the Game map is just unfun and boring for both sides

the map is just soooooo annoying, boring, stupid and unfun to Play on. for Killer AND Survivor. there are so many closed doors which led to you being caged in one empty room while you get chased, teammates getting into second hook stage/ dying because you cant reach them in time. stairways are just leading in one direction so you have to run around the entire stairs to use them. nearly everywhere you drop down you get staggered so badly you cant run away fast enough. as Killer the map (or at least on my screen) the map is so dark you cant see survivors properly, there are only unmindgameable pallets in every second room. if you bring bamboozle on huntress what i usually do you are screwed the second you spawn on this map. the map is also very ugly (not the design itself, it Matches well with the SAW Franchise, but Overall ist just an ugly Grey Building). everytime i Play on this map i wanna DC instantly….
is there anyone relating to me out there or am i alone with this opinion?
I agree. Same with the Haddonfield map, that map is also boring but at least has a bit better gameplay on it.
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Unpopular opinion: It's my favourite map for both roles, rank 1 trapper main and rank 1 Kate and Bill mains with Balanced landing, damn, that perk is amazing here...
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Of course you're not alone, but we're pretty much opposites.
I like it.
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God I hate the rng on this map so much
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I don't mind this map. The hatch is always easy to find at least as it always spawns on the ground floor.
Don't mind it as killer either. Although the big terror radius doc strategy is now no more...
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As a Myers main, I love this map.
Dropping down and hitting survivors when they least expect it is one of my favorite things to do.
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This is one of the few maps that isn't survivor sided (except for gate location). Of course it's going to be a favorite of killers compared to the normal mess.
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The only thing I like about the map is that the terror radius can be heard from above. Even if there's no way down. It messes with with people
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I main Michael as killer and love it.
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The Game in a nutshell: Run to safe pallet. Camp safe pallet. Drop safe pallet. Run to another safe pallet. Camp safe pallet. Drop safe pallet.
(Still think Haddonfield is way more boring).
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yep as a guy who plays mainly killer its just bad.. I love it that it belongs to realy low percent of killer sides maps, but its just boring. Every pallet is pretty much safe so you have to broke it.. there are no mindgames nothing just as people says run, drop, broke and another one..
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You can still cover around 75% of the map with Distressing and Calm Carter's notes and Calm Class 2
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Absolutely hate this map as Clown.
Not a lot of the pallets are loopable and people are generally encouraged to just sit at the pallet, drop, run to the next one, repeat for the entire game. It sucks when people do this on the other maps but there's always the chance one or two of the survivors will try to loop. This map actively encourages you to play in such a way that's extremely boring and makes my power next to useless (outside of throwing it down the pipe so a survivor lands in the gas after that long drop. That's fun)
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Yeah, the most boring pallets in DbD. Most of the time the survivor has to throw them. And the Killer has to destroy it. It's basicly an automaton, that plays itself.
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I actually really like the lower floor. There are so many different LoS blockers. It allows for a bunch of mind games.
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I acrually enjoy The Game map especially with long lunge killers
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You’re not wrong. It’s because the map is all extremely safe pallets which leads to pallet kicking simulator.
Then when all the pallets are gone, the survivors have nothing. There is maybe two or three vaults on the entire map.
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I dont mind it for either side myself
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I rather enjoy The Game...on both sides.
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Really? That’s an interesting view on it, I main Pig and Clown so Pig is pretty good for this but I find Clown is excellent when it comes to the higher floors where there are less pallets and more open space so you can slow down survivors and jog right up to them. Super useful with an anti-healing build too!
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I would vote this worst map for me. I have such a hard time chasing people here with Wraith. I hate having 2 levels to try to find them. And worst is this seems to be the map I get most often. I don't play a lot but this weekend played 9 games and 4 of them were The Game, one time back to back. Made me want to DC, but stuck it out and got destroyed by survivors.
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It's my least favorite map. The man problem I have with it is it's just ugly. There's very little interesting about how it looks
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I was playing tombstone meyers on that map... I dc'd.
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I wanna die with Haddon field, I hate this map for killer aswell
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It's just a bunch of safe pallets and windows, if the match ends before all pallets are exhausted, survivors win. If the match does not end before all pallets are exhausted, killer wins. It's the most boring map in the game imo.
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I hate the Game. I dont know if its boring or not, I just hate it.
Its very confusing for surviviors, with a lot of RNG, while it also has shitton of pallets which makes the Game annoying to killers too. Oh yeah, and the window spawnd in the lower floor are annoying too, its a freaking labiryth of RNG... Oh, and that one staricase with an guiding arrow pointing at a dead end... Oooof. Geys me every time, on both sides lol.
Some people say Haddonfield is bad too, but I think other than loooooong fences its ok.
The maps I hate are CORN maps, these are definitely survivior sided, my "looping" tactic is to go into the corn and run in random circles until killer loses me 10/10 tactic.
So yeah, the Game sucks, but its only one map, you have way higher chance to be sent to the CORN realm.
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That map is amazing on survivor. Hands down favorite. Here's what ya do ok. Go to YouTube and turn on the theme to the saw movies. It adds this next level ambiance to it. I'm telling you try it cause it really makes that map enjoyable :)
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It's one part the map just being boring in my personal opinion and another part I feel like more than most of the maps the game really relies on what build you ran. When I'm running anti-heal or pallet breaker builds the map generally goes my way. However my main displeasure with the map generally comes from the fact that I run a build that works to "Get rid of the pallets and then get a four man slug off of one or two mistakes" The game makes that very hard as a map due to the large amount of pallets making dead zones harder to create and the maps really small size making KO, a core perk for my build virtually useless.
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Haddonfield is my favorite map out of them all. It's fun as a Killer and entertaining as a Survivor.
Least favorite would absolutely be Backwater Swamp. It's just a rather dull and uninteresting map. It needs to be redone from top to bottom, side to side.
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In my opinion, there needs to be more window vaults, becasue it's literally just filled with pallets.
They could do some pretty neat and cool things with the vaults too on this map. You could have a vault thats leads down into one of those drops in the middle that you see everywhere.
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I agree, but I have more problems with the Lery's Memorial Institute because it gives the killer the advantage. There are way to many narrow pathways, so you can't joke the killer and the exits are so hard to find.
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I ment juke instead of joke