Some games tonight

And these are the match result & rank.
I know exactly how you feel, man. my games looked like that last night and it was super frustrating but it looks like you handled yourself pretty well.
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16 to rank 13 in one night. Good for you dude.
MM looks tough tho!
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I know mm is broken af as of now, but it seems that you're adapting each time. Until the new mm comes, try to learn survivor's moves and play style.
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Lightborn gamer, I see
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@Foxfire47 at least there was no toxic though.
@Clevite i dont want to rank up though. Thats why I mostly let other escape. Still I want to have fun dominating Survivors
@EmpireWinner i play wild, no style. Mostly Trapper, usually in mid chase injured survivor, I go another way to pickup trap, setup and go find them. I have Nurse Calling, I dont afraid of losing Injured Survivors mid chase. Though injure them is a must
@Brucecastro81 as soon as I see a flashlight, I get Lightborn. One down, I want its a hook, not a save. If many bring other item along with Flashlight, I may go Franking demise. I had a game where a SWF brough a surprise 3 Flashlight (they get 3 flashlight when there was 7sec countdown in lobby), you will get why Lightborn is my built-in
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But u could just look at the wall
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That's a plus that there was no toxicity 🙂
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Devs? Where are you?
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Wait, so you’re purposely staying low rank so you can dominate rank 13-15 survivors? Based on your results and the way you say you let people go I’m guessing you’re more likely belonging in the purple ranks anyways...
I have no sympathy for people who try to smurf and are forced by MM to play against people they should be against anyways.
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If the OP is letting survivors go then everybody wins right?
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Is he letting them all go or only one get hatch?
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nice joke.
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Yeah I gotta agree with @johnmwarner. I guess if your letting people go it's not that bad. But if you're purposely not ranking up it's kinda hard to complain about mm.
Specifically when you stated that you just want to dominate lower skilled players.
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funny , ik
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@johnmwarner I think I belong to Green like 11-12. Im not an expert at this game. Sometimes I able to dominate Purple, sometimes get destroyed by half Green/half Yellow.
I like to dominate but not Kill. Kill & Pip doesnt matter to me, dominate them and let them leave makes me feel like a God holding other's life. Thats my Fun while playing Killers.
Which mean, keep 4 people stay alive going around Gen while able to 8 Hooks. Not easy with Gen rush when I usually lost 2-3 Gen at first hook with my Trapper main.
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Props to u for ranking up in that ######### MM
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It doesn't really matter what they do with matchmaker, if they don't have the player volume across the skill ranks to actually pair them up properly.
Like you have these streamers who 4K like 90% of their games because they have no one who can really compete. If you only put them against people their skill level so they got 4ks like 50% of the time they would have hour long queue times.
So I have no idea what the devs plan to do about this game but we'll see I guess, I am skeptical though.
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So, the point I want to tell is. I BELIEVE my style of playing (you have to get 8-9 Hooks for the first kill, and each next hook will be every Survivor's last hook) is the ideal that the game should be.
But the Gen go too fast for me to able to do that, unless Survivors are bad or make many mistakes.
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I prefer to play that way as killer too, I like to get everyone 2 hooks before killing anyone or at least 2, 2, 2 and 1 if someone is hard to find.
I do that because I play survivor too and I know getting tunneled stinks, but at the same I get WHY players tunnel the math backs it up to be a good strategy.
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i had a game vs trapper where, and i am not BSing you, we popped 3 gens at the same time at the beginning of the game. this was after i, as Jake, sabotaged a hook to do my challenge. by the time we got those gens done (and after i sabo) he managed to get a single hook.
this wasn't SWF and at least in my case wasn't just sweaty gen rushing, i just happened to have one right by me after i did my sabo.
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Was the Jake in very dark blue jacket in Mac Milan world? I had a Jake sabo all hook force me to basement hook.
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The Myers game is a meme
Scratched Mirror gamer