I feel like this sums up about 90% of the player base of this game

I realize I missed a cuss word. I don't know how to delete 😢
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Thanks for censoring it, can’t imagine the distress of reading those HORRIBLE words
also he’s right lol
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I just figured it would be against the rules. But I missed a word and will probably be punished now because I don't know how to delete it
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The entity impales her struggling victim, strapped on a meat hook with a blood curdling scream.
The survivor stares down at the pool of blood as red pours down his body, and as life ebbs he says a word you can't say on television.
The entity starts crying and releases the survivor.
"He said a bad word I don't want it anymore."
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Yea there are a lot of ignorant players ngl.
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We have reached a very weird point... survivor using DS/BT to compensate for failures (times 4...) and thus rank up more then they deserve just to complain why queue times are so long in red ranks...