Could we get a casual and a ranked mode?

IDK if this is something that has already been discussed, but I think about this a lot and I feel like it might be really beneficial and it might solve some of the issues many people have been having with SWF and playing against toxic bullies.
- Ranked mode would be ranked mode. Basically what we have now but obviously some things would still need to be fixed (like the ranking system.) No after game chat. DC penalties. Ranked mode would be meant specifically for players who want to play competitively.
Here are my ideas for a casual mode:
- SWF groups would ONLY be allowed in casual mode. this would help balance the competitive advantage you have with SWF comms and such and would make ranked mode more fair.
Casual mode would not be ranked by skill but instead would be ranked by "fun."
- IE At the end of the match everyone gives each player a thumbs up if they were nice and fun to play with. There would be no thumbs down because people tend to be salty when they lose. People who have more thumbs up are matched up with other who have more thumbs up, that way toxic people only get matched with other toxic people.
- Somehow it would have to be implemented to force people to rate other players (blood point bonus? cant leave without rating them?) and the ranking would be determined somehow by a ratio of thumbs up to number of matches played
- Blood points could only be earned in casual mode. This would discourage farming in ranked mode.
- DCing would be allowed, but since casual is only about having fun, they might be able to implement some game balancing measures to make it still playable. (like lowering the number of generators required if someone DCs in the first minute of the match)
I know that there are probably issues with some of the suggestions I made but I feel that playing a ranked game should feel like a commitment and a place to test your skill. We should be able to separate the people who just want to have fun from the people who want to do everything they can just to win because those two playstyles just don't mix.
Let me know what you guys think in general about a ranked vs casual mode and if you have any other ideas or disagreements with some of mine. For all I know this could be totally game breaking lol.
A casual mode would be great. Currently if I want to play with my friends I have to go on an alt account which has none of my cosmetics and none of my perks. Its kind of amazing that there isn't an unranked mode yet. My friends don't want to play against rank 1 killers when they're brand new to the game, it just isn't fun for either side in my opinion.
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It was a bad idea before, when it was suggested 498948594589 times, and it's a bad idea now.
It's a casual game. If it was any more casual it would literally be a party game. There's a reason they are changing matchmaking to not go by ranks anymore.
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I wasn't really saying that the game isn't casual. Mostly this suggestion was meant to fix some of the issues people have been complaining about by making both sides happy. although to be honest im not really sure how you can classify dbd as casual as the sheer amount of information you have to process really makes it seem more intense than a casual game.
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Everyone will just tryhard in casual mode and Ranked queue would be too long for anyone to bother with it tbh
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The only thing that isn't casual about the game is the players. It is a casual game. The players take it too seriously. It's FAR too RNG based to be anything but casual.
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It sounds good in theory, but the player base isn't big enough to support it.