DC PENALTIES: Toxic Side Effects

Soooo, I'm sure there are already posts like this, but I just want to vent a little bit because now that DC penalties have been implemented, it seems that some players are now just trashing the game they're in by voluntarily dying if they don't like the situation.

It's been bizarre today.

This is no exaggeration: today I've seen at least 8 instances of players trashing an entire game and letting themselves die on the hook (even speeding up the process via escape attempts) because they got caught or they didn't like the killer or whatever. It's been the common theme for today. Players just screwing the other three of us still wanting to win.

Very, very lame. I imagine a little kid crying all over his keyboard every time this happens.

Whazza matter lil' guy... did you not get the ideal setup to launch yourself into the red ranks? Awwww. So, you ragequit and, similar to disconnecting, ruin the game for everyone else involved in the match... see, these are the kinds of people that need a good slap across the jaw IRL.


  • DwightOP
    DwightOP Member Posts: 2,328

    Other toxic side effect: killer bodyblocking survivors and say in endgame chat "enjoy the penalty" after DCing when trapped for 10+ minutes.

  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536

    Yeah all this has done is decrease one problem and increase another.

    I’s imagine thats the end of it though. To the devs its a job well done. Who cares about all the toxic behaviour trying to bait people into disconnecting now? Its all fine and healthy for the game.

    Who cares if people are just giving up on 1st hook? Its healthy for the game and fun for everyone else