What if DS lasted longer but deactivated as soon as you do something?


Personally I'd be perfectly happy if DS had no timer and was always active after getting unhooked but it deactivates as soon as you interact with another surv, a gen, etc. This way if actually being tunneled a good survivor would be able to run the killer all game and still get the benefit of DS. If you down someone 5 mins after they get unhooked and you still get hit by it, then you know they have just been running around, not doing gens, not helping others.

If someone starts healing/getting healed, doing a gen, saboing a hook, etc they're clearly no longer being tunneled and it's not the killer's fault this survivor doesn't know when to hide and when to do #########.

The only exception for this would be during endgame timer, in which I think the current timer system works somewhat fine? (Except it means a free escape 99% of the time, but my idea would be even more broken during EGC)


  • KrispiesChicken
    KrispiesChicken Member Posts: 171

    This could definitely work. Although I see some issues with it, it could discourage people wanting to do gens or be altruistic in order to keep their DS. Making solo queue even more of a headache than it already is

    But I can see where you're coming from and enjoy these type of threads. Threads that offer ideas to changes what's currently in the game that a good majority would say needs a rework or nerf.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,432

    I don't see the point of increasing the time. If you loop a killer for the current duration of 60 seconds yall already won the game unless your team was total potatoes. A Killer can't commit even remotely close to 60 seconds on a single chase and hope to win the game against good survivors.

  • TheMonadoBoi
    TheMonadoBoi Member Posts: 345

    Tbh I agree but if you don't give survs a buff alongside a nerf Devs don't listen and hell breaks lose with survivor mains.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,432

    That is the ridiculous trend they seem to like sticking to, but I think it's one we need to break.