some of these bugs are getting out of hand

within the last week iv seen a countless amount of game breaking repeat bugs.

  • gas heaven is extremely broken at the store side where theres a sink hole that gets u stuck and denies a window vault
  • a very random bug where a survivor is stuck forever and the killer cant pick them up and the survivor gets a 3rd person spectate of the killer like the killer is holding them. survivor is forced to dc.
  • iv seen evidence of people jumping off high areas and the basement bug shows up when they hit the floor
  • being put into lobbys where the server is 300+ ping

what is going on...? i would love a dev response please.


  • geishroy
    geishroy Member Posts: 139

    dev response:


  • NullEXE
    NullEXE Member Posts: 1,632

    I've noticed that the lobby bug is back. Where if you click "Cancel" to be removed from "Looking for match..." - You still get placed into a match. So we also have more people afk in the start of matches, including it happened to me twice. So i'm now making sure i'm in the title screen before stepping away from my computer.

  • maximizer12
    maximizer12 Member Posts: 75

    Ive had one where the ui doesnt show up so you cant even see skill checks, how many gens are left, or players health state. I experienced the survivor being stuck so many times and I dont even know why playing killer is still fun.