We deployed a fix to solve an issue preventing players from unhooking, healing or picking up Survivors. Players will need to reboot to see the change reflected in-game. Thank you for your patience!

So look... Question for survivors.

I have been seeing this... Idk how to really explain it. Rift... I guess between the players where one side berates the other (and I have been defensive my self) but...

My question is simply this, how come when calling for nurfs to killers the algorithm is always "it rewards bad play" "every killer runs this" or "its too strong in all games" yet every survivor runs the exact same build? Lets be honest its always DS, BT, Exhaustion Perk, Iron Will. (Generally speaking a large % of games fit that criteria)

And we never look at those, or dismiss it instantly. When it fits the same criteria you guys set for killers?