Outfits you'd like to see.

I want outfits to be interchangeable between characters. Kate has some things that would look nice on Dwight.
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Beach DLC like F13. Good times.
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Dwight would not fit in Kates clothes tbh.
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I would love to see Derp Face or Pretty Woman Bubba.
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I totally get what you mean- Clown needs Spirit's schoolgirl outfit.
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Kate with a flower crown.
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They would fit in all the right places. The entity will make sure of it.
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I formed mental images of this horrific sight... I need it in my life!
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I almost regret my suggestion, almost, but now I can see how useful this would be. The horror survivors would be faced with would be immense! I love it.
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Maybe a biker outfit too for David lol.
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ᵇᵘⁿⁿʸ ᶠᵉⁿᵍ ʷʰᵉⁿ
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2018 Laurie
2018 Myers
Burnt Myers
1984 Freddy
Suit Leatherface
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Charity Event For Veterans: Bill gets a army veteran's uniform.
Charity Event For Breast Cancer: Feng Min, and Kate Williams get's pink outfits/hair.
What Could Be Done Currently
Australian Bushfires Charity Event; Claudette gets a cute Australian Safari outfit with a Koala as a backpack, and Jake get's an Australian Safari outfit. Detective Tapp get's volunteer firefighter fatigues.
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I want more everday clothing for Kate. Maybe a nice summerdress with flower-pattern? A neat denim skirt with a crop top? A sweaterdress for the cold months?
All of her cosmetics look so extravagant and out of place. A phenomen most survivors suffer from unfortunately.
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bikini kate thats what i need in my life
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Pretty woman and remake Leatherface skins:
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I want a freddy skin where his hat is just tipped forward more, like in the actual image
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what more could we want?
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One of mine has sort of come true.
I wanted to see a Wraith themed around the scrapyard, and now he has an outfit in which he wears clothes made from car tires, a weapon made of license plates, and heavy chains to (presumably) lift car engines stuck on his head.
When i look at the standard skin of Wraith, it might just be me, but his skin looks very dry, especially at his head.
I thought it might be cool for an outfit that he's dried up so much that, not just skin, but large chunks of his flesh have fallen off, and you can now see parts of his bones in various places, exposing arm bones partially, the ribcage partially, the skull partiall, etc.
No blood dripping, it stays in the remainder of his flesh as black, dried-up blood.
Lorewise, the outfit would state that it took really long for the Wraith to become like this, and the Entity didn't have anything to do with it, as if he's just dying physically, but the Entity's pushing him to continue.
While Wraith still doesn't want to do this after so long, he has become quite the efficient Killer for the Entity, establishing a deep bond with the Entity, like this & this Perk.
This deep bond then manifests itself on the Wraith's (remaining) skin as these little vents, similar to hydrothermal vents, which would constantly spew out the black smoke that you see on your screen when you're affected by the Undetectable Status Effect. (It would of course turn off if you're cloaked so it wouldn't betray your location.)
His weapon could be him holding an Entity spider leg.
Heck, instead of holding it, maybe it comes out of his arm or wrist, and then cover up the connection with black smoke to not make it ugly on other cosmetics.
It would constantly move on its own in your grip, showing it's definitely not a dead part of the Entity.
Swinging it would moreso look as if the leg itself is attacking, and not the Wraith, further playing into the idea that the Wraith still doesn't like this one bit, and the Entity is pushing him like usual.
Hitting a Survivor with it would make the leg twitch in his grip, showing excitement from the hunt, and the Wraith has to calm it down to continue the hunt.
As for clothes, i don't really know.
Just having ripped versions of his clothes seems too lazy, and he barely wears anything below the belt to begin with.
Yeah, i don't know.
Anyway, combining the dry & dead flesh falling off, vents across his body spewing black smoke & a living Entity weapon, i think it could be a really cool potential outfit for him.
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I'd love to see Huntress with an eskimo cosmetic.
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Halloween 2018 Laurie & Myers have been on my wish list for a while now. I also thought that a yellow raincoat for Feng & a white, Noh-style mask for Spirit would be cool as references to Little Nightmares seeing as dlc characters from the game probably wouldn’t fit dbd’s aesthetic.
Other random ideas that have been spawned from my definitely stable mind:
Mermaid Claudette, Kate, Jane, Spirit or Legion (Susie)
Survivors as skins for Legion (not my idea)
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A Yui skin with like a cool long braid down here back and some ninja inspired outfit that could be cool
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I want Freddy to have his REAL sweater. None of this black and red crap.
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More original sports related cosmetics for meg, instead of the reskin's.
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Bunny Feng Min!
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Classic Freddy skin
Bunny Feng Min
Egyptian Plague
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Killer inspired clothing for survivors
Or ocean inspired clothing for killers :D
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Magician Ace with top hat.
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For Laurie Strode, a hospital gown
Feng, I would like it if she cosplayed as her favourite character. Example🔽 Nothing to crazy though.
Kate, I don't know what outfit would go with but I like this hair.
Yui, could be a fighter like sports bra and bandage gloves.
Claudette, as a scientist. As if she continued her pursuit or interned somewhere better.
Dwight, Shirtless Dwight is needed.
Finally Jane. For no reason.
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I like the idea of Bubba's skin-masks for the original survivors-expanding those to the entire Survivor cast would be great.
Maybe give something similar to Huntress; unique masks (in the style of her original bunny mask) for sacrificing a specific survivor X times.
David -Lion Mask
Ace - Snake Mask
Kate - Horse Mask
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Or just the top hat. He already has nice uniform.
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Bermuda shirt for Trapper and Billy. Bathing suit for Huntress. Wraith gets a lifeguard outfit, complete with sunblock on his nose. Legion gets dunce caps and Bernie Sanders shirts.
David King gets a cool Biker jacket
Ace gets an Elvis costume
Meg gets a beach hula wrap and top (She seems like the spring break type)
Jane gets a moo-moo.
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Thank god there are brave souls actually posting Leatherface cosmetics but yeah my vote goes to.
Family Dinner Suit (First Film)
Pretty Lady Mask (First Film)
Alternative Outfits (Ideally - Second movie suit and Texas Chainsaw 3D suit)
Robert Englund Freddy cosmetic for Freddy (Head slot would be fine)
Stop neglecting Bubba he needs something I haven't bought auric cells and I won't until Bubba gets something.
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Still drives me nuts they didnt add the hap tipping in his Mori.
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Oh and Savini TCM2 Leatherface!
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Speedo Quentin with a paper bag over his head.
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I just want a top for Jane that doesn't look like it's from a thrift store in the 90's
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Gimme Bunny Feng!!!
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If anyone's giving a horse mask, its gonna be Laurie... just look at her
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Adam, but he has a black suit, and mean-looking shades. Kinda like Will Smith in "Men in Black".
Doesn't fit his character, but at least it's anything. He literally has less head pieces than Tapp (a licensed character).
Oh, and also what @Kebek said about magician Ace.
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Wolf skin for the huntress.
It's too late for this year, but blinking Christmas lights on demogorgon would be sweet.
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I wouldn't mind seeing some good medievel themed outfits. Leather, chainmail, or maybe some plate on Survivors would be pretty good.
Go with a spiky, leathery theme for Killers. Lot of fun medievel weaponry in there too to play with. Morningstars, Maces, etc etc.
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Give me trench coat Freddy. Or Laurie's blue sweater. Or both and I'd be happy
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Feng Min
Gothic outfit.
Cosplay of her favourite video game character.
Outfit from when she was in school.
Bunny/Kawaii Min
I'd like another Chinese dress for her.
Punk or rebel look. Leather jacket maybe fishnet something like that.
Saw 1 outfit. Her skirt and fishnet outfit
Outfit based off hoffman's Pig ( so far we have two outfits based off what Amanda has worn and one kind of based on Daniel Rigg)
I know It's unlikely because they have to keep it within the Pig theme but unmask would be great.
Prom Susie
School outfits
Animal themed masks
Rabbit Susie/Julie ( something similar to Donnie Darko)
Wolf Frank ( Would fit the whole pack leader thing)
Bird Julie/Susie If anybody would say a raven or crow.
Spider Joey (With Joey would make sense to go something edgy and creepy.)
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A barn owl theme -- i know Bird of Prey exists, but the chest piece isn't symmetrical and it bugs me, and barn owls have the coolest faces.
A completely black, panther theme
and neither of these should be the gargantuan size that the devs keep using on her outfits like Mother Bear or Solstice Devotee.. those are just ridiculous looking
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I want a matching outfit set for Dwight and Jane which unfortunately will never happen :(
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Bikinis and speedos! For survivors and killers!
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Bunny Feng, Unicorn Jumpsuit Feng, Disco Feng and Neon Roller Skate Feng.