another injured survivor and you aren’t put into the dying state, stun the killer for 1/2/3 seconds.

You become exhausted for 60/50/40 seconds. Grunts of pain are increased by 25% up until you catch your breath.

Diggin’ us out

You save people from situations that look like a loss from their point of view.

Whenever you are within the killers terror radius and there is a survivor 8/10/12 meters away from you or closer, the killers aura and all of their belongings are revealed to you.

No help, no problem

Besides being a team player, sometimes you need to resort to helping yourself.

Whenever you are picked up out of a locker, you’re wiggle meter starts at 25%/50%/75%. This perk may only be used once per trial.


  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564
    edited February 2020

    Really like the idea of adding a puppet killer to the game. I've created one myself to do with puppets but its different to yours.

    I don't know how the killer will be able to change between 4 potential puppets. You may need to think about exactly if this is possible on controller in particular. You also haven't specified how exactly survivors destroy the puppets. Lastly how exactly does he activate the puppets? I assume he needs to look at them when starting to use his power and how long is he immobile for before he can move after activating them.

    They were just some questions I wanted to know the answers to. Little details like those can make the difference in an op or weak killer. I do really like the thought behind each puppets individual power. I don't think you controlling them is great tbh. You must find a survivor, then activate the ability then chase a survivor. I think you'd be wasting a lot of time and gens would be done too quick. I think they'd probably be fine waiting around the area where the killer throws them.

    Needle In A Haystack: I like the idea behind this perk. It rewards you for winning chases while also helping traverse the map. It's not as good as nemesis and play with your food combo but it's nice to use for just one slot.

    As Cute As A Button: I don't think its particularly strong. As long as they aren't playing steathy or have spine chill this perk is easily countered.

    Hex: Creating Demons: I think the totem should have a maximum number it can reach. Otherwise thrill on a hag could destroy teams with relative ease.

    Selfless: This would be abused heavily by survive with friends. I understand the idea but I think it would be way to strong and would be extremely annoying to face.

    Diggin' Us Out: This is another extremely op survivor perk. A swf team can remove all mind games the killer has while not giving him anything in return. They could also have flashlights if the ever down a survivor. A jumple gym for example I could sit in a locker while my friend looped the killer there. Since the survivor can see the killers aura he should never go down.

    No Help, No Problem: I'm sorry but this is another easily abused survivor perk. The numbers would need lowered by a decent bit because a coordinated team could quite easily escape using this. I know it can only be used once per trial but this is more of a guaranteed escape than old ds if the team is a swf.

    Really enjoyed reading the chapter mate. I particularly enjoyed the different abilities of each doll. I would say the perks need balanced especially on the survivor side but I hope my feedback was helpful. I'm sorry I never got reading the add-ons but I've already spent 30 mins writing this.

  • Cheers
    Cheers Member Posts: 3,426

    Thanks for reviewing this!

    I guess I'll start off with how the changing of the puppets. I was thinking on console cycling between lb/l1 and rb/r1 to change which puppet your going to throw.

    Destroying puppets is like cleansing totems. Maybe add skill checks? Basically just about spending 16 seconds destroying it, no tool box needed.

    You are right about the fact that he needs to look at them to activate the power.

    Although the puppeteer has a slow start to the game, the late game can be hectic, or even mid game. Survivors have little to no knowledge that a puppet is coming unless they faintly hear it from close by (a noise that would be nullified by the sound of gens) or if they see it. If theyre caught then they cant do any actions for a period of time, although I do find that the power may be weao for chases.

    Although Nemesis and Play with your food is superior to this, I always wanted a simular varient in which you were only using one perk slot and actually got to attack the survivor (the main reason I dont use play with your food).

    As cute as a button like you mentioned is situational, and thinking back on it, doesn't seem useful even if it was active.

    I took me awhile to decide should creating demons have a cap on tokens but damagws survivirs more by the minute, or no cap and it does less, and in the end I decided no cap simply because its a totem and this perk doesnt reduce totem cleansing speed. Of survivors feel like its to damaging then they can find it.

    Thinking back on the survivor perks, I never play swf, because of this many perks I create end up unbalnced with swf. As you mentioned selfless is like this.

    Although digging us out can be strong, that means two survivors arent doing anything. Some killers also completely counter it (Myers, Ghostface, Freddy). Some loops also cant be ran by survivors without taking a hit or leaving it, causing the survivor to leave with the killer.

    Finally, looking back at nhnp, this perk should have a timer probably (10 seconds maybe?). After this timer it shouldn't activate maybe. Other that I think its fine.

    Thanks again for reading it!

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    Just make sure your killer can be used on controller. We need buttons for cycling puppets, throwing them and activating them.

    Well I'd shorten the time to destroy the puppets. Mending can become annoying and this is longer. Maybe a cooldown on the survivor after successfully destroying a puppet before another can jump on them would be nice.

    I wouldn't be worried about whether a puppet finds me or not. They're small so on grass maps it would be hard to find me. I think depending on the map I could get a puppet on me, you come to me but I've probably already moved away then destroyed the puppet. The time he wastes getting a puppet on a survivor will waste way to much time.

    Hex: Creating Demons can become incredibly annoying if the killer runs thrill. Certain killers would be able to guard it too easily. Your killer probably could just throw all 10 puppets at the totem to guard it and then just m1 everyone else. You also have to remember the killer probably could run pop, ruin and thanatraphobia with this. 25% is very strong but since it's a hex it would be good.

    Diggin' Us Out will still work on the killers mentioned. Once Myers leaves tier 1 this perk shows the aura. In the dreamworld the survivors can see freddy's aura. If a swf friend is following me I'll get them to knock Ghostface out of his ability. It should only work for 10 seconds and have a pretty long cooldown.

    How about you start at 25% instead. Add a condition that wiggling is 25% more awkward for the killer (like boil over).

  • emptyCups
    emptyCups Member Posts: 1,262

    Yo this is crazy cool

    As a survivor I'd be upset at a trap that can move to attack me. That's a little OP

    But if it only prevented 1 action each color and never did damage that'd be something