I can't play killer anymore.

Let me start off with the fact that I am not a good killer. I suck at them but I like playing them. Recently, it seems I can only get Red Rank Survivors, most oftenly Rank 1 Survivors. I am Rank 10 as of right now, and I can barely play cause of this. I'm constantly getting rolled by whoever I play against no matter who I play as. I wish they'd fix this already, aren't survivors supposed to be at max 5 ranks above you? Is there any tips for how I should adapt to this?


  • Slaughterhouse3
    Slaughterhouse3 Member Posts: 902

    Just play for points and get as much as possible to level up other characters for now! I am also a pretty casual player do to time but I still find ways to enjoy the game :) I hope it is fixed soon though.

  • Oicimau
    Oicimau Member Posts: 897

    I am using this to improve my gameplay as killer. Never got so many 360, dribles, 180, loops... in the beggining its hard. But then you learn.

    But, im a devotion 7 player. Dont know how a starter may deal with this.

  • AceOfSpades1773
    AceOfSpades1773 Member Posts: 74

    I'm resorting to NOED and tunneling to get kills. In my last 4 matches I collectively have gotten 2 kills. It's unbearable at this point.

  • Foxfire47
    Foxfire47 Member Posts: 232

    You know, I know exactly how you feel. I played as Killer the other night and I have had a few rounds that were just completely horrible. I have just decided to mess around with Killers I usually don't play or perk builds I have been wanting to try. I gave up on trying to care about my rank actually. I'm a good Killer with Demogorgon and Spirit so I figured this would be a good chance to learn other killers and study what survivors do throughout the match. There have been a few red ranks that have been nice to me and not be toxic.Another thing you can do is play survivor and learn that way too which surprisingly does help.

    I'm sure you want to rank up in the future which I don't blame you for. Believe me, the matchmaking is frustrating, I totally get it but I actually have been taking advantage of this to learn from others. I hope this helps.

  • fleshbox
    fleshbox Member Posts: 494

    How many of you are hoping the MMR system will "fix" this?

    They have not done anyting about this in three years now so what makes you think they will fix the rank differrences in games all of a sudden?

  • Coder
    Coder Member Posts: 747

    Killer is fun, it's waaaay more fun than survivor. But it requires a lot more skill than playing survivor. It's true that if you're not really a good killer, you have to rely on NOED or something to have a little fun yourself, since gens go by insanely fast for a new killer.

    Of course you have the "git gud" argument, but I think it's unfair that you have to be a pro to have fun at a game.

  • AsePlayer
    AsePlayer Member Posts: 1,829

    Killers already get waaaay more points than survivor. Especially with BBQ.

  • DaGreenBolt
    DaGreenBolt Member Posts: 453

    Actually the ranking is +-6 ranks, but imo that's pretty unfair, and it should be +- 4. I don't get how a rank 13 player can face a rank 7 player and call that balanced mm under the +-6 rank rule. Heck even a rank 10 facing against a rank 4 killer/survivor (red ranks) under the +-6 rule.

  • AvisDeene
    AvisDeene Member Posts: 2,396

    Not everyone has BBQ and the blood points killers get for being matched up with survivors that are 7 or more ranks above them are no where near enough to cover the stress they get put under.

    It’s the low rank killers being matched against red ranks that are complaining about matchmaking, if they’re complain then they’re not doing great, therefore, they’re not earning many bloodpoints in the first place.

  • AceOfSpades1773
    AceOfSpades1773 Member Posts: 74

    I'll be for real with you, I have no idea what this "MMR" thing is. Is it gonna mess with the ranking?

  • Heartbound
    Heartbound Member Posts: 3,255

    Don't worry, a lot of the players I see can't play killer either.


  • fleshbox
    fleshbox Member Posts: 494

    They are not telling us much. They say skill level will be address but how on earth can you do that with so many variables in this game? This game is filled with variables from start to finish.

    Maps are rng, asset placements are driven by rng, players may not stick with their original perks they entered the lobby with - more rng, one player may leave the lobby, choice of addons.

  • fleshbox
    fleshbox Member Posts: 494

    But this is what new killers to the game had to put up with since day one. Just like new survs were never given brown ranked killers. We instantly had to learn to swim or sink. 5 million copies sold they boast. Where are all the people? Most sunk.

    Either you got better or you did not. I got better. New killers in the lineup also make thins a bit easier. I dont billy or nurse. I doc and freddy.

  • AceOfSpades1773
    AceOfSpades1773 Member Posts: 74

    Right now I've been playing Wraith, Doc, Freddy, and Huntress. Huntress is the "meta" out if the four, and I'm not good with her at all.

  • AsePlayer
    AsePlayer Member Posts: 1,829

    Rank doesn't mean much right now. They see 4 red ranks, sure, but there's a good chance that they play like green ranks anyways.

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266
    edited February 2020

    Im rank 13 as Myer last night

    • vs 2 Red 2 Purple in Gas heaven. Still able to 3 kills.
    • vs 4 Purple in Preschool. Still able to 4 kills.

    Brown addon, no Noed, no camp, no tunnel.

  • NoShinyPony
    NoShinyPony Member Posts: 4,570

    Do you still enjoy playing killer or do you feel like you have to force yourself?

    If you still have fun, think about what is important for you: pips, bloodpoints, kills or simply having fun chases. Based on that, decide how you want to play.

  • joker7997
    joker7997 Member Posts: 899

    I'm rank 5 killer which means I only get rank 1 and 2 survivors at this point, unless they bring a lower level friend. I always hold my own and make a game of things, but it's just not very fun because the survivors are such pricks. Last 4 games were 3I, 1k, 3k, 3k. By the end of that last one I was beat man. It's a chore.

  • Not anywhere close to enough for what they have to do and put up with. Not even remotely.

  • Laakeri
    Laakeri Member Posts: 835

    Honestly there is no difference between r1 - r15 survivors since the update on ranks after reset, they are all equally boosted on average and have no idea how to play tiles and die 10 seconds into chase.

    Im so happy when I get to verse survivor that knows the basics of runnig tiles. Or when I play survivor I get killer that tries to mindgame in tiles where its possible.

    Also here is good solid guide for running tiles
