What would make this game scarier?

Aside from a few killers providing jump scares, this game has very few things that make it feel like a horror game. What would you add to the game to make it better?
We have got David topless, but what would really scare me is a topless Trapper.
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More nerfs.
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4 Killers surviving against 1 Survivor.
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Maybe if sprinting while in a chase looked frantic instead of a morning jog.
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Think game is scary enough already
I scared af every time when i face 4man swf with toolboxes
Post edited by Pornbjörn on7 -
By “scare” you mean topless Daddy Trapper would “excite” you, right???RiGhT?????????!
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Darker maps with dynamic lighting, just think of swinging lights in the wind and what light and shadows they would cast.
Heck maybe weather, imagine having to be more careful in the rain due to the sound you make walking in puddles, or in snow.
Or maybe thunder being able to hide some of hte noise.
More dynamic nastyness, ooze, blood dripping, wind rushing.
Better voice acting for the screams of pain, right now its just silly really. and actually also Killer screams, some freaky howl behind you could go a long way to get you running for you life I would think.
Proper gore both in the scenery and with mori's.
Post edited by ZoneDymo on8 -
Maybe killer not being a total ######### joke and survivors having less second chance perks
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More stealth killers lol the stealth killers always keep me on my toes even if I’m doing gens fast but also add weather like rain or snow .. make it darker aswell
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It’s hard to try and make a game like this scary. After you’ve played the game for awhile nothing really scares you anymore except of course for the occasional jump scares.
There is a reason why most horror games are so short, because the people who make those games realize that it’s impossible to keep you constantly scared throughout the game unless they resort to the cheap jump scares.
Also by adding more horror elements to DBD you would end up making the gameplay more annoying. If they make the maps darker that would just end up buffing blendettes, if they ad sound effects that mess with key noises like a gen being worked on and the heartbeat it could cause frustration for both sides. DBD doesn’t need to focus on being scary, it just needs to focus on polishing their game that at its base is a fun game.
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Music. You can change the entire mood of something with different music. Make the ambiance more suspenseful while the chase more energetic.
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Only if he has little bear traps on his nipples for censorship. Otherwise my mind wont he able to handle it.
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No voice comms.
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Doc's max madness run looks good. Genuinely looks like the survivors are scared for once.
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More Gore, and a loud sound queue when being hit by a stealth killer
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Thats just Legion
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The games ambiance needs serious improvements. I know it's toned down for performance but there is so much missed opportunity with lighting, sounds, dynamic weather etc.
They want to give more information to the survivors as well, but there is fear in the unknown. Having so much information at all times reduces the horror factor.
Then there's also the issues of just weak killers. You can't really be scared of something that isn't that dangerous. With so many second chance perks to bail them out it's hard to be fearful of mistakes.
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Not Dbd has to be scary and it's supposed to be.
Have you seen 2016 Dbd?This is how the game should look right now.
And not all of us are competitive, ok?
Some of us want to enjoy the game and bring some old times back.
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The game needs to take away all of the information it gives players. The devs have this bizarre desire to make the game "competative" when that's an impossibilty. I don't want to be told when somone is running a perk, let me figure that ######### out on my own. Instead, i work on a gen and get told that I'm being boosted by a teammate. A person gets hooked and I'm told they're running huntress' lullaby. The killer walks towards me and the unnerving pressence icon pops up, so I know when they're coming before the terror radius even gets loud enough to hear. I spawn in and look to my left and, oh! There's a flaming pile of skulls! Better take away the killers perk! The devs have no idea how to play their own game and the design choices reflect this like a polished mirror.
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What is the point you are trying to make here? Yes back in 2016 the game was darker, but it was also a barely functioning video game. Making every map dark again is not going to make the game better, it will only making things harder for the killer because they need good vision on the survivor to get them. Making the game darker will only be a blessing for survivors not for the killer, so no it will not make the game scarier.
I don't get what you mean by not all of us are competitive? Are you saying that you play immersed? Because if so then I could see why you would want the game to be made darker, so that it could benefit your immersive playstyle.
Everyone wants to be able to enjoy the game but focusing on the horror element of the game is not going to make anything better. They need to focus on stuff like, map design, perk and killer buffs/nerfs, bug fixes. This is stuff that is more important weather you are a casual or competitive player.
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- No more aruaras or scratch marks
- Mandatory 1st person POV for survivors
- Darker lighting
- Weather changes
- Darker red stain
- Less 2nd chances for survivors and more power to killers
Dbd is currently treated as an E-sports festival by most survivors thanks to the way the game is designed. Killer has to be sweaty in order to even have a chance to pip against good survivors. At this point I don't think dbd could ever truly be a horror game. It can be horror-themed, but not an actual horror game like Silent Hill.
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Less handholding information for survivors and a lot less safe zones would make the game scarier
But it's really hard to keep a game like this scary. Play any horror game for the same amount of hours you played dbd and you'll also find the scare factor dwindeling
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Really survivors just need to be dumped in 1st person.
The 3rd person perspective removes a layer of attachment and investment from the player and a hell of a lot of tension. Not being able to look away from a gen when you hear the heartbeat getting louder would freak the ######### out of people.
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Map design, perk and killer buffs/nerfs and bug fixes are always getting looked at.It doesn't take much effort from the visual team to make the game more atmospheric.Oh, and also not to mention how the balance and visual team are two different teams who work on different parts of the game.And if killers not being able to see in the dark maps is so much of a problem for you then why don't they keep how the game looks right now only for killers?And it will also be canon to the lore of the game.
Survivors can have the old look and lightning back.Which would also make sense because they should always be at suspense.
And don't call me, a player who has played this game since July of 2016 an immersed survivor because i haven't been one since 3 years.
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"What would make this game scarier?"
If the killers were actually a threat to the survivors.
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Sorry for calling you immersed, It's was just the impression I got from what you were writing. As for your suggestion to have different lighting depending on the role you are playing,it is still at the end of the day pointless.
Making the game darker for survivors is not going to change anything about the game. If they did that change no one would care, survivors who played the game for more then 10 hours will not feel more suspense, because there is still a killer terror radius, loops, etc that give no suspense to the survivor at all no matter if it's dark or not.
You could say a darker atmosphere could make killers like ghost face and myer's scarier but those killers cause jump scares even with the brighter look.
Instead of just simply changing the tone of the lighting of the maps I would prefer if they focused more on just updating the visuals instead of downgrading it to 2016 visuals for the nostalgia. Just look at the new lery's, They completely revamped the visuals of it to make it look way better then it did before. I'm down for changes like that to the visuals.
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I completely agree with more atmosphere and dimmer lighting but the devs don’t seem to be all for that. I thought the new lighting for the Yamaoka Estate maps was perfect but people complained it was too dark to see survivors / see stealthy killers so someone said they were ‘looking into it’ or something along those lines.
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Put survivors in first person
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New Lery's looks fantastic.But changing one map won't make the others change.We would have to wait for 2 to 3 years for all maps to look like that.
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Ambiguity is important in creating suspense or dread. Every detection perk needs a visual overhaul. No more glowing silhouettes. Bond makes people into stick figures that can't determine proximity. Spine chill activates only with line of sight. Empathy shows a bleeding heart streaking blood across the screen. Object of Obsession periodically flashes a still frame of the killer instead.
I'd even argue health states should be hidden, though that may be too much.
And dynamic weather would be nice for out door zones. Indoor could have it too I guess with power outages and rain seeping in. "Fog" just doesn't cut it. It needs to actually obscure distance. All it does now is darken the level for blendettes.
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Name and Shaming DC'ers would be pretty scary.
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I think this is stuff they could add into a DBD 2 when next gen releases. Would definitely amp things up and be refreshing to have alot more of real gritty scare tactics in the game.
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Maybe if scratch marks were removed maybe slightly highlighted foot prints? Would make it feel like you are a tracker as killer than seeing some red ######### pasted everywhere