Is Ghostface a trash tier killer?
Nice bait
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He definitely isn't. Knowing your map layouts will help tremendously with trying to stay hidden and activating his power while in chase can confuse the survivor and leave them open for attack. He's also able to get really close to survivors to get the first hit and builds like his no heal build can weaken survivors a lot imo.
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Ghostface himself is fine.
It's the people who play him that are the problem*.
*not all Ghostface players, just those who feel it's necessary to endlessly camp/tunnel with their broken stealth ability. Broken as in detection, btdubbz.
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no? why would he be trash? i'm a ghostface main and i can tell he's definitely NOT trash.
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Ok. I have nothing to say to you if you're gonna be a troll. Be constructive next time and maybe I'll explain why I asked.
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No Ghostface's I play against (at least on console) have any time to get downs, even with the free first hit. I haven't seen one legitimately win in quite a while. :/
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Alot of Ghostface players on console must not ne playing optimally then. They think turning off the red stain means "guess they'll never see me coming now!"
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Just wondering because 95% of the time, console Ghostface's get genrushed. :/
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You would think, but Spine Chill is kind of a dead giveaway. So is Xbox Party Chat. These idiots play that way, and get gen-rushed because of it.
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Ghostface is A tier. He has the most powerful stealth ability in the game.
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Just wondering cause alot of PS4 Ghostface's lose. More than the Wraith at this point.
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maybe they're new ghostfaces? you just gotta know how to apply pressure. i do very well with ghostface though i don't always win and i shouldn't always win.
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His base power is that he can Expose Survivors and down Survivors while being Undetectable. He also has 115% movement speed.
You can answer this question yourself.
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Ok this is the absolute LAST time I answer why I asked this.
I. Asked. Because. Alot. Of. PS4. Ghostface's. Get. Genrushed.
It's getting really frustrating having to constantly explain the same thing over and over. I just wanted to know if anyone else was having Ghostface's who haven't been performing very well.
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Wraith himself isn't as bad as people make him out to be. I can 3-4k consistently with GF.
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Pretty much this. The killer himself is pretty good. The people who play him are usually the worst.
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Being a high tier Killer and getting genrushed aren't mutually exclusive.
If the person playing Ghostface messes up, gets a bad map, doesn't slug, or faces Survivors that know what they're doing and are on comms, they'll probably get genrushed.
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Honestly i don't think he is. In my opinion there are other killers who have less potential than Ghostface as of now.
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He's good... not extremely good, but definitely not bad either. Definitely better than Wraith and Pig in terms of stealth.
Knowing that you're up against a Ghostface can really keep the pressure on when you're doing gens.
I agree however that most people that play as him don't use him correctly. Usually when a Ghostface hooks me, they run away to look for another survivor while activating Night Shroud. So I deactivate his power by looking at him from the hook. Big brain Ghostface.
And the genrush applies for nearly every Killer as the game is now. Maybe Hillbilly, Nurse and Spirit can handle it a bit better, but they better be good at chases, otherwise those gens are going to pop fast.
But yeh, I don't think he sucks at all. He has the potential to be a good Killer. It's the players who decide how much of that potential is going to be milked.
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my man derpface can be good with right perks and addons
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If you say yes you're either inexperienced, or just bad.
-P3 Ghostface main when I'm not playing Ace as survivor
Post edited by Gcarrara on0 -
Was just asking opinions.
Post edited by Gcarrara on0 -
No? GhostFace is top three, just behind Nurse, and Spirit.