Why Do The Devs Deny Auto Aim?

We know it's there. It exists and it's in the game!


  • Decarcassor
    Decarcassor Member Posts: 651
    edited February 2020

    The problem is that they kept saying the "aim dressing" can't give you hits you shouldn't have got, when what killer players have been asking about is that it appear to make you miss hits by swerving your camera into a wall of something.

    EDIT: Well, nevermind. They actually adressed this toward the end of the Q&A. The aim dressing can indeed cause you to miss hits. They are aware of it. But I wouldn't expect it to be fixed anytime Soon™.

  • NullEXE
    NullEXE Member Posts: 1,632

    Watch the stream. It's "aim assist".

    Something people need to understand about this topic is there are two things in video games that are common to "help people" or act as handicap's. Auto-Aim, and Aim Assist.

    Auto-Aim: Is the game automatically aim's at a target within your view, for example Borderlands when you start scope you immediatly target a subject infront of your character.

    Aim-Assist: Is the game will automatically move your camera or model so your attack that would have hit, or nearly hit - to hit.

    It's aim assist. They want us to call it "Animation Enhancement" - mentioned by Peanits in a Dev comment, or "aim dressing" as mentioned in the Livestream. Then they went on to only talk about how it's to make a hit that would have hit - hit, but intentionally to avoid the real reason everyone is complaining about it - which it's forcing Killer's to not hit, or hit objects near the survivor.

    Not because of latency, but because the "Aim Dressing" applies before the actual hit, so in the half a second (or less) time it's forcing your camera and model to colide the attack, a survivor can move 1 tick around an object - which puts the object between the killer and survivor, forcing the Killer's attack to go through on the object instead.

    I really hope I explained that well enough.

  • LetsPlayTogether
    LetsPlayTogether Member Posts: 2,117

    You should go to The Doctor. He will give you some Shock Therapy for as long as you imagine things, which were already explained.

  • YaiPa
    YaiPa Member Posts: 1,929

    Long story short: everyone is just debating on how to call it, but, no matter how you call it, it’s something that hinders the killer, making him miss many hits.

  • darkki
    darkki Member Posts: 35

    Just give us an option to disable this trash "feature" since 9/10 times it makes me miss a hit rather than make it.