At the end of the day...

If my fellow teammate has told me OR given me the sign that they are on the hatch and our odds of escaping are slim and the killer wants to be sweaty for the 4K.
“Thou shall DC for others to get hatch!”
I’ve always DCed to give someone the hatch as I don’t care and I don’t mind sacrificing my BPs so that some else can get out.
DC? Should I been punished for it? Lol No. Hopefully this DC penalty is actually not here to stay - Honestly it’s pretty petty move especially for people who support it to make this a thing.
You can’t chain someone’s hands to the table and say you aren’t gonna move until this game is done because I say so. Here comes the “WELL JUST DONT PLAY THE GAME!” People. Honestly just STFU •_•
Can’t just screamed the well just don’t play the game. THEY BOUGHT THE GAME just like you. Imagine putting countless hours into a game and some just tells you to just don’t play the game derrrrrr. *insert brain dead here*
If I get Rottenfields as killer or any COLDWIND map as killer do you think that’s gonna stop me from leaving in the beginning of the match? No
I will literally pull my cord, afk in a corner, kill myself, etc if I have too. I will not let some timeout stop me from playing what games I wanna play because big cry babies survivors crying about there teammates leaving early game/ mid game/ whatever or killers crying about not getting there STACKs or kills. You got thousands of more games ahead of you.
AT the end of the day you do not dictate what games anyone plays and what mood anyone is in from what match they are playing.
You wanna tunnel off hook, bye. Mori of hook, bye you wanna camp, bye wanna bring an obnoxious build, bye what killer is this?, bye. ######### teammates, bye. Sandbagging, bye. I just don’t have time for it.
I pick my sanity over being annoyed because of a match.
I’m not here to be a survivors or killers puppets. I’m here for me so that I can have a fun time. bump you I bought this game for me to play, not for me to be helpless while you play. This game just has way too many issues and this DC penalty is just egging on to this issues making the situation worse IMO.
Why not address issues for the survivors and killers DCing. Fix your game maybe DC would be less. Granted there will always be people who DC just because but you can decrease that number if you bother fix the addresses issues.
Map designs and Map RNG.
Why just why out of the 33 maps 80% is always COLDWIND farm. I play Ghostface I CAN’T STALK THROUGH THE CORN and the map is so big. I should’t even getting COLDWIND by default unless someone picks the map. Certain killers shouldn’t get certain maps if you aren’t gonna change the map layout. Bad RNG is a cause from DCs.
Latency and Hitboxes. Fix dedicated servers.
Sometimes people just get dedicated and it can be completely unfair either though grabs and vaulting windows, exhausted on the ground, hits not registering.
Obnoxious behavior in general.
Some people soul purpose is to make the game a living hell from the other opponent. So people body block people forcing them to DC, Mori spamming , (I’m fine with a mori spammer who does it for fun does it for a couple of seconds,) But for some people with the attention to get survivors to DC Tunneling and camping making the survivor unable to play the game. Annoying builds, sandbagging on purpose, working with the killer.
There’s just too many problems just to slap a DC penalty face saying we don’t care about how you feel.
I have hundreds of friends that ask me about this game is it worth buying and you know what I always tell them. No, buy this game is the worse way to spend your money.
Maybe if you actually improve the game instead of continuously slapping a “BRUH MOMENT.” I would recommend people to buy your game, but as of now especially with the DC penalty activated at the moment my recommendation still stands with me telling others it’s not worth the money nor the time.
So you admit to being petty in order to keep the killer from getting a kill while calling the penalty a petty move? I can't follow.
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Gee, another complaint thread from an entitled survivor main. It is petty of you to deny the Killer the bloodpoints that they would receive for chasing and hooking you.
If you DC because something happened in game that you didn’t like, or got a map you didn’t enjoy, then you shouldn’t be playing this game.
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This is a post literally about why the DC penalty exists
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killer denies survivors points, survivors denies killers points. *insert kappa emoji here*
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Head, meet ass.
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I play both roles equally Thank you very much. :P
Ah one of those *insert YOU SHOULDNT PLAY THIS GAME here*
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By this logic every survivor about to die should DC to deny points to the killer. So you are the reason the penalty exists.
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Exactly. This.
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what killer is this?, bye
So you're one of those people, huh?
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Yeah just play Civ, it's BHVR-approved!
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If a killer is tunneling, tunneling with mori of hook, or camping you think a survivor should just deal with it.
Yeah no I have very little tolerance for BS. And truly you aren’t worth my time.
If I’m doing die with 9k Or least points I’m not giving you anymore points. That’s fair.
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*makes it 4 paragraphs into the original post*
Yup.. you're the reason they implemented the disconnect penalties. You only have yourself to blame. The community thanks you for your service.
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Your exact position is, killer takes points from survivor, survivor takes points from killer. Any time the killer kills someone it is taking away their escape points. This childish salt is the reason the DC penalty is good for the game.
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They implemented because of the cry baby survivors and killers crying about their game being RUIN :P over something leaving the game. I see you are one of those people UwU
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If A KILler is TunNelinG and ThE sUrVivOr isn’T maKinG aNy pOintS thEy ShOuLd HavE a RiGht tO lEavE ThE gAme. NEver SaID wHenEver THe KiLlEr kILlS sOmeOne wITh 20K oR moRe BP. iS thIs ClEaR?
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I was going to say something witty and clever, but everyone already beat me to it.
If you want to exploit game mechanics to get around a killer, then you are one of the prime reasons the D/C punishment exists. Enjoy your penalties while you sulk in a corner.
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So you did not make a comment stating killer denies survivor points, survivor denies killer points insert kappa emoji? So now you won't dc if you're slugged for the 4k if the killer has 20k points? You're becoming hard to believe the way you're all over the place. And if you don't see how everyone thinking they have the right to rob others of points because someone is not playing the way they see fit then are the reason for this penalty.
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Never said I was tilted, it’s very rare, but I do have very low tolerance for BS. I like this game and I shouldn’t told to not play because I’m unhappy with some matches. You play this game for you not for others.
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If you played both roles equally, then you would have understood why Survivors DCing to give their teammates an advantage is unfair for the Killer and wouldn’t have had to post this complain thread.
Entitled Survivor is Entitled.
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Disconnecting to give the other Survivor hatch?
You said it, "pretty petty move"
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I guess you’re one of those player that cry about there BBQs huh?
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So an entire novel about why you should be allowed to DC.
Completely disregarding how it affects other people in game.
DCing to give hatch is, at the core, an exploit of design. Defending it with this rant is just....sad.
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You play this game WITH others. Not for others.
If you queue up with 4 other people, you deciding to be done with it isnt just affecting you anymore. If you cant handle the outcome, dont queue up. Period.
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Nice of you to assume, but no. It sucks that people disconnect for ######### reasons, but I never complained about it because I don't play in a way that makes people disconnect against me often. I'm still glad they decided to implement punishments though. Make people think twice about being babies.
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Your broken typing just makes your point seem less valid. No, they shouldnt be allowed to DC just because they got caught first and tunneled. Those are the ######### breaks.
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I’ve had survivor DC to give other the hatch, I’ve had survivor with keys escaping though the hatch. I could care less if that escape I’ll will take what I got. 1k , 2k, 3k I’ll with take it I’m not sweat lord over a 4k
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Imagine them playing a team sports game.. Let's say team tennis.. and giving up halfway through the match "######### this I'm out" and leaving their partner on their own.
Or turning a 5 on 5 hockey game into a 5 on 4.. Or 5 on 2, because 2 other players in the same team did it too, because why the ######### not.
Or any other examples.
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Yes, a survivor should just deal with it. Like a killer has to deal with BT and DS when they happen. They dont DC usually. And they shouldn't ever.
"No tolerance for BS"
1st- disconnecting out of spite or tilt IS bs.
2nd- what BS? You getting caught first? You not making points before getting caught? THAT'S ALL ON YOU BOO BOO.
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Why are you changing the goal posts now? We were discussing you crying about why you DC. Which started with to give someone the hatch. Then changed to if the killer denies points, then changed to if the killer plays a way you don't like, then changed to being based on how many points the killer has. You're giving me a headache.
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You wanna tunnel off hook, bye. Mori of hook, bye you wanna camp, bye wanna bring an obnoxious build, bye what killer is this?, bye. [BAD WORD] teammates, bye. Sandbagging, bye. I just don’t have time for it.
End quote
Well, if you dont have much time i suggest you to stop dc-ing from now on :) it seem ban time can get pretty long pretty fast
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You being ok with it≠ other Killers being ok with it. DCing to give hatch is poor sportsmanship.
DC punishments are a good thing, it’ll weed out the entitled players like you.
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You are the entitled one :P
I play for fun.
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Says the person who posted a thread crying about DC punishments.
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I never cried or ranted. I just stated my opinions, but I guess I’m not allow to have an opinion on the internet am I
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So if you read the OP plus your comments you have basically stated that you DC when the game is not going your way. Which is what most people assumed was the reason many players DC for to begin with. Was the purpose of this post to reinforce everyone's belief?
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If you going to implement the DC penalty at least do it RIGHT. Try to fixed some of the causes of DCing. Make it were people will DC least. You will always have that one person DC every now and then, but everyone so quick to point fingers, but nobody wanna address the problems.
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And nobody crying or ranting maybe read full post next time :P
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Why would I do that when you change the entire subject to me crying about something that was never even mentioned? :P
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Yes and your fun is denying other player's fun. We get it, you care only about yourself having fun while lacking any sence of game sportmanship that PvP games have.
Maybe you haven't heard but in multiplayer gaming there are set rules you have to obey otherwise you'll get penalised. Just go ahead and try to excessively leave, AFK or any other offence in any major PvP game and you'll see yourself penalised or even banned pretty fast. Luckily for you DBD is rather tolerant in this matter but eventually you might have to switch to another game if you can't have fun without leaving so many matches you don't like.
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I Play COD. It’s nothing, but a DC feast over there.
*insert player lost all their perks so they left the match emoji*
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I said major ;)
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You look minor (:
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Holy cow, survivor mains are ANGRY at the penalties.
I guess denying points was a victory
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Guess they'll go even harder than before at trying to get noed nerfed, now that they can't disconnect without punishments anymore!
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Did anyone else correctly predict that this would be a thread about being salty over DC penalties?
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How is BHVR supposed to fix the "problem" of why people dc when most of your reasons (dc to give hatch, map you don't like, build you don't like, killer tunnels or camps) are just you bring petty/entitled?
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And they will probably succeed as usual
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Whining about DC penalty is why I despise this community. When you get 4 escape it's "GG ez baby killer lol" but when he tries 4K suddenly he's sweaty tryhard camper tunneler so the only counter is IQ300 DC tech...
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dc penalty system's here and it's here to stay so deal with it or go play f13 everyone hating on it are just salty players who found out that they can't throw a hissy fit anymore without getting a well deserved repercussion, good job bhvr
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Easy to predict, all the topics about penalties being unfair end up being that way.