DC penalty for killers

Ok so, the new dc penalty is ridiculous because survivors can kill them selves on hook but what can a killer do.. HMMMMMM It’s bologna because I am going to start playing a new killer and when I have no experience with them and I’m rank 8 and getting bullied what should I do, unless I want to be locked out of the game for ever?? This is bullshit.
The solution in my eyes is to punish people who excessively suicide on hook.
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umm.. ok?
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They're working on a new matchmaking system which should give you a different rank per killer.
As for now, just try not to care about winning. Just keep chasing survivors even if they're good because it will help you learn how to use the killer effectively. No pain no gain as they say.
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If the Survivors are obviously out of your league, just pretend you’re trying and let them do gens. If they see you’re not trying they’ll take their time.
Once gens are done, rush to the nearest door and open it to five EGC.
You also have the option to protect the Basement Chest.
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Having a ######### game is no reason to DC.
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If you feel like you're being bullied at rank 8, you likely dont belong there.
Also, the difference is if you DC you outright end the game. If one of them does it, they ######### over 3 people, but the game continues.
Dont try killers you dont know at higher ranks and EXPECT to do well. Wait until rank reset, do a kyf, or accept that playing at higher ranks with characters you dont know, wont go well.
But dont get mad about DC penalties over THIS. It makes it look like all the other ridiculous excuses for why people are mad they csnt DC for free now.
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Yeah at this point I’d be tempted to play with one of my better killers then run insidious and NOED
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It was literally just rank reset
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Eh try not to care about the result and if its really so bad just go afk in the basement facing the wall. They will leave soon
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I didn't see them say anywhere their new system would take individual killer skill into consideration, it will still probably be globally- unfortunately.
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Just let killers open the gates if a DC happens or X amount of time passes. Would give the killers an out, however I also don't want the remaining survivors to be effected with losing a pip if the killer just afks then opens gate. Basic idea to simply tweak for all.
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Just try not to care about winning? I highly doubt you would accept someone telling survivors to not care about escaping.
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I'd rather just allow either side to concede.
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Go to basement
Alt tab
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My concern with a single button press would be people who want to "derank" (especially groups of friends) who would just hit the button the moment a match starts, wasting everyone's time, BP and possibly pip (if they are not considered).
Basically no solution will be flawless because a holes exist to abuse it.
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A lot of survivors have learned not to care about escaping due to being put with potatoes. All you can do is pip and hope once you’re at rank 1 you’re going to be put with good survivors.
Not sure why you turned this into a killer or survivor issue either. I said there was something on the way which may help towards it but right now it’s not available, the devs aren’t going to roll out an update tonight to fix OP’s issues, therefore these things are out of their control and so all they can do is control what he/she does in the game until a fix comes along.
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For everyone, it’s not that I care about winning, it’s that I care about it being toxic survs that bully killer that have 1 perk, no addons and very little experience
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Identity V makes it so the entire Survivor team has to voluntarily surrender. I think you can only do it after a certain point in the game too.
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Its in the status update for the new matchmaking.
“In the future, we would like to extend this system to support different ratings for each killer, allowing you to practice a new killer without being immediately matched against high skilled players. This may not be included in the initial launch of the feature. “
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I went back and skimmed it and didn't see that, but I took that and went back and checked and sure enough yeah. That's awesome, that is one of the things the game really needed. Cool.
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And you're rank 8 after reset.
Which means you were either in red ranks before,
You werent but already ranked up that fast.
Yet you still feel bullied?
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Then spend your bloodpoints on them before trying to learn them as a child with no legs.
Give them something to work with BEFORE you try to play them without any idea how.
If you go in with no knowledge, no tools, and at a higher rank, ofc you're going to have a bad time. Literally everything is against you at that point.
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Yeah, really sorry that you cannot DC when you have a bad game. I am sure that my game will be great if I go against a Iri Head Huntress with Ebony.
But yeah, at least Killers should have the option to DC when they get "bullied" because they lose a game. /s
If you really want to cry, do it in a corner, face the wall and go AFK.
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Never had the chance to play Identity V.
Sadly I was one of the few people who cried real tears when Blizzar said "What you guys don't have phones!?"
(._. )