Involuntarily Survivor Main

I want to play both killer and survivor, but every time I try to play killer, it takes me 20-30 min OR MORE to get a match at rank 20. Yes, I've heard the queue times aren't as long in higher ranks, but if I'm waiting this long CONSTANTLY then why tf would I continue to play killer until I rank up. It's boring, all I do is wait. I'm kinda sick of this.
That's weird, since most killer lobbies are like 5 second waits, where survivors are the 5-10 minute waits. I suppose it depends on the region you live in too
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yeah for me its hte other way around, which sucks because today im just not having fun playing at all.
but yeah survivor lobbies take forever, killer is instand for me.
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Yea not enough survivors
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Not for rank 20 killer. it literally takes half an hour. I am timing it.
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I recently encountered this problem after returning to PC. It picks up speed around rank 15. Rank 10 or so is near instant lobbies.
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Keep trying. I had this same issue, but it gets better as soon as you hit yellow ranks.
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You kinda just have to bite the bullet. I spend a day grinding Legion to rank 11 and now my queues times are fine. There was also some luck involved because I'd never played killer before but happened to be somewhat decent
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that's the problem. it's boring to keep trying and I have no interest in waiting 30 min for a match.
It's not fun. In order to rank up you have to spend hours to do it with 30+ min wait times, especially if you're new to killer and also not to mention when people don't load in. I don't have long stretches of time that I can spend doing this. It's stupid. I have a life outside this game and I don't intend to spend my time off WAITING for a match.